Wednesday, December 21, 2011

We must learn to work together...gleanings from Philippians 2: 1-13

In this section of scripture Paul defines the necessity of working together in Christ Jesus. He emphasises the type of character we are to have operating in our lives and the power that comes with it.
 He describes how we can work out our salvation given to us (not earn our salvation) through the complete work Christ did for us at the Cross.
 Some think verses 5 through 11 could have possibly been a hymn that was sung in the early church, perhaps when they met together to "break bread"....hmmm...that is an interesting thought.....

 " Here is what I would have you ask yourselves. What really is it you expect to receive when you gave your hearts and lives to Christ Jesus?
 Has His love for you made an impact on your daily and individual lives? Is there a serene comfort inside you knowing the King lives in your heart? Have your hearts grown tender and compassionate toward both God....and your fellow man?
 You see, this is really what gives my own heart see His love in action among you! It is the mark of a Christian to learn to find things to agree on with one another, to work together with one frame of mind, and to love each other with all of your hearts.
 Don't lower your standards by becoming selfish or being conceited with an empty head full of arrogance. Instead, embrace the spirit of humility, and regard each other with utmost respect and in His love.
 Don't just focus on your own interests in life, but show interest and care in what is going on in the lives around you. What I am writing to you now is of utmost importance..that being to have the same mindset and the same attitude Christ Jesus had when He walked here...among us!

 "Though He was God, He thought not of equality with God,
   As something to be used for His own personal gain!
   He chose to give up all...for our sakes,
   To become a all mankind...choosing to be one of us!
   And when He was here...among us...He walked in humility
   Obedient to His death, and that death He gave for us
   Was the marvelous work of dying for the Cross!"

 And now my brothers and sisters, God, our Heavenly Father has exalted Him,
 given Him the Name...this Name that is above every name, that at the very name of Jesus,
 every knee must the heaven...on the earth...and those beneath the earth!
 Everyone, every tongue, and every nation in an open and complete agreement:
      Jesus Christ is Lord! the Glory of God the Father!

 What I am trying to say here is this: Simply keep doing what you have learned from the beginning! This great and glorious salvation given to us freely,which could never be earned, is to be displayed and shown in our own lives through the works we do in response to His love for us.
 While I myself cannot be with you at present, it is not of any less cause that you live your lives in a responsive manner to the Great Work done at the Cross. Be reverent in your daily tasks walking in obedience to His commands and knowing the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom itself.
 For you can know this as well, God our Heavenly Father is alive and working in each of you, giving you the tools you need...even the desire to follow Him...along with His power! All this is done to please and glorify Him...through what Christ Jesus has done...for us!

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