The church in Laodicea of Asia Minor is the last of the 7 churches Jesus had letters sent to in the Book of Revelation..and the Scriptures do not indicate how they were received...UPS, Fed Ex, or regular mail (lighten up...I know...) What is apparent...this letter was serious.....
Laodicea was about 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia, and was the wealthiest (in terms of money) of all the 7 churches.
The reasons were at least 2 fold:
1. Laodicea was renown for producing black wool from sheep. Are there really "black sheep? Yep! They are often referred to as more of a "dark sheep", and today Scotland (for example) is known for an area that raises "black sheep". Anyway, this soft and thick black wool (whether they actually had "dark sheep" or the wool were dyed one seems to know for sure) were used to make clothes during the 1st century in Laodicea, and then these clothes were sold on the open market. It was a highly coveted type of wool and brought good income to the residents of Laodicea who raised these type of sheep.
2. Another main source of income for Laodiceans came from their medical center. They were able to produce a wide range of medicines which were of demand in that time period. Two particular medicines of high demand were actually a type of for the eyes and one for the ears.
It seems ailments to the eyes and ears were quite common throughout the entire history of the Bible. The reasons are quite diverse from various historical data. It could have been the result of the type of climate ( arid ), lifestyles, or at certain times when eye and/or ear infections were highly contagious. Thought has also been given to the type of material to make household items...particularly those of minerals that would irritate the body... to the cosmetics (make-up) worn ...or even ear piercings. It is simply not clear. What is clear...these ointments from Laodicea brought much needed relief.
Overall, farms and commerce were strong in Laodicea, and it is recorded the "banks of Laodicea" contained large stocks...of gold!
Because of this wealth and strong trade, the Laodiceans seemed to take great pride in being self-sufficient. In fact, the word itself "Laodicea" is of Greek origin: "laos" meaning people, and "dyke" meaning decisions. One school of thought would interpret the meaning of the word "Laodicea": " a people capable of making their own decisions".
The ironic part of the city of Laodicea...was their water supply. The city itself did not have any water supply like a nearby river or deep wells with good water. Instead, archaeologists have discovered their water had to be piped in...approximately 6 to 7 miles away (which in that time period was "quite a stretch"). An aqueduct had been constructed that went to a water supply like a type of reservoir...or could have possibly been a hot spring. Some reports indicate the water itself may have had high sulphuric content, which would give it a bitter taste (for those of us who have tasted water with high sulphuric has a 'rotten egg' odor and not pleasing to the taste.
The problem with the long stretch of pipe to bring water into the city also became a problem.
1. If the water source happen to be a reservoir type basin, the water would travel through these long lengths of pipe and be a very lukewarm by the time it reached Laodicea.
2. If the water source came from a hot springs, the water would cool as it traveled through the pipes...becoming lukewarm by the time it reached it's destination.
3. In the most arid season, the water would simply dry up in the pipe, before it reached Laodicea.
Laodicea was a city of great wealth. when the Great Earthquake in 17 A.D. destroyed many cities in the area like Philadelphia, Laodicea was also hit hard and great damage occurred.
Yet, when Rome offered assistance to rebuild and repair the great amount of damage that had been done to the city, the Laodiceans refused assistance, and said they could repair all damage on their own. And, this very same scenario happened in 60 A.D....and again, the Laodiceans refused aid.
Yet, with all this incredible wealth that flourished in Laodicea, the Early Church had become quite apathetic. Apathetic is defined in the Oxford dictionary as having a lack of interest, little enthusiasm or passion. Apathetic is from the Greek word "apathes" meaning "without feeling."
It appears the church in Laodicea was comfortable to its members...and Jesus really wasn't needed for them to continue in the faith.
The church in Laodicea were proud of their wealth...yet in this letter Jesus calls them poor. The church was proud of the eye salve produced there...yet in this letter Jesus calls them blind. The church was proud of the soft wool and beautiful clothes that they were adorned in...yet in this letter Jesus said they were naked.
The lukewarm water coming into Laodicea was pretty nasty, not being cool and having a poor taste. Jesus said in this letter to the church in Laodicea they were"lukewarm" in their friendship and commitment to Him...and He was about to spit them out of His mouth...much like getting the first taste of the nasty water that came into...Laodicea.
This is the only church of all the 7 churches...that did not receive any recognition...for their work in following ...Him!
A Gleaning from Revelation 3: 14-22
Write to the church in Laodicea...address it to the angel of the church.....
These are the words of the One who receives and answers prayer...the One known as The Amen...for prayers are offered in faith and trust of the one who declares..."So Be It."
The I AM stands firm...for I AM faithful, I AM true, I AM to be trusted, and I AM the origin of all things, the very Author...of God's creation!
Listen then to the words I AM about to speak:
I can see the work you do, in fact I see everything you do. And, I see you...both inside and out!
Here is My problem I have with you: you are neither "hot or cold" fact it would be better if you were one or the other...that is to say "hot or cold".
For if you were "cold", you would be like one that washes yourselves... through the washing of My Word, like a hot shower each day that cleanses you; if you were "hot" you would drink from My Word like a refreshing quench of cold water on a hot and dry day. Yet instead, I find you thinking yourselves as not really "dirty", nor do you think a "refreshing cold drink" is needed to sustain you in your everyday lives. Your dependence on life is based on your own abilities, and putting trust in Me is not of a necessity yet you maintain a form of godliness...of which you call "worship".
Honestly, the only thing I want to spit you out of My the stale, warm, and decrepit water you receive...bitter to the taste.
You speak of things in your everyday lives and declare:
1." We are rich and have everything we could ever want!" Yet, through My eyes...I see you poor, homeless, and having nothing.
My advice?...if I were you...I would buy gold..from Me. This type of gold I offer you is pure, refined, and has been tested through will find yourselves truly wealthy...and not "dirt poor" as you are now.
2. As far as clothing...your clothes may make you proud you are a Laodician, yet in My eyes...I see you shamefully matter how much of this "black wool" you adorn yourselves with.
My advice? your clothes from Me...clothes of humility, love, and ones that can be given to will have clothes...that are of Royalty...pure white as they clothe you...and not be naked or dressed in "rags" you are now.
3.You are proud of your medicinal advances, offering an eye salve that helps others with improving their vision. Yet, through My eyes...I see you totally blind.
My advice? Get your eye salve from Me...the kind that causes you to see clearly the needs of others, the ones "bent beneath their loads" in life, those whose hearts have been crushed, and those in search...of My love. Then, you will be able to see again...and give to others the True Message of Me!
Make no mistake about these words I speak to You through this letter. If I did not love you, I would not be wasting My time telling you the things you need to correct in your congregation. I say these things not to condemn you...I say this...because I do love you.
This is the time...the time for you to change your mind in these matters...and repent. Cast off these proud egotistical and self-sustaining views of yourselves. It is time for you to get back on your feet and stop wallowing in this mud you have covered yourselves in. It is time to return to the real Passion to life itself...a Passion...for Me!
For listen, I AM here...standing at your very front door. I am knocking and if you are able to hear your very name...and open your door, then I promise you this: I will come in...and we will eat together...good meals...from the "meat" of My True Commands!
If you do this, then you will set with the victorious conquerors that are alongside My Table...all those who have been given a "Seat of Honor"...and look!...they are sitting right next to...My Father!
He who as ears, let him hear, what the Spirit is the churches."
NOTE: Saint Paul had written a letter to the church in Colossae, and in this letter were instructions on false teachings and beliefs that were finding its way into the Early Church. Paul also wrote on the importance of following Jesus through prayer and praise, not by simply obeying a set of rules or having a "ritual" act of worship. In this letter Paul speaks of our old life passing away, and now we are new "creatures"...made to give all honor...all glory...and all Him! In chapter 4 of Colossians...Paul is insistent...that the church in Laodicea...received this letter!
Laodicea was about 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia, and was the wealthiest (in terms of money) of all the 7 churches.
The reasons were at least 2 fold:
1. Laodicea was renown for producing black wool from sheep. Are there really "black sheep? Yep! They are often referred to as more of a "dark sheep", and today Scotland (for example) is known for an area that raises "black sheep". Anyway, this soft and thick black wool (whether they actually had "dark sheep" or the wool were dyed one seems to know for sure) were used to make clothes during the 1st century in Laodicea, and then these clothes were sold on the open market. It was a highly coveted type of wool and brought good income to the residents of Laodicea who raised these type of sheep.
2. Another main source of income for Laodiceans came from their medical center. They were able to produce a wide range of medicines which were of demand in that time period. Two particular medicines of high demand were actually a type of for the eyes and one for the ears.
It seems ailments to the eyes and ears were quite common throughout the entire history of the Bible. The reasons are quite diverse from various historical data. It could have been the result of the type of climate ( arid ), lifestyles, or at certain times when eye and/or ear infections were highly contagious. Thought has also been given to the type of material to make household items...particularly those of minerals that would irritate the body... to the cosmetics (make-up) worn ...or even ear piercings. It is simply not clear. What is clear...these ointments from Laodicea brought much needed relief.
Overall, farms and commerce were strong in Laodicea, and it is recorded the "banks of Laodicea" contained large stocks...of gold!
Because of this wealth and strong trade, the Laodiceans seemed to take great pride in being self-sufficient. In fact, the word itself "Laodicea" is of Greek origin: "laos" meaning people, and "dyke" meaning decisions. One school of thought would interpret the meaning of the word "Laodicea": " a people capable of making their own decisions".
The ironic part of the city of Laodicea...was their water supply. The city itself did not have any water supply like a nearby river or deep wells with good water. Instead, archaeologists have discovered their water had to be piped in...approximately 6 to 7 miles away (which in that time period was "quite a stretch"). An aqueduct had been constructed that went to a water supply like a type of reservoir...or could have possibly been a hot spring. Some reports indicate the water itself may have had high sulphuric content, which would give it a bitter taste (for those of us who have tasted water with high sulphuric has a 'rotten egg' odor and not pleasing to the taste.
The problem with the long stretch of pipe to bring water into the city also became a problem.
1. If the water source happen to be a reservoir type basin, the water would travel through these long lengths of pipe and be a very lukewarm by the time it reached Laodicea.
2. If the water source came from a hot springs, the water would cool as it traveled through the pipes...becoming lukewarm by the time it reached it's destination.
3. In the most arid season, the water would simply dry up in the pipe, before it reached Laodicea.
Laodicea was a city of great wealth. when the Great Earthquake in 17 A.D. destroyed many cities in the area like Philadelphia, Laodicea was also hit hard and great damage occurred.
Yet, when Rome offered assistance to rebuild and repair the great amount of damage that had been done to the city, the Laodiceans refused assistance, and said they could repair all damage on their own. And, this very same scenario happened in 60 A.D....and again, the Laodiceans refused aid.
Yet, with all this incredible wealth that flourished in Laodicea, the Early Church had become quite apathetic. Apathetic is defined in the Oxford dictionary as having a lack of interest, little enthusiasm or passion. Apathetic is from the Greek word "apathes" meaning "without feeling."
It appears the church in Laodicea was comfortable to its members...and Jesus really wasn't needed for them to continue in the faith.
The church in Laodicea were proud of their wealth...yet in this letter Jesus calls them poor. The church was proud of the eye salve produced there...yet in this letter Jesus calls them blind. The church was proud of the soft wool and beautiful clothes that they were adorned in...yet in this letter Jesus said they were naked.
The lukewarm water coming into Laodicea was pretty nasty, not being cool and having a poor taste. Jesus said in this letter to the church in Laodicea they were"lukewarm" in their friendship and commitment to Him...and He was about to spit them out of His mouth...much like getting the first taste of the nasty water that came into...Laodicea.
This is the only church of all the 7 churches...that did not receive any recognition...for their work in following ...Him!
A Gleaning from Revelation 3: 14-22
Write to the church in Laodicea...address it to the angel of the church.....
These are the words of the One who receives and answers prayer...the One known as The Amen...for prayers are offered in faith and trust of the one who declares..."So Be It."
The I AM stands firm...for I AM faithful, I AM true, I AM to be trusted, and I AM the origin of all things, the very Author...of God's creation!
Listen then to the words I AM about to speak:
I can see the work you do, in fact I see everything you do. And, I see you...both inside and out!
Here is My problem I have with you: you are neither "hot or cold" fact it would be better if you were one or the other...that is to say "hot or cold".
For if you were "cold", you would be like one that washes yourselves... through the washing of My Word, like a hot shower each day that cleanses you; if you were "hot" you would drink from My Word like a refreshing quench of cold water on a hot and dry day. Yet instead, I find you thinking yourselves as not really "dirty", nor do you think a "refreshing cold drink" is needed to sustain you in your everyday lives. Your dependence on life is based on your own abilities, and putting trust in Me is not of a necessity yet you maintain a form of godliness...of which you call "worship".
Honestly, the only thing I want to spit you out of My the stale, warm, and decrepit water you receive...bitter to the taste.
You speak of things in your everyday lives and declare:
1." We are rich and have everything we could ever want!" Yet, through My eyes...I see you poor, homeless, and having nothing.
My advice?...if I were you...I would buy gold..from Me. This type of gold I offer you is pure, refined, and has been tested through will find yourselves truly wealthy...and not "dirt poor" as you are now.
2. As far as clothing...your clothes may make you proud you are a Laodician, yet in My eyes...I see you shamefully matter how much of this "black wool" you adorn yourselves with.
My advice? your clothes from Me...clothes of humility, love, and ones that can be given to will have clothes...that are of Royalty...pure white as they clothe you...and not be naked or dressed in "rags" you are now.
3.You are proud of your medicinal advances, offering an eye salve that helps others with improving their vision. Yet, through My eyes...I see you totally blind.
My advice? Get your eye salve from Me...the kind that causes you to see clearly the needs of others, the ones "bent beneath their loads" in life, those whose hearts have been crushed, and those in search...of My love. Then, you will be able to see again...and give to others the True Message of Me!
Make no mistake about these words I speak to You through this letter. If I did not love you, I would not be wasting My time telling you the things you need to correct in your congregation. I say these things not to condemn you...I say this...because I do love you.
This is the time...the time for you to change your mind in these matters...and repent. Cast off these proud egotistical and self-sustaining views of yourselves. It is time for you to get back on your feet and stop wallowing in this mud you have covered yourselves in. It is time to return to the real Passion to life itself...a Passion...for Me!
For listen, I AM here...standing at your very front door. I am knocking and if you are able to hear your very name...and open your door, then I promise you this: I will come in...and we will eat together...good meals...from the "meat" of My True Commands!
If you do this, then you will set with the victorious conquerors that are alongside My Table...all those who have been given a "Seat of Honor"...and look!...they are sitting right next to...My Father!
He who as ears, let him hear, what the Spirit is the churches."
NOTE: Saint Paul had written a letter to the church in Colossae, and in this letter were instructions on false teachings and beliefs that were finding its way into the Early Church. Paul also wrote on the importance of following Jesus through prayer and praise, not by simply obeying a set of rules or having a "ritual" act of worship. In this letter Paul speaks of our old life passing away, and now we are new "creatures"...made to give all honor...all glory...and all Him! In chapter 4 of Colossians...Paul is insistent...that the church in Laodicea...received this letter!
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