Monday, June 23, 2014

What kind of God do we serve?...Psalm 91: 1-3

Psalm 91 is one of those psalms that has no mention of who the author might be. Because of it's style of writing, many Bible scholars think it may have been a prayer of Moses...very similar to Psalms 90....

 One thing we do know....Jesus knew this Psalm...and so did Satan. 

 When Jesus was being tempted in the desert by Satan, Satan used a verse from Psalm 91 to try and tempt Jesus. Satan had put Jesus at the highest part of the roof of the Temple and tried to get Jesus to jump off because "the angels would not let His foot hit against the stone" ( verse 11). Jesus of course did not fall for it (no...I didn't mean for this to be a, and quoted a verse from Deuteronomy 6 that we are not to tempt the Lord God (verse 16) can read about it in Matthew 4.

 Another thing about Psalm 91, it would seem to be a liturgical response type Psalm. In other words, it appears a reader would read the first part of a verse, and the people would respond in the latter part of the verse.
 What is equally interesting to me is the fact God is referred to by 4 different names or the first 2 verses alone. He is referred to as: 1) Most High 2) Almighty 3) Lord and 4) God.
 In the ancient Hebrew, each one of these titles had a special meaning...they weren't just some generic name the writer was conveying to make this chapter have a "poetic value" to it.
  The way I understand it the Hebrew original had this identity to each name: 1) Most High...meaning He is more important than anyone else 2) Almighty...meaning He is more powerful than anyone else 3) Lord...meaning He will never die and 4) God...the final decision maker in our lives.

 The other thing to keep in mind is Psalm 91 is about having security...and trust in Him. As we keep our hearts and minds focused on Him..and His "Mighty Commands", He will continue to dwell in us...and found to be a true and trusted Companion. Also, when we nurture our lives to have a loving trust and faith in Him, we shall be greeted with His faithful love to all times.

                             A Gleaning from Psalm 91: 1-3

 " Whoever makes the decision to dwell in the secret place...the very shelter of the Most High, shall remain in a state of stability...a place of refuge...a place of safety. You will find yourselves under the Shadow of the Almighty...even in the darkest of nights. You will proclaim..."He is my God!"
 As you experience this, you will come to realize He is your Lord...a solid place of refuge...your only real place of safety. You will proclaim..."He is my God!"
 And, He will rescue you from every type of trap...hidden or otherwise. He will rescue you from deadly hazards...and He will rescue from the "Snare of the Fowler" himself. You will proclaim..."He is my God!"

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