Monday, June 2, 2014

The Letter to the Church in Sardis...from the Book of...Revelation...part 5

Sardis was a community approximately 30+ miles south...of Thyatira....and 50 miles east of Ephesus. The city of Sardis was actually built on the side of a mountain, Mount Tmolas, and below the city was a large plain. Because of the location of Sardis, it was a well fortified city that was able defend its perimeters from foreign enemy attack...that is ...if they weren't "asleep"! And here begins the story of...Sardis.....

 Sardis at the time of "John's" writing...had been a powerful and rich city! Yet, even as the letter is written in Revelation chapter 3, it had lost it's glory, and now was a city whose survival was dependent on the "glory of her past". 

 The "Glory of her Past?"....

 Sardis earlier had made a tremendous discovery. They discovered how to separate minerals...specifically gold from silver. As a result, gold and silver were made into a purity never known before...ever! To receive a gold or silver coin from Sardis...was extremely valuable! Yet as other cultures began to develop the discoveries made in Sardis, the reputation associated with Sardis began to diminish.

 The Early Church of Sardis was kind of a reflection of the mineral purities. When the local church of Sardis began, it was quite a lively church... a reputation of having strong faith and a tremendous zeal to follow matter the cost. Yet, by the time of this letter...the local church had weakened...and they had lost that vitality within their faith. It had been a process, rather slow at times, and was hard to see coming. The local church continued to sort of drift into a direction of getting back into the ways and lifestyles of local society, becoming no more than "The Walking Dead" reference to their faith. 

 In this letter from Christ Jesus, the first thing Jesus announces to them is to "Wake up...and Watch!"... that was a familiar sound to the people of Sardis! Sardis had been attacked by various foreign armies, and on 2 different occasions Sardis had been captured...because no one seemed to be on guard while an enemy army approached.
 The Early church at Sardis was kind of like that...they weren't really dead...but definitely "asleep" in reference to the freshness of God's plans in their lives.

 That doesn't mean these believers in Sardis were not busy...yet here is what had happened. Instead of doing the works and services God was wanting to empower them to do...they were performing works and services...for God, avoiding the fresh anointing of being in His Presence and seeking Him as to the things they should do. Following the Commandments of the Lord had become more of a ritual of simply going through the motions of being Christian...yet their hearts were really not in it. It was like that "fire in their souls" that had initially been started...had become nothing more than a campfire that had been doused with water.

 So, Jesus writes for the need of believers in repent of this type of lifestyle...and return to seeking Him...and the fresh anointing of the Sacred Scriptures. These "Words of Life" had become nothing more than reading a boring real desire to seek its meanings. It was definitely a time for the believers to Wake-Up!...and come out of this deep sleep!
 At the point of this letter from Revelation, the Early Church had found a way to blend back in with the rest of society...and did not really live any different than anyone else. They basically lived their lifestyles like anyone else in Sardis...whether they were a part of the Early Church...or not. Their belief in Him...had no influence in daily life.

 If you happen to live in Sardis at that time in really were not "cool" unless you wore colored woolen clothing. And, if your woolen clothes became dirty...they were not of any use. 
 Pretty much how Jesus was describing His friendship with most of the believers in Sardis at that time. The friendship had gotten "dirty", and was quickly outliving its usefulness...that is to say the joy...the love...the desire of having a friendship with one another. Once the woolen clothes were was time to discard them...yet...Jesus did not want to do this!

 Besides, there were those in the church who still loved Him...and wanted Him...their woolen clothes were clean! These few within the local church of Sardis lived the type of lives that gave glory to Him, refusing to blend in with the rest of local society, and kept their hearts focused on...Him...and the words of the Sacred Scripture!

 In this passage of Sacred Scripture, the Lord offers "white clothing" to the faithful that Sardis. He announces them as a holy people, free from sin, and they walk with a friendship that is pleasing to the faithful...and to Him.  Their rewards are not based on a work ethic, rather, it is because of their continued faith in Him and the friendship they enjoy...together...resulting in everyday lives that give all the God! 

 There are 3 parts of a promise Jesus gives to the true believers in those who overcome and are given white clothes:

1. White clothes are given in recognition to their faith in Him...and as a result their daily lifestyles are changed...which is an expression of their Him.

2. Moses first spoke of God's book in Exodus 32:32-33. The whole thought for myself as I write this..."Wow...God actually has a book...and their are names in this book...the very names of receive Eternal Life."

3. Jesus always...I mean always takes care of His friends...He will take us to His home...and we will be with Him. He will introduce us to the Father, and the angels will know...we are His...and a part of His very household.

                                 A Gleaning from Revelation 3:1-6

" Another must! Write this letter to the Sardis!.....

 I AM the One who holds the Seven Spirits of one hand, and have a firm grip on the Seven the other.

 I AM fully aware of your reputation as an active church...and your record and reputation proceeds you! My opinion?...You are stone dead!

 Wake-up...slap one another in the face! Wake up! Take a deep breath...perhaps there is life in you yet.
 Your record of staying busy and "good works" are not the basis...for your belief in Me. Why? Because these type of activities are not what make you Christian. Doing good works have their benefit... certainly for others in dire need around you. Yet, good works alone do not justify lifestyles that do not honor Me, nor can good works replace...our friendship. First, we must be one in this life together, and allow good works to glorify My Father...not to get you "off the hook" or avoid sharing your life...with Me. My Father and I have one desire from you...we desire your hearts...then...everything else will follow.
 This is a time for you to retrace your steps, when you first accepted Me as your Savior...your Lord...and your Friend. Examine how you first believed, and come to realize simply doing good works doesn't always mean the same as...God's Will. 

Firmly grab hold and give study to the way you first believed, which begins with your hearts turned to Me...a trust that leads you to fruitful and an Eternal path. This Eternal path is not based on your merits, rather, it is your faith and Me.
 This is a serious situation you find yourselves in...don't simply "pull the covers back", and think everything will be better tomorrow. First, come back to Me...with all your heart...and the works you will do...will be much greater than the ones you proudly display on your piece of paper. More importantly, your hearts and lifestyles will take on new meaning...for they are grounded in the friendship we have...with each other.

 Yet, there are still some among you in the church...who have refused to fall asleep. They have not soiled their clothes "wallowing around in the mud" of life, for we have sought after one another's friendship, and they have become very dear to My own heart.
 Put your trust in the ones around you that have not forgot Me. For I tell you, you will find yourselves in a great celebration...a great parade...that is orchestrated by...Me. You will be given white clothing...Heaven's very best, and you will hear you name announce the very Book of Life.
 After this great parade, I will personally introduce the Grand Marshall...of this great parade....My Father...the Great God of all. And all the angels present...will know you are mine.

If you have ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.... 

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