Monday, June 23, 2014

The Gay/Lesbian issue within the Christian faith: "Are we facing a "Worship Disorder?" part 1

It seems to be "lines are being drawn in the sand", you either accept and support the same-sex lifestyles...or you don't....

 Changing our thoughts and beliefs within our Christian faith... to a belief in our hearts that claims God is ok with same-sex not only a challenge...there simply appears to me no evidence in the Sacred Scripture that God accepts this rationale. And if this be the case, this whole teaching that somehow God has approved a Gay/Lesbian lifestyle...has the capability of changing the very foundational ideas of our way of Christian worship...potentially causing harm and disorder to the core of our Christian order of worship.

 One question that is on my mind since the introduction of this "new way of worship" is: "Why is the Gay/Lesbian community is so intent on wanting to be a part of Christ's church...yet insist their right to live their lifestyle of choice?"

 Let me make this perfectly clear, I am not writing this to "bash" the Gay/Lesbian community...I just simply don't get it.

 I am a straight guy, have been since birth. Yes, I have been through the "Gay questions" from my gay/lesbian friends :"Did you have urges when you were a child to be with another guy but you suppressed it?", or " Haven't you ever just enjoyed being with "the guys"...and feel no need to have to date women?"...etc. etc. And my answer has always been the same: "No, I do not remember any desires whatsoever to be with another guy, and yes, I have enjoyed being with "the guys"...yet when the ladies come excitement definitely went to a new level. (lol)

 That being said, here is my personal relation to sexual orientation. First, I was raised in a broken home like many in our nation. My Mom and Dad divorced at an early age, custody rights bounced my brother and I back and forth between them, and on holidays we somehow would all together for the "holiday meal". 
 I was extremely fortunate because as time went on, my Mom and Dad both having to work full-time, caused my brother and I to be left at my Grandma and Grandpa's... and it was there most of my childhood took place. My Grandfather and I had a very close relationship (farming and spending many hours out in the fields talking baseball and what I wanted to do in life), while my Grandma did the "Grandma thing"...baked cookies, supplied good meals, made us go to church, and gave emphasis to decent morals as we grew.
 My Mom was kind to us, and my father, although an alcoholic, would come and take us places and have Niagara Falls, swimming, etc...sometimes he even invited my Mom to come along. 
 There were other times my Father would stop by and take us for a couple hours to his favorite bar where my brother and I learned to shoot pool and play shuffleboard. As we got a little older, I remember meeting some of my Dad's latest girlfriends, like "Bubbles"...who I was totally overwhelmed with and still remember her to this day.

 As I entered my late teens (18 years of age), the Viet Nam Conflict was still in full swing, the thought of being drafted, the late 60's Revolution still hanging over our nation...and Watergate just around the corner.
 President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby both gone, this country and my little community was about to walk into a "new era". My brother brought home some "weird stuff to smoke" one day, and now I was wondering why my Dad loved beer...

 My greatest thing to do though...."Let's Party!"...and party I did.

 The thing is...I couldn't seem to get enough of it. I was raised in a mainline Protestant church, even went to church camps and vacation bible schools, I knew a few Scriptures, and did the bed-time prayer of: "Now I lay me down to sleep..." thing.
 But Partying...this was new...different...and exciting!! And talk about meeting a diverse seemed to me the whole world had the same idea I did..."party!"

 It was during this time...I learned a whole lot...about sex...and if it had been in a school classroom format...I would have definitely been in the first row......

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