Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Viking Series...the History Channel..."Are You Excited About...Season 3?"

Get ready Viking fans...it is official!! The Viking series on the History Channel has been renewed...and we can all look forward to a 3rd season...with 10 episodes!.....

And this could get sooo interesting!!

 Season 2 of "The Vikings" ended with King Horic being put to death and Ragnar takes over his throne...as "King".

 In the upcoming season, the author and producer of  "The Vikings" series, Michael Hirst, will continue to develop a plot where Ragnar Lothbrok and his clan continue to conquer new lands...which in real history study...is exactly what the Vikings did.

The reason?....

 The Vikings did have a season termed as "The Raiding Season", and it is true they embarked on others lands and took what they felt was necessary to survive and move forward in their quest for a well fortified Viking kingdom. Yet, it is important to keep in mind...the Vikings were in the general sense...farmers..lol. Basically, Vikings loved the earth, and loved to grow crops. The cold lands and rocky terrain of the Nordic region were tough to grow crops...let alone the shortness of the summer season...and when they came upon the fertile ground and summer seasons of places like England etc., who wouldn't desire to...conquer these lands?

OK...Season 3!

This is going to be awesome! Ragnar and his men...attack Paris! Michael Hirst comments on the battles that took place in the siege of Paris (which by the way really did happen!). Hirst is quoted : "Yea, we're gonna attack...Paris. Paris was an extraordinary city. It was still a Roman city, and it was like nothing on earth. We're just building that, at the moment, on the back lot. It will also be CGI. Ragnar attacks Paris with...100 ships!"
 { CGI...Common Gateway Interface: used to generate dynamic content on web pages and its applications.}

Wow...Ragnar goes from 8 longships to 100...in history records, it is written he could have had as many as 120 longboat warships.

 The Viking series has received a tremendous amount of viewers...3.4 million viewers on Season 2 alone. The manager of the History Channel was quoted: " The Vikings have taken viewers by storm, and has established itself as one of the most compelling and visually strong dramas on television." 

 And Season 3 seems to add to this illustrious drama...check this out! Lagertha...the woman of every man's dreams (lol)...seems to have a...new man! His name is "Kalf", and is portrayed by actor Ben Robson (from the movie "Dracula: the Dark Prince"). "Kalf actually becomes Lagertha's assistant...which also means ..2nd in Command!

 Ok...the way I see it...the History Channel is seemingly inspired through the 13th century sagas described in the tales of "Ragnars Saga Loobroker", and "Ragnar's Sona"(meaning the tales of Ragnar's sons).  Along with this these ancient stories, the famed Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus also wrote of the tales of "Ragnar and his Norsemen" in his 12th century work of "Gesta Danorum".

 Moving on...what exactly do we have to look forward to in Season 3? Well, one thing is King Horik's son having a "love affair" with the fertile fields of England. One scene...at least that is what I have gathered thus far, is where Erlandur (King Horik's son) has a handful of dirt in his pocket...the fertile soil of England. Ragnar happens to see this handful of dirt...and because his passion is similar to those of Erlandur...there seems to be a bond that is created...although this bond will prove very costly...to Ragnar.
 And my favorite character..."Floki"! Although Floki did not invite Ragnar to his wedding, and yet Floki refused to betray his friend Ragnar...through the efforts of King Horik:  the question remains: "Does this mean the disappointment of the friendship between Floki and Ragnar...is over?"
 Another question: the so-called friendship between Lagertha (Ragnar's former wife) and his current wife ( Princess Aslaug)...is cool? I can't imagine Lagertha having to accept this so easily...and not have a plan of revenge...just sayin'.
 And then there is "Siggy"...what is really up with her and Rollo?   Hmmm?
Oh, one other thought...the baby born with the bum legs..." Ivar the Boneless"...in the ancient records of history...he is reported to be the true leader...of all the sons of Ragnar!  Hmmm?

A little bit of sad news: the release of Season 3 could be a full year away...like the summer of 2015. Wow, I understand...but yet it seems so...far away! 

 Nancy Dewolf Smith of the Wall Street Journal writes: " ...the natural and authentic settings and costumes, and appreciated "The Vikings" was not a celebration of sex and violence ( like perhaps "Spartacus"), but a study of character, stamina, power, and of social, emotional, and even intellectual awakening."

 The thing is...I have always admired Ragnar...is his genuine approach to everything in life...yet, he seems to be changing...not sure where he is going...Is it his love for...farming.?...or is he going somewhere else with this?

 If you happen to be a student of the Sacred Scriptures, there is a passage of the Scripture that reads: "We are able to justify anything...I mean anything we put our minds and focus on...and it can even be justified in it's appearance, yet it is the Lord who judges our motives...and the true intents...of our hearts." Proverbs 21:2

 Oh, by the way, there are those who have commented on "The Viking Series", and have been pretty critical of it's story....I say...to all those who love "the Vikings"....: "SHIELD WALL!"

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