Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia...from the Book of...Revelation...part 6

Philadelphia was located in a valley, actually at the east end of a broad valley. Good soil was in this area, and the city of Philadelphia was on a main road coming from Sardis  going to the port of Smyrna...approximately 90 to the coast of the Aegean Sea. The location of Philadelphia on this main road gave rise to its prosperity and commercial trade became strong. 
 Earthquakes were quite numerous in this region and in fact in 17 A.D. there was a massive earthquake that destroyed most of the city of Philadelphia. Being a part of the Roman Empire, the Emperor Tiberius suspended taxes due to the Empire to give Philadelphia time and resources to rebuild.

 Philadelphia...the city of "brotherly love". Actually, the Greek word would read "for the love of a brother" and the origin of the city's name dates back to around 140 B.C.  The original idea and purpose of the city of Philadelphia was to further the advancement of Greek culture and influence throughout the region. At one point and time, Philadelphia became a part of the "Decapolis", meaning the "10 cities on the Plain" reflecting Greek culture.

 The ancient story of the origin of the city of Philadelphia involves 2 brothers, Eumenes II and Attilus II. Attilus II had a deep love for his older brother Eumenes II, and the city was built for this reason, the love they had for one another. In fact, Attilus II was referred to as "Philadelphus", and thus the city received it's name. 

 As in other cities within the region known as Asia Minor, many of Jewish descent had moved from Israel and settled in cities within the area. This was largely due to the destruction of Jerusalem and in particular The Temple within Jerusalem, the great home for the God of Israel started by King David and completed by David's son, King Solomon. This happened around 66 A.D. in a Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire...which proved to be a total disaster for the Jewish people.
 Philadelphia had a large representation of Jewish people, and had a synagogue built in Philadelphia in support their faith in the one God of Israel.

 And here is where a problem began...between the Early christian Church and those of Judaism.

 The Jewish community within Philadelphia took great pride in being God's chosen people. they would identify their natural lineage and laid claim to being "authentic Jews"...tracing their roots to their forefather Abraham. To a person of the Jewish faith, they were aware the God of Israel was a holy God.

Now...enter Jesus.

 Jesus did not "buy into their song and dance" in reference to being authentic Jews. Although Judaism taught the coming of a Messiah...they did not think Christ Jesus was the True Messiah. It just did not fit into their religious pattern...of what the Messiah was suppose to be. Many of the Jewish faith were looking for a Messiah that would: 1) conquer the Romans, 2) establish Israel as a free country, and 3)  would establish on earth a new Jerusalem...with a magnificent Temple. By the time of this letter written by "John", the Jewish community not only rejected Jesus...but made life hard for anyone that adhered to the belief Jesus is the True Messiah. The Early Church in Philadelphia were harassed and abused for their belief in Christ Jesus.
 In this letter to the church in Philadelphia, as He had mentioned in another letter to one of the 7 churches, Jesus did not consider the Jewish community... "real Jewish people"... His reasoning: they refused and had rejected Him as the True Messiah. Jesus went as far as to refer their local synagogue as the "Synagogue of Satan".
 As a result, the Jewish sect in Philadelphia became a real problem for the local Early Christian Church. The Jewish community had become fierce enemies of the young Church.

 In this letter to the church at Philadelphia, Jesus makes it abundantly clear...He is Holy...and He is in the True Messiah! Jesus is the very Son...of this God the Jewish community had taken such great pride believing in. 
 Christ Jesus then speaks of  "holding the key"...that has all power and authority. A person who has a key does have power...power both to open or to close a door. The key Jesus speaks of is symbolic...for it represents the very Power given His Father...this very God of the Jewish nation.
 In Philadelphia, this group of Believers had received an open door of invitation by the Messiah Himself, for they had given their hearts and put their complete Him.
 This door opened by the True Messiah gave the Believers access...into the very Kingdom of God. All those who have given their hearts to Him could enter, and the invitation is extended and remains open to this very day...who makes a decision to turn their lives over to to Him...their complete trust.

 As for the local church in Philadelphia, to the natural eye it would have appeared a small group of people...and rather weak at that. The Scriptures give no indication this Early Church had any impact on the city of Philadelphia itself. 
 Yet, here is what the Sacred Scriptures DO SAY about this young early church:
1. They obeyed...they listened to the words of Christ Jesus and those who shared the Good News...and followed through.
2. Although forced to endure persecution from the local community in Philadelphia, in particular those from the Jewish community...this local body of Believers refused to deny Him...publicly. They held fast to their beliefs...Jesus Christ is the True Messiah!

 The Lord Jesus goes on in this letter encouraging His faithful followers with this news...He is Coming Soon! This is an interesting word in the original Greek, for it leaves you to think He might be coming "quickly". It actually is better translated...He Comes "without delay". 
 In the meantime...until He comes...carry on with your Him!

 Another thing to consider: because of the sudden and numerous earthquakes in Philadelphia, in which residence at times were forced to leave the city and seek temporary shelter, Jesus speaks in this letter a kind of parallel to their physical conditions.
 Jesus in this letter makes this clear: He who overcomes will be like columns in the "Temple of God"...where earthquakes have no effect on them. The church will be safe...from all dangers...and in the House of the will never have to...leave.

 The church in Philadelphia was a good church, and like the church in Smyrna...received no correction...for they had pleased and honored Him!

                                        A Gleaning from Revelation 3: 7-13

 " To the angel of the church in Philadelphia...write these words:

 I send this message to you...for I AM the One...the Holy and the True!  I have the Key...the key that is known as "The Key of David". This key opens the one can lock, and lock the one can open.

Here then is My word to you....

 I know you well...and see that you have but little power, and your strength is weak. Yet, you have used what you have, and have not denied Me...even when the situations were extremely hard. You have guarded My Word and it's Message...and never have you turned your back on Me...even in the slightest.

Take note of this: I will force those who call themselves true believers...(yet they are nothing of the kind...for their church home is at the synagogue of Satan), these ones who call themselves the "authentic Jewish people". They will come to you in respect and bow before you like unto a king, and they will acknowledge the One who lives in your hearts...and embrace a startling are Mine!

 Because you have guarded and kept My Word with a passionate endurance, I will keep you safe when the "Time of Testing" arrives, one that everyone will walk through.
 For soon I will come to you...without delay! As for you, hold on and keep a tight grip on that which you have guarded with all your hearts. Let no one distract you, misguide you, or do anything that would enable them to steal the crown that is set before you!

 For make no mistake, those who conquer will be made strong...strong like pillars found in the inner sanctuary... a place of honor...a place of safety. And in this place I have for will never fear...of having to leave this place...for it is a permanent home...for you.

 And each of you, standing strong like pillars, will be given a new name...this new name written on your very hearts. It is the Name of your God...and the Name of My Father's place...the New Jerusalem...straight from His heart to...yours! I will also write on your hearts...My Name...given to Me by My Father!

He who has an ear, let him hear, what the Spirit is the churches."

 Philadephia, like Smyrna...received no correction in their Him.


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