Friday, June 20, 2014

"The Real Cloud Rider"....Psalm 68: 4-6

Long before the Temple in Jerusalem was built, there was a time in ancient history something did happen in Israel.....

 There was a country to the west of Jerusalem that extended to the Mediterranean Sea...and to  the east as far as the River Jordan, their name was Philistia...the home of one of ancient Israel's most dreaded enemies...the Philistines!
 The Philistines were a sea-faring people, and their origin is dated far the land of Canaan...long before the Israelites entered the area we call "The Promised Land". The Philistines were originally referred to as "Jebusites"...who worshipped the common no-name gods of Canaan like Baal, Astarte, and the gruesome Dagon. 

 In one battle, the Philistines were able to capture and take with them...the "Ark of God"...from the nation of Israel... yet, this became a major problem for the Philistines.

 Ok..what exactly is the "Ark of God"?

 The "Ark of God"...also referred to as the "Ark of the Covenant", the "Ark of the Lord", the "Ark of the Covenant with the Lord", or the "Ark of the Testimony".
 It was a rectangular box that was 2 and 1/2 cubits x 1 and 1/2 cubits by 1 and 1/2 cubits (prob. about 3 feet x 2 feet). It was covered in gold, and carried with poles...through rings at the 4 lower corners. The "lid", referred to as the "Mercy Seat"...was a gold plate surrounded by 2 large cherubs (angels) with outstretched wings, the entire box being made of acacia wood.
 Inside the box were remembrances of what the God of Israel had given to His people...the Israelites, including the 2 tablets ( 10 Commandments), a pot of "manna", and Aaron's rod (used in demonstration against the pharaohs of Egypt.

 OK, when the Philistines captured the "Ark of the Covenant" created major problems for them. They experienced tumors, starting with hemorrhoids and developing into an almost "Bubonic Plague". Then, they wake up one morning after sitting the "Ark of the Covenant" at the feet of their no-name god Dagon, only to find Dagon fallen over, laying prostrate in front of the "Ark of the Covenant", with his hands broken off...pretty much at the mercy of the "Ark of the Covenant".

 The whole thing started when the "Ark of the Covenant" was brought from Shiloh by the Israelites in hope of victory against the Philistines. Yet in 1 Samuel 4, it turned out quite devastating to Israel when it was captured, for along with the capture 2 of the Jewish High Priest's sons (Eli being the High Priest) were killed...Hophne and Phineas. When Eli heard the "Ark of the covenant" had been taken by the Philistines, Eli himself fell off a chair and died, and, Phineas wife, upon hearing the news, died in childbirth.

 The purpose of the "Ark of the Covenant" was to put the Israelites in remembrance of their covenant with their God...the Great God of Israel. For the was a covenant made of love, service, and obedience to their God. In return, the God of Israel agreed to help all times. In this particular covenant, the Lord God of Israel was referred to by a special a special way...the name..."Yahweh"(Adoni in Hebrew). It had a much more personal touch when speaking to the God of Israel in this manner...calling Him "Lord" or personal "Master" step away from calling Him..."Father".

 When the Philistines decided to return the "Ark of the Covenant" to the Israelites for the life-threatening problems they were having in retaining this "Ark", it was returned to a type of farm residence between Gath (Philistia) and Jerusalem ( Israel).
 At this time in history, Jerusalem did not belong to the nation of Israel. The "Jebusites" still occupied Jerusalem, an ancient tribe that were part of the Canaanite tribes that occupied the "Promised Land" before the Israelites arrived.

 Yet, King David attacked Jerusalem and captured it, making Jerusalem the capital city of Israel. The Temple in Jerusalem had not yet been built, instead, the people of Israel worshipped the God of Israel in a large tent collectively, made of animal skins and other materials...but no stone.

 Psalm 68 may or may no have been written King David. When the "Ark of the Covenant" was brought to Jerusalem as dictated by King David, there was a almost parade like journey...singing Psalms as they Psalm 24.
 Yet, the first few verses in Psalm 68 write of Israelite history long before the Philistines had captured the "Ark of the Covenant". It begins with Israel's deliverance and exodus from Egypt and Israel's entrance into...the "Promised Land".

 The striking thing about this passage of Sacred Scripture in Psalm 68 is the mention of the "Cloud Rider". In ancient writings, Egyptians and Greeks wrote of their gods as "Cloud Riders", and some writers have referred to "Cloud Riders" in Genesis, before the flood when giants roamed the land...but that is for another day.

 There is only one "True Cloud Rider"...the very God of Israel....

                                          A Gleaning from Psalm 69: 4-6

" The way has now been cleared! The time is lift up the "Song of Praise" Him!...the Great God of Israel! Raise your voice, empty your hearts in the "song of Praise" as He arrives...right before our very eyes! This One...who rides upon the clouds...His Name..."The Real Cloud Rider"! Look! He rides through the deserts...and His very Name rides before Him! Give all your praise...and all the our Lord...the True Sky Rider!

 He is a the fatherless...a Sacred Home as a Protector of the widows! Why? Because He is a Holy God!
 The homeless now have homes to look forward to, the prisoners can now enjoy freedom, yet those who refuse and rebel the "Great Cloud Rider"...they will live in famine, in distress, while their very lands are both parched and desolate."

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