Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Still Waters Run Deep..." Gleanings from John 4:7-31

I have heard that saying...a time or two. "Still Waters", from a poetic view,  has a sense of peace and tranquility. At the same time, with the recent raising of the Titanic...."Still Waters" has its moments.
 Still waters are defined as: "a flat or level section of body of water where no motion or current is discernible, free from turbulence or commotion." Often times shallow waters have rough surfaces because of rocks near the top of where the water flows, thus causing a disturbance in its flow.
 So, what really is "Still Waters"? I think for me I get this picture of someone who has a peace and tranquil silence about them...and then these deep profound words of wisdom come out from them.

 The Sacred Scriptures speak about still waters...in fact it speaks of water in a variety of forms. In Psalm 23:2 it reads: " You allow me to rest in lush meadows, and lead me to streams which are both quiet and peaceful, and it is there I am able to take a healthy drink."

 I remember not to long ago I happen to come across a herd of deer, and I followed their progress for a 1/2 mile or so. The deer were panting heavily, with short breaths very visible as I watched them. They were headed for a small pond, and when the herd got there...they all took drinks from the pond itself.
 Actually, it was like watching a visual of Psalm 42:1-2: " As the deer pants for streams of water, that is how I long for You, my King! In fact, my own heart is panting for You...the Living God...and I was wondering, when can I see You my King?"

In Proverbs 18:4, it reads: "Wise words are likened to deep waters, although plenteous, they are often difficult to comprehend. yet, the Wisdom that comes from the Father is water that you can drink easily...remembering the Spring which feeds these "waters" comes from a fountain that is massively deep."

 Still waters for me...is taking the time to let things settle down around me and come to the Quiet, take some "drinks" from Him, kind of regroup, and go after life once more.

 Jesus was thirsty one day...and needed a drink. He came to a well and asked a Samaritan woman for a drink. That was out of the ordinary in itself...even asking for a drink. By Jesus asking for a drink from a Samaritan woman, He violated some "big customs" of the day. First, asking for a drink demonstrated Christ's rejection of "male superiority" of the Jewish culture in that time frame. 
 Second, Rabbinic restrictions had become so ridiculous that any Jewish teacher was not to speak to women in public places. It had gotten to the point when a Rabbi who happened to be accompanying his own family out in the public square was not even to speak to his own wife..his daughter...or his sister. 
 On top of that, Jewish people considered Samaritans unclean...so basically Jesus had violated a number of "Jewish customs" with one statement:"Please give Me a drink."
 In fact, you got to kind of admire how the Samaritan woman first reacted: "What are you doin' here Mister...you are not suppose to even speak to me? What are you up to?"
 Then, Jesus explains He has  water for her to draw from...deeper and more tranquil than the water she is drawing from the well. He referred to it as "Living  Water."
 Then the Samaritan woman spoke once more to Him...now think about that...she put herself in a bad way...normally the thing for a woman to do at that point to was leave and come back later, she could get punished for carrying on a conversation with a Jewish Teacher,  but instead...she was kind of like the deer I saw....she panted for this still and deep water...this "Living Water"...as Jesus called it.  So, she took the chance...
 She then replies: "You don't even have a bucket or a rope...and this water is very deep. Besides, what water would you have that offers more than what our forefather Jacob has given us?...it has satisfied many sons of Jacob and the animals as well?"
 Now, you might say she is "going for it"...her "thirst" has been stirred...yet what would make this "Living Water" deeper and more refreshing than this water drawn deep from within the well?
 Jesus answers her question: " This deep and still Water I offer you will cause your thirst to be satisfied...for good! The water that comes from this well....you will have to return to it again and again...it can never do what Living Water can do."
 At this point, the Samaritan woman hadn't quite figured it out yet, but she definitely gained a respect for what he was saying, and said: " Sir, please, I would like some of Your water...the Living Water, then I wouldn't have to come here and get water from this well anymore."

 So, with all her talk about this well that Jacob and the generations of his sons and even animals who had received, it was..."out the window"...compared to this water Jesus was offering her.
 Now, Jesus, in true form, realizing she hadn't quite grasp the meaning of what He was saying...then asked her:"Ok then, go get your husband and you and him can both have Living Water!"
 Then, it all came out...she responds: "I don't have a husband." Now, I thought this was an act of real humility...I mean she could have just run off, or lied or said she had a husband,...or did something than to simply admit she did not have a husband. I think this Samaritan woman had an inner hunger...because Jesus was going out on a limb even speaking with her...but He knew this hunger...was actually her strength.

 So, now Jesus reveals Himself to her, by responding to her honesty: " You are right...you don't have a husband...in fact, you have already had 5 husbands and the guy you are living with now...is not your husband. I really like you...because you are an honest girl!"
 Ok, living in that time and culture, living with a guy you are not married to was classified as a whore. And besides, if anyone stirs up trouble over her present living situation...guess who will receive punishment....not the guy she is with....she would!

 Now, it would seem "the cat is out of the bag" sort of speak, in other words, she has nothing to lose....what she is...is what she is. So, she responds: " Ok sir, you have got to be a prophet or something. Since you have totally exposed me for what and who I am, I have a question that has bugged me for quite a while...why do you Jews rub it in our face that Jerusalem is the "only place of worship", while we as Samaritans say it is here..at Mt. Gerizim..where our ancestors worshipped?"

  I think at this point of the conversation...Jesus was really enjoying Himself with the conversation going on with this woman. So, He replies to her: " My dear lady, believe Me, there is a time coming it won't matter whether you worship the Father in Jerusalem or here at Mt. Gerizim. In fact, it won't matter whether you are a Jew or a Samaritan.
 For now, Samaritans don't know much about the Father...the Jewish people are well aware of God...mainly because salvation itself is coming right through the Jewish people.
 But, there is a solid hope for all people...including you! There is a time coming...in fact the time has already arrived, where true worship is not made up on where you live or who you are, rather, it is based on your own heart, and the worship the Father seeks is one that comes from within, in spirit...and in truth! The reason is God the Father is Spirit, and to worship God, you must do so in spirit and in truth."

 Now, I am amazed how quick this whole conversation between these two made such changes. At first, it was "Mister, what are you doing?"...and now... I think this woman has picked up on something..... just as Jesus has "exposed" her for who she was, now, she is going to expose Jesus for who He is...and I think He is lovin it! She says: "You are talking about a Messiah....are you not? I do believe that...and I know the Messiah is coming, in fact, when He gets here He will explain everything to us....kind of like  what You are doing right now!"

 I can't help but imagine Jesus "busting out" in a smile: " I AM the Messiah!"

Then, the disciples returned to Jesus...and thought to themselves, but did not ask, "What in the world were You doing speaking with her? ......Jesus seemed quiet about it as well....

Oh, the Samaritan woman...she told everyone she could find..."Hey, I think I have spoke to the Messiah!"    This story is based from the Gospel of John 4:7-31.

 So, I guess it is true...."Still waters run deep."

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