Man has this "knowing within"...this "inner ache", that simply states: we need Him!
Many won't acknowledge it, convincing themselves and others that we are good, that we make destiny happen through our good choices, our self wills, or acts of our own accomplishments.
Almost all religions try and diagnose this "aching within" we have as human beings and attempt to provide a solution for the problem.
Many religions seem to have a set of "formulas" or rules you might follow to satisfy this hunger within: Buddhism points out we suffer and the solution is a noble 8 fold path, Hinduism points to a cycle of reincarnation with the solution being a self-realization from the experiences.
Different religions seem to always point to a unique set of rules only their particular belief has, and if will find your solution to that "aching within".
This train of the thought goes back to the beginning of time, including the Jewish Law itself during the time Jesus was here on earth, up to the present day where even the Message of Christ Jesus has been returned to a "set of rules" in some Christian circles...and this ache within continues to linger in the heart of man.
Believing in Christ Jesus is rather unique to other "solutions" different religions have to offer...with the main one being....Jesus is alive. In almost all other "mainline" religions, their teacher or leaders...are dead.
When I think about Easter Morning, and the reality of Christ Jesus and His Resurrection, I consider St. Paul's version of what Easter means to him. This Gleaning is from: Philippians 3:8-11, and reads like this:
"There is nothing else I can ever know in life, that could even begin to compare to the infinite value...of knowing Him!
In fact, since I first met Christ Jesus, everything else in life has dissipated to pure garbage, including all my desires and goals in exchange for one thing: to know Him more, and to grow in a more deep and intimate love Him more each day.
For the thought of simply obeying some set of rules to fill this "empty hunger" within has no depth or meaning in regards to my own life.
The Truth is can not have a friendship with God the Father through a "passage of following a set of rules".
This same God, the Father we have always wanted...has made a glorious and yet final announcement that is to stand through eternity: He has made a way for our relationship to be fully restored with Him, and that is: putting your faith in His Dear Son!
And now, this is what I have found my life has come down to: I want to know Christ Jesus, and experience for myself the very Power of the Father (who has now become my Father) that raised His Very Own Son from the dead.
For it is through this Resurrection of His Own Son, that I have found the filling of that "aching within", and put to death anything in my "old way of life" that would keep me from experiencing the Power of His Glorious Resurrection operating in me!"
Many won't acknowledge it, convincing themselves and others that we are good, that we make destiny happen through our good choices, our self wills, or acts of our own accomplishments.
Almost all religions try and diagnose this "aching within" we have as human beings and attempt to provide a solution for the problem.
Many religions seem to have a set of "formulas" or rules you might follow to satisfy this hunger within: Buddhism points out we suffer and the solution is a noble 8 fold path, Hinduism points to a cycle of reincarnation with the solution being a self-realization from the experiences.
Different religions seem to always point to a unique set of rules only their particular belief has, and if will find your solution to that "aching within".
This train of the thought goes back to the beginning of time, including the Jewish Law itself during the time Jesus was here on earth, up to the present day where even the Message of Christ Jesus has been returned to a "set of rules" in some Christian circles...and this ache within continues to linger in the heart of man.
Believing in Christ Jesus is rather unique to other "solutions" different religions have to offer...with the main one being....Jesus is alive. In almost all other "mainline" religions, their teacher or leaders...are dead.
When I think about Easter Morning, and the reality of Christ Jesus and His Resurrection, I consider St. Paul's version of what Easter means to him. This Gleaning is from: Philippians 3:8-11, and reads like this:
"There is nothing else I can ever know in life, that could even begin to compare to the infinite value...of knowing Him!
In fact, since I first met Christ Jesus, everything else in life has dissipated to pure garbage, including all my desires and goals in exchange for one thing: to know Him more, and to grow in a more deep and intimate love Him more each day.
For the thought of simply obeying some set of rules to fill this "empty hunger" within has no depth or meaning in regards to my own life.
The Truth is can not have a friendship with God the Father through a "passage of following a set of rules".
This same God, the Father we have always wanted...has made a glorious and yet final announcement that is to stand through eternity: He has made a way for our relationship to be fully restored with Him, and that is: putting your faith in His Dear Son!
And now, this is what I have found my life has come down to: I want to know Christ Jesus, and experience for myself the very Power of the Father (who has now become my Father) that raised His Very Own Son from the dead.
For it is through this Resurrection of His Own Son, that I have found the filling of that "aching within", and put to death anything in my "old way of life" that would keep me from experiencing the Power of His Glorious Resurrection operating in me!"
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