Sunday, April 8, 2012

Resurrection Morning Notes

There seems to be that drive in me that enjoys thinking about those "little things" about a Great Event. Easter has some of those....

1. Mary Magdalene, upon first hearing Jesus speak to her after she first came upon Him on the morning of His Resurrection...thought He was the gardener.  John 20:15

2. The Apostle John did arrive ahead of Peter when arriving at the tomb, it was Peter who was to first enter the tomb itself.  John 20: 3-10

3. Jesus ascended to heaven as the disciples watched Him Bethany.  Luke 24:50

4. The stone which had been rolled across the front of the tomb was actually moved by levers, because the stone's weight was approximately 1 1/2 to 2 tons (the weight of a mid-sized car).

5. There was a Roman seal affixed to the stone in front of Christ tomb. The seal signified the power and authority of the Roman empire. Breaking the seal unlawfully meant automatic execution...a crucifixion where a person is hung upside down.

6. On Resurrection morning, what was most impressive to the people attending?...the moving of the stone. There appeared to be no backing to the story about the Roman guards falling could a 2 ton stone be moved...and not hear anything?

7. According to St. Paul, more than 500 people has seen Christ Jesus after the Resurrection, (1 Corinthians 15:3-6) and for those who were dismissing Christ had resurrected, had the opportunity to ask more than....500 people!

8. Why do we have "Easter Lilies"?  The shell of the lilly represent the tomb, and the flower that blooms represent life after death.

9. The largest Easter egg in the world? In Vegreville Canada in 1975, in commemoration of early Ukranain settlements, was an egg that weighed 5000 lb. and was 25.7 feet long. No, it wasn't real. (lol)

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