Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Greatest Mistake of All Mankind...Gleanings from Revelation 1:7

Here then is the greatest history lesson the world has ever known: "You don't put your King on a Cross, you put Him on the Throne."

 Jesus came the first time....in humiliation
   this time...He comes in exultation!
Jesus came the first time... and was condemned to die on a Cross
   this time...His enemies will face death.
Jesus came the first time...to serve
   this time...He will be served.
Jesus came the first time...as a servant
   this time...He comes as a conquering King!

                                   Gleanings from Revelation 1:7

 "Look! He comes, clothed in the very clouds of Heaven!
Every eye will see Him...including all those who have falsely accused Him, rejected Him, and even denied His very existence! All who have agreed with "The Sentencing"...and even had Him pierced through!
 People from all nations...every tribe...every descendant of man himself, will beat their breasts, tear their clothes, and weep for joining against Him.
 Yet, even so....it is what it is...and must be this way."

 Notes: There will be no neutral ground when this takes place...you are either with Him...or you are against Him.
 The clouds will glorify Him...like The Transfiguration.
 Over 18 times in the Old Testament, the prophets foretold of "The Coming One"
 John the Baptist asked Him face to face: "Are You the coming One?"

He came the first time and was forsaken, despised, rejected, and crushed....
 This time...He will come as our Beloved King...or the worst nightmare you could ever imagine.

 He is who He says He is: King of kings...and Lord of lords!

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