Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Gay/Lesbian Issue within the Christian Faith..."Are we facing a "Worship Disorder?"...part 3

As I was standing near a small bonfire, this Hispanic nun approached me and asked me: "Isn't the moon clear and beautiful this evening?"....

 As I turned and looked at her, I nodded my head agreeing to the question she had just asked me. Then, almost without hesitation she began to mention how empty life seems to be without knowing the One who created all these beautiful scenes we see.
 I again agreed to what she was saying and thought to myself..."How did she know I was feeling a little "empty" at that moment." I mean, I kind of had an idea where she was going with all this (she is a nun for cryin' outloud)...yet it was a little perplexing to me she happened to be a party...standing next to me near a a little after 9 in the evening...and being concerned about me. 

 And the thing is...she made no apologies for the profession she had chosen.

 She then said to me: "Look, I am going to shoot it straight with you...I believe in my own heart God has sent me now...right where we are at."
 At the time there was a popular musical group called "Santana", and as our conversation began to progress, there was a song playing on a radio we had there...and the song was "Black Magic Woman". Yea...I seemed to relate to that song at the moment...(lol)...especially the line, "...Got your spell on me Baby...".

 Yet, that wasn't it at all. She was definitely not a "Black Magic Woman"...although she was dressed in black (lol)...and she most definitely had no "spell". What she did have...was Jesus in her heart and she was sharing His love for her...and giving His love to... me.
 Of course, at the moment I hadn't figured all that took a while to put that altogether.
 Anyway, this "Sister Diane" began to share how even though she was Roman Catholic, it really wasn't the issue when it came to everyday life itself. The real issue she said was: "Do you know Him? Do you believe in a God that would send His Son to die...for you?"
 Ok...what was meant to be a party where I could get buzzed, be with my friends, and forget about the things in life going on (Viet Nam conflict and the thought of being drafted, going to college, playing baseball, and of course...girls), had been "rudely crashed" by these 3 nuns who were now asking such sobering questions. 

 Yet, as the phrase goes: "I guess she caught the right time."

 So, I responded: "Sure, I grew up in church (Presbyterian for the most part), and I believe in all that "stuff".
 Then...she uttered the "bombshell question": " have given to Him your heart and soul?"
 I looked at her...and said: "Well, I guess...I think I was baptized when I was a baby, went to Sunday School when I was a kid, and never really did anything real kill someone or steal..(well, for the most part). There was one time our baseball team didn't have much we stole all the opposing team's bats, balls, and equipment. Other than that, I thought I was pretty "clean", and besides, God understood the "Robin Hood" mentality...rob from the rich to give to the poor thing...right? Oh, I forgot...we did steal some wood from "old man" Gomez tonight to have this party. He has a bunch of it on his front porch...he would never miss it." Other things started to pop up in my mind in reference to stealing...but I thought I had better shut-up before I get myself in trouble with this...nun sent by...God? Whatever...
 Sister Diane then said, " You didn't answer my question?"

  So, then I looked straight at her and said, "Tell me again..who are you, and why did you come to OUR party uninvited?"
 She smiled...and "got in my face" and said: " Oh, I was invited just didn't know it!"
 It was at that moment I made a "note to self": Do not make a nun angry!

 So I said: "Cool (actually I said "Far Out"...but that phrase is long gone in the corridors of history)...besides...she didn't back off from looking at me...directly in the eyes. Yet, there was something in her eyes...I had never seen. No, I wasn't falling in love with was I know this will sound weird...but it was like...someone else was in her eyes. And wasn't booze or drugs...I hadn't even started to "party" yet.  I will never...never forget that!

OK...what does all this have to do with Gays and Lesbians?...give me some time...

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