If there is one thing in life God seems to want of us, regardless of where we are at in life or what may be going on in our life...faithful...just remain faithful. Gleanings from 1 Peter 4
" Since Jesus has been through it all and then some, suffering physical pain rather than giving in to sin, His love for us going to that extreme for each one of us, let us live our lives according to the Way He has provided for us. If at the present you are in various trials that include suffering, encourage yourselves with these words, the sufferings you receive are a clear indication you are finished with living the sinful life.
Now, your desires and goals on life itself are living to please Him, giving God a rightful place in your own hearts. Suffering is a unique quality in itself, making it appear you are in some sort of bondage for following Him, yet the truth of it...you are truly free!
You have given yourself to living a god- less life in your past, allowing evil desires, lust, immorality, wild parties and the like having the center stage in your life. Now, the times have changed...for you! Your old friends will even notice your change in behavior...not showing up for the latest party, not being around to "double-fist" beer after beer just to get drunk in a vain attempt to forget your troubles, and not being there to practice "the art of sexual immorality".
And, as a result of all this change you must not find it a surprise if your "old friends" turn on you...thinking you reject them and who they are. They don't realize it isn't them you are turning from, rather, it is the vain lifestyle they adhere to. God has now given you a different road to travel...a new direction! Besides, they too will have their day, when the must face God...who is the True and Fair Judge of all...both of the living and the dead.
That is why believers who had died were given the privilege of hearing the Good News, even though dead in body, they are alive in spirit, and get in on Eternal Life made available through Christ Jesus!
The end of life as we know it is about to make its final turn, so don't take life lightly thinking life will go on as it always has.
Keep your prayers going...strong and consistent. Don't make your prayers a bunch of vain repetitions and boring thoughts. Be effective when you pray, focusing on the Great God who has saved you!
Here then is the most important thing you can do: continue to show deep love for one another. Love cancels out many sins. Be cheerful about sharing your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.
Each one of you are blessed with unique and wonderful gifts...with their purpose being to help and restore others to this God of love whom we have come to know.
Exercise these gifts, use these talents God has blessed with you with to help others and give strength to those in need. Then, others will see God's Bright Presence in your life, and look for this God who has saved you, all this giving glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, when life really gets difficult, like the trials in life that cause you to feel you are "too close to the fire", in those times don't think God has forgotten about you, that these things happen is God's way of saying to you; "See ya"
Instead, rejoice when the difficult times are upon you, these are like landmarks in your life. These times coupled with your faithfulness to Him will encourage others in the faith and will result in causing joy to come up from within and the thought of His glory about to be revealed.
So, if you are insulted, if you are abused, or if you suffer because you carry the name "Christian", then you know the glorious spirit of Christ Jesus is at full work within you!
But if you suffer because you feel you must retaliate, tempted to murder, to steal, to make trouble, or simply get "the dirty scoop" on others, then you are not following after Christ's Commands...these types of thoughts and actions do not come from Heaven's Door.
However, it is of no shame to suffer for being Christian. Rather, it is an honor and privilege to be called by this glorious name. For God has announced His time of judgment is upon us, and His first stop...within His own...His own family. Now, give this a thought...if God starts His judgment with us who have Christ in our hearts, what lies ahead for those who have never obeyed and rejected the Good News of our Lord Jesus?
If those who are declared Righteous in God's eyes, only because Christ Himself had to "step in" and save us from our destiny with death, what's going to happen to those who don't think they have done nothing wrong, rejecting the Cross, and even Christ Himself?
Once more, if you are finding life difficult at the moment because of your love for Christ Jesus, just let life have its course. Trust the Lord, He knows exactly what He's doing...and He will keep on doing it!
" Since Jesus has been through it all and then some, suffering physical pain rather than giving in to sin, His love for us going to that extreme for each one of us, let us live our lives according to the Way He has provided for us. If at the present you are in various trials that include suffering, encourage yourselves with these words, the sufferings you receive are a clear indication you are finished with living the sinful life.
Now, your desires and goals on life itself are living to please Him, giving God a rightful place in your own hearts. Suffering is a unique quality in itself, making it appear you are in some sort of bondage for following Him, yet the truth of it...you are truly free!
You have given yourself to living a god- less life in your past, allowing evil desires, lust, immorality, wild parties and the like having the center stage in your life. Now, the times have changed...for you! Your old friends will even notice your change in behavior...not showing up for the latest party, not being around to "double-fist" beer after beer just to get drunk in a vain attempt to forget your troubles, and not being there to practice "the art of sexual immorality".
And, as a result of all this change you must not find it a surprise if your "old friends" turn on you...thinking you reject them and who they are. They don't realize it isn't them you are turning from, rather, it is the vain lifestyle they adhere to. God has now given you a different road to travel...a new direction! Besides, they too will have their day, when the must face God...who is the True and Fair Judge of all...both of the living and the dead.
That is why believers who had died were given the privilege of hearing the Good News, even though dead in body, they are alive in spirit, and get in on Eternal Life made available through Christ Jesus!
The end of life as we know it is about to make its final turn, so don't take life lightly thinking life will go on as it always has.
Keep your prayers going...strong and consistent. Don't make your prayers a bunch of vain repetitions and boring thoughts. Be effective when you pray, focusing on the Great God who has saved you!
Here then is the most important thing you can do: continue to show deep love for one another. Love cancels out many sins. Be cheerful about sharing your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.
Each one of you are blessed with unique and wonderful gifts...with their purpose being to help and restore others to this God of love whom we have come to know.
Exercise these gifts, use these talents God has blessed with you with to help others and give strength to those in need. Then, others will see God's Bright Presence in your life, and look for this God who has saved you, all this giving glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now, when life really gets difficult, like the trials in life that cause you to feel you are "too close to the fire", in those times don't think God has forgotten about you, that these things happen is God's way of saying to you; "See ya"
Instead, rejoice when the difficult times are upon you, these are like landmarks in your life. These times coupled with your faithfulness to Him will encourage others in the faith and will result in causing joy to come up from within and the thought of His glory about to be revealed.
So, if you are insulted, if you are abused, or if you suffer because you carry the name "Christian", then you know the glorious spirit of Christ Jesus is at full work within you!
But if you suffer because you feel you must retaliate, tempted to murder, to steal, to make trouble, or simply get "the dirty scoop" on others, then you are not following after Christ's Commands...these types of thoughts and actions do not come from Heaven's Door.
However, it is of no shame to suffer for being Christian. Rather, it is an honor and privilege to be called by this glorious name. For God has announced His time of judgment is upon us, and His first stop...within His own...His own family. Now, give this a thought...if God starts His judgment with us who have Christ in our hearts, what lies ahead for those who have never obeyed and rejected the Good News of our Lord Jesus?
If those who are declared Righteous in God's eyes, only because Christ Himself had to "step in" and save us from our destiny with death, what's going to happen to those who don't think they have done nothing wrong, rejecting the Cross, and even Christ Himself?
Once more, if you are finding life difficult at the moment because of your love for Christ Jesus, just let life have its course. Trust the Lord, He knows exactly what He's doing...and He will keep on doing it!
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