Sunday, December 25, 2011

Rejoice! Always Rejoice! Gleanings from Philippians 4:1-11

Paul in my opinion gives some of the best advice for daily life in this chapter. In the early part of this chapter, Paul refers to those following Christ in Philippi as a crown to Paul's ministry. This crown in the Greek origin is not a crown like you would see on the head of a king, this crown is a ring of leaves that one would receive in ancient times when they had succeeded in a race, like a marathon.
 Another note, the phrase Paul uses here as well as in other letters; "things that deserve praise", can be interpreted, "words suitable for God to hear".......

 " So, my brothers and sisters whom I love and truly miss, stay true and firm to the Lord and the Way of Life He has made for each of us. All of you are a joy and a crown to the ministry I have received from Christ Jesus!
 As far as Euodia and Syntyche, you both are so precious to me and even more so to the Lord. Find a way to settle your differences and find harmony in one another, for this is God's way of working out differences that sometimes come up in our daily life.
 And Syzygus, since you are right there with them, help these women to sort out and find His Peace in their friendship. Both of these girls have worked too hard in spreading the Gospel to have this happen between them. Harboring grudges hurts not only each of them but the work of God that they have been so diligent to follow. They were both there with Clement and the others in spreading the Good News, and all of them have their names written on the Lamb's Book of Life.

 In fact, this is what I have learned to do daily, and this helps to overcome things that come against us and/or between us. Here lies the secret: Rejoice in Him! Gladden your hearts with songs of joy from within. Find ways to be glad in the life He has given you.
 When you do this, other factors come into play. When you rejoice, gentleness comes to the forefront, gentleness toward God as well as toward one another. Remind yourselves how soon the Return of the Lord may be.
 Also, as you learn to rejoice in Him daily, worry and anxiety won't get the best of you. In fact, worry and anxiety will be replaced by the need to pray...pray about anything and you find ways to rejoice in Him!

 Once you have expressed your concerns and needs to God, begin to rejoice once again and be thankful for all He has done.
 From this practice of daily rejoicing, you will then experience God's Peace in your lives, His Peace, which goes far beyond any human understanding or any situations we may face in life. Rejoicing brings His Peace that acts as a guard in your hearts and your minds to all those who devote their lives to the Blessed One...Jesus the Christ!

 So, as I sum up my thoughts I have wanted to share with each of you, here is good advice in regards to your daily thoughts on your journey through life.
 First, keep your thoughts centered on things that are true, don't get caught up believing everything you hear. Look for ways and think through things that have honor "stamped" on the decisions and choices you make. Along with this, think and weigh out things that are right, meaning, do the scriptures teach the daily way you think?, and think on things that are pure and authentic, things that have a beauty about them, things that are gracious and brings out the best in others. When you start to think and look at life in this matter, things of excellence and worthy of God's praise will come into your minds at more regular intervals.
 Keep putting into daily practice what I am writing to you...along with everything I have done my utmost to teach and share with you. Do what I do, act like I act, and God's Peace will be your daily guide.

 I praise God with all my heart for your concern for me. It causes me to be so grateful for each of you and how God has blessed me having each of you in my life. I know opportunity has not allowed you to help me, yet your thoughts and prayers for me are always there.
 Actually, I am Ok, and all my needs are met!"

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