Wednesday, December 28, 2011

God's laws do make sense...Gleanings from Proverbs 28:1-14

I am ever grateful Solomon wrote the helps life to make sense...Gleanings from Proverbs 28:1-14...

 " Did you ever notice those who choose evil ideas are often a little edgy? They carry this guilt with them and it seems like they are ready to run at the "drop of a hat", even if no one is after them.
 Have you ever noticed those who carry that "Peace with God" aura, living honestly and being faithful to their beliefs, they seem relaxed and confident in daily life?

 Where there is moral rot within a nation, the government is unstable...and frantic in its search for answers. On the other hand, when the leadership of a nation has good discernment, good understanding, and a working knowledge of how life should work, it brings a stability that lingers on.
 A poor man who oppresses the poor around him is like getting a hailstorm right before the harvest.
 If you desert or worse yet, reject the law, you are endorsing rebellion, even evil itself. Don't fool yourself, there is no middle ground when making decisions like that.
 Now when you seek the Lord and His justice, your understanding on different issues in life will be strong and stable.
 In fact, even if you are poor but choose to live right, it is much better for you...instead of being rich and cling to dishonesty and deceit as an acceptable way of life.

 If you can obey the laws of God when you are are found wise. If you choose to reject His Ways, you bring shame to your parents, your family, your friends. and to yourself.
 Make no mistake, charging high and exuberant interest rates to people will only get you this: you will see a friend of the poor give all it back to them...perhaps at your expense!

Ok, let me ask you this: Why would God listen to the prayers of someone who doesn't want to listen to Him?

 Leading good people down a wrong path will get you nowhere...except to that pit you had made for them to fall in...because it turns out you are the one who fell into it.
 Stay "above board", keep your motives honest, and you'll come out alright.

 Rich people take for granted sometimes they are wise simply because they are rich. They don't always realize just because someone who may be poor, are still able to have good discernment...they can see right through them.
 Here is something else I have noticed: when a godly person has success, it's a good day for everyone; while when a wicked person rises to power, everyone kind of "lays low"...until he is gone...for good!

 People who cover up what they know is wrong, instead of "facing the music" and fixing it, will end up being exposed and having to face it anyway.
 Now on the other hand if they face up and correct what they know was wrong, mercy will be there to greet them.

 People who are sensitive to God's way of doing things and have a tender heart, are truly the blessed ones!
 If being hard-hearted is your "cup of choice", then expect a hard life to come with it."

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