Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Wee-Bit More on Irish Wit...

An Irish Wedding Bell

 Irish poetry, stories, and general sayings on life are as rich as any that have been written. Often times the focus of these different writings are on blessings...although getting an Irish person upset can bring other forms of communication...with a curse(s) having a special focus!
 The unique style of written communication of the Irish have oftened conveyed words of comfort and encouragement as well. Although the Irish have a "feisty" mannerism that has been known through the ages, within the framework of their writings you also discover a gentle side to the Irish, with extraordinary tenderness and a heart of generosity.

 Some of the "Gaelic one-liners" have challenged thought and given us a unique amazement on the experiences we all face in everyday life. Here, are but a few:

"May you escape the gallows, avoid distress, and be as healthy as a trout!"
"Peace on your hand...and to all who shake it!"
" May God stand between us...and all harm."
" May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live."
" May the Lord keep you in His hand, but never close His fist tight on you."
"To the doctor may you never hand any money, and sweet be your hand in a pot full of honey."
"May you never bear the heavy load...of an empty stomach."

 And here are some more:

"He who lies with dogs, gets up with fleas." (Choose your friends carefully)
"No matter how long the day, the evening comes." (No matter how bad things may be, it will end).

"A good half the work."
"There is no prosperity if there be no discipline or self-control."

"Many a time a man's mouth broke his nose." (Your mouth can get you in trouble.)
"It is often a person's tongue...that cuts his own throat." (Be wise when you speak.)
"Talk doesn't wear clothes." (Talk doesn't get the work done.)

"It's no longer a secret if 3 people know it."
"Everybody is good-natured...until the cow is found in his own garden."
"Don't keep your tongue under your belt." (Say what you feel.)

"There are 4 things considered useless: a headache, a bitter mouth, a worried mind, and an empty pocket."
"The Irish are fair to all!...they have never spoke well of each other!"
"Only Irish coffee provides all main essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat."

"There are 3 things hard to understand: the work of the bees, the coming and going of the tides, and the intellect of a woman."

And finally..a few toasts....

When you want to encourage another to have a 2nd drink, you simply say: "A bird never flew on one wing!"
"May all your ups and downs in under the sheets!"
"Love is blind...but marriage can restore eyesight."
"Here is to our wives and girlfriends...may they never meet!"

                   May God Bless...the Irish!

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