Eyes of the heart....really cool phrase! Is there such a thing? Well, the Bible says there is and here in Ephesians this very phrase is used!
Actually, I took some time and looked at this phrase and what it might really mean. In the New Testament Greek, this phrase is written: "ophthalomos hymon dianoia". The meaning of this in Greek form is: the eyes of understanding or the eyes of your mind.
I recall in some Jewish biblical study in the past, to the Jewish mind, the heart was where all thoughts and decisions come from as well as the intellect. If that is true, the eyes of the heart make sense to me....besides, the "poetic form" of the phrase itself...it just sounds too good to pass up...or ignore!
Gleanings from Ephesians 1:15-22
" Ever since I have been hearing of how you are putting your faith in Christ Jesus, and pouring this love of Christ Jesus to one another, I have not been able to stop giving thanks to the Father!
Your committment to Him and your demonstration of faith by conveying His love to one another, both in word and deed, causes me to find you in the midst of my daily prayers.
Now, here is the heart of my prayers for you...a sample of how I pray for you going something like this: "Father, my Heavenly Father, I address You through the Power of Your Son, my Savior, the Lord Jesus. Heavenly King, I ask through the power of the Holy Spirit that You would give to my brothers and sisters in Ephesus an insight into the secrets and mysteries of Your Word, and from this, generate a deep and intimate knowledge coupled with a constant growing relationship...with Him!
I also pray the "eyes of their hearts" would be open, with a clarity and a focus, to understand and grasp hold of the marvelous priviledge and joy in the hope of His Calling...a calling to each of my brothers and sisters with the knowledge of this glorious inheritance our Lord Jesus has made and set apart for those who give their lives in trusting Him.
And, as these things develop in their lives, may the reality of the "Mighty One"...the immeasurable greatness...the unlimited access...and the incredible power is made available to each one...because of the power of Christ Jesus and the freedom He has given to all who call to Him!"
Here then is a secret I will share with you...it is the very secret of all eternity: The same mighty power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead...is the very same power that lives in you!
For you see, it was God, our Heavenly Father that brought up Christ Jesus from the dead, and gave to Him a throne of rightful authority, that being, with God the Father Himself!
For it is through all this power..the power of God the Father, of Christ Jesus our Savior, and the strength of the Holy Spirit.... that now nothing is left to stand against you! All things are under Him!...every power, all dominion, and every name and title that has ever been uttered, from the very beginnings of the Ages...through all the history of mankind...and into the Eternal Age to come...He simply Is!...and He is above all!
We now know there is no power that can rise above Him, in fact, all things are under His feet...He is our appointed and eternal Head of the church itself...like you Ephesians!...you are a part of His church!
Therefore we, the church itself, are the "voice of Christ Jesus...when He speaks...we speak!...when He acts...we act!...everything that pertains to Life...originates from Him!...and we have been called into His marvelous Presence....forever...and ever!"
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