Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Daily's subject to change...

In my own life, I am finally starting to see a little light on the value of prayer. My appreciation for all those who have prayed and continue to pray for me has had a profound effect on me.
 I am quite a novice in this area of my life...but I am determined not to remain His Grace!
 I don't know which side of my brain I operate out of....some claiming neither (lol), yet I am so grateful I have the best to learn from....Christ Jesus!
 Working with people in my arena of life is sometimes fun...and sometimes challenging. I think the Lord would quite possibly describe me in that matter...all I know is to keep my heart with His, and a desire to see others around me receive Christ Jesus into their hearts and lives....
                                                 A DAILY PRAYER
" Father, I come to You in Jesus Mighty Name...grateful for His Blood, which has cleansed me. I also recognize there are areas I choose sin over Christ Jesus to have control in my daily life. Forgive me, forgive me where I have not allowed Christ Jesus to have His rightful place in my heart.  ( 1 John 1:9)    SELAH

 Thank You my sins are completely forgiven...each one...and You have sent healing in their each one. Praise to You my Lord Jesus! (Psalm 103:3)  SELAH
 And just like You have rebuilt Jerusalem, and gathered the exiles of Israel, You are faithful to me where my heart was broken, taking the time to bind and heal my wounds...each one...the surface scratches and those deep fatal wounds! (Psalm 147:3)  SELAH

 As You remake me, both in character and integrity, You have promised to be with Me, never to leave me alone, or never to fail me...I will never again be labeled "forsaken"...not will I be looked upon as "abandoned". (Hebrews 13:5)  SELAH
 In fact, You have said there is nothing, in all creation, that can separate us from each other, all because of Him...the Anointed One...the One called "The Christ". (Romans 8:39)  SELAH

For You even spoke to Abraham, and declared in days of old:"Is there anything too hard for You?" (Genesis 18:14)  SELAH
Mary, when she was told of bearing the "Greatest Gift" to all mankind, pointed us in the right direction...leading by example... for she believed what You had promised her. (Luke 1:45)  SELAH

And the words of Jeremiah...are still operative today. Jeremiah said of You: "Ask of Me, and I will show you great and mighty things...things that have seemed fenced in and made known and in plain you!" (Jeremiah 33:3)  SELAH
In the days of Job, You revealed that if I take time to You, that You are gracious to hear me!...and give strength to my fulfill the life Christ Jesus has made for me.  (Job 22:27)  SELAH
In fact, my Lord and my King, Isaiah has spoke to my heart and said that as I surrender my heart to You, You answer our prayers...before they even reach You!...while I am yet speaking...You are already answering!  (Isaiah 65:24)  SELAH

The Lord Jesus spoke on how to pray, saying that whatever my request might be, to take courage in the fact He hears us, to rest in my faith in Him, and the answers will be there...always!  (Matthew 21:22)  SELAH
My part is to keep my heart joined with Yours...and allow His Words to "bleed" into my own heart...and remain there! For there is where the foundation of my life begins! (John 15:7)  SELAH

And James furthers our instructions, reminding me to: "Let endurance...let patience...have its way and do a thorough work in me," so that when the pressures of daily life do erupt, my "true colors" will erupt as well...a crimson color...washed in the Blood and cleansed by His Word!
 For it is in those times...I am able to reach out to others!  (James 1:4)   SELAH

In Christ Name...Amen 

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