Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Song of the Vineyard...Gleanings from Isaiah 5:1-7

Sometimes the bigger challenge in our lives is not believing God to answer our prayers, rather, it is how we react when God does answer prayer and blesses us with His overwhelming mercy. For there lies the secret as to why we are blessed....to bless others!
                      "The Song of the Vineyard"

 " I will sing to you a ballad of sorts, a tender ballad concerning His vineyard and the people He loves!
 It begins here: I give My love to the Owner of the Vineyard, for He has made a beautiful and rich vineyard, nestled on a fertile hill.
 This vineyard has been created and built with the very Heart of the One who loves us, meticulous in detail, preparing the soil and giving the vines a place to have a fertile root.
 For He had dug and trenched the ground carefully, and gathered from its soil stones and rocks that were in the way and now gives the soil a rich vitality, a place where the choicest of vines could grow, finding root deep within the soil, able to thrive and become the very best of vines.
 In the middle of this beautiful vineyard, my Friend carved out a wine press, made from the very rocks He had cleared from this vineyard, a vineyard of sheer beauty and appeasing to the eye.

 And then He patiently waited...to see the vintage yield of grapes to come forth from all the preparation He had given!
 But, as the season wore on, a terrible thing occurred! Instead of luscious and sweet grapes that He had fully expected and "pictured" in His mind....this beautiful vineyard brought forth...wild grapes! These grapes are full of bitterness to the taste...not fit for the wine press! This grapes are unable to produce sweet and rich wine...for any harvest!
 Then, my Friend asks...He asks all of you who live in Jerusalem...and all of you who abide in Judea: "What more could I have done for My beloved vineyard?...that I had not already done?"

 Now then, what am I to do with this well-prepared and fertile vineyard I have created with My own two hands?  First, it must be tore down!...the hedges I lovingly built around its perimeters, I must rip out so it can be burned. I will then take the " Entrance Gate" I carefully designed, and break it down...to the ground. There it can be used to walk on amidst the destruction of this place.
 This fertile field will return to its natural surroundings, a wild place where the grapevines are not pruned and the ground is not cultivated. This once fertile field will now be run over with briers and wild thorns. I will then speak to the clouds...who offer life-support through her gentle yielding of the rains...but to these clouds I speak: " Do not come near this field...let not one drop of water find its home in this soil!"

 For here then lies the moral of the story, the ballad of the "Song of the Vineyard".

 It is you!...O Israel...you are that vineyard...created by the Lord of the Heaven's Armies! The very people of Judah were to be the luscious and sweet grapes of this once beautiful and fertile vineyard.
 I was expecting to have crops with the fruit of Compassion and Justice for the needy, but instead, I see and witness with My own eyes the mis-used power and a people that are "weighed-down" both physically and emotionally...because of the very oppression you cause!
 I looked for Mercy and Humility, helping and guiding others to live in Peace among themselves, but instead I hear the cries...the "Cry of Violence" among your poor, who moan and find themselves in much distress for your misuse of power!" 

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