Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Final Chapter...Gleanings from Galatians 6

Here Paul wraps us his letter to the Galatians in 3 ways: 1) how to treat others with love when they are bound in sin, 2) giving support including financial support to those bring the message of the Good News, and 3) closing this letter with the assurance this letter really is from Paul.
                         Gleanings from Galatians 6

 "My brothers and sisters, live by the leading of the Holy Spirit, and allow Him be creative and active in the daily things you do. Don't allow yourself to think of our new life in Christ as nothing more than another "bump on the log"... another "ho-hum" experience in life.
 As far as sin, when you notice someone entrapped in sin, your first reaction is to be forgiving, and give support to this person by showing them ways they might overcome the sin in their lives, and doing so in a gentle manner. Above all, don't think of yourself as one "too spiritual" for another, or worse yet, that you are "way beyond" that and it would be impossible for you to fall to a particular sin. That type of thinking is a sin and a trap in itself, and it could very well be you might be needing forgiveness and understanding for something before the day is even finished.

 Also, share one another's load of burdens and moral faults, and you will be obeying the law...not the Law of Moses....the very Law of Christ!
 And let me give you a real "heads up" in relation to sharing the love of Christ Jesus. If you entertain a thought that causes you to think you are too spiritual and important to help strengthen a brother or sister that is wrestling with a particular sin...and let me make this perfectly clear....YOU ARE NOT!
 In fact, thinking like that will put you back at "square one"...learning once again about the love of taking a class on "the Basics of Receiving Christ Jesus...101".
 Furthermore, it is good to pay attention and examine your own conduct and how you relate to others in having the love of Jesus reign in your heart, then you may also find personal joy to see His Grace operating in your own life.
 Now if you think boasting around others about your spiritual growth will get you the notoriety you think you so richly deserve, there again you are going missed the entire basics of what the Good News proclaims!

 Here are some other things you may want to consider:

 Don't be misled, or should I say don't fool yourself, by picking and choosing which part of scripture you want to follow after, and which part you don't. Make no mistake, you reap what you sow!
 If you choose to live and satisfy your own sinful nature, being selfish, neglecting the needs of others, or ignoring God Himself, your harvest will be nothing more than rot and decay..a storehouse...of weeds!
 Instead, live out your lives to please God and follow the daily leading of the Holy Spirit. For then your harvest will be storehouses...from the treasuries of Eternal Life!
 One other thing, don't grow tired of doing what is right and what is good....hang in there!...the harvest of His blessing will come your way...just don't "give it up" before it gets there!
 So for now, every chance you get, or as the saying goes; "when opportunity knocks"...go after it! Be a strength and help to those who need moral support, spiritual strength, and basic daily needs of everyday life...especially with brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. This is the right thing to do...and I can speak for Him on this...this is what God would have you do!

 Now, as I close this letter, I'm writing in large bold letters, my personal handwriting, so you might know how important all the things contained in this letter are to me and to also let you know...this letter is from me! PAUL

 So, once again I remind you...concerning those among you forcing the issue of the necessity of circumcision...they only are telling you this for themselves...trying to make themselves look good and "holy".
 The real truth behind their motives: they have NO courage...and here is why! They don't want any part of being persecuted for proclaiming the Cross...and the Cross alone which is what saves each one of us!
 Here is another "clue" about them: these cowards who preach that you must be circumcised...don't even keep the whole of the Mosaic Law themselves...only the parts they are comfortable with. In fact, the real reason they are trying to "ram this down your throats" is that you might be nothing more than a "point of interest" on their resume, or a "trophy" to be added to their trophy room.

 As for myself, I pray I may never boast of anything in life except for this one thing: the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of His work at the Cross, my own personal interests in this life are over...done! For I Paul have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live...but Christ living in and through me! I have died to myself,  so that the real Paul Christ made may come forth!
 And get this: it makes absolutely NO difference whether I am circumcised...or not! What does matter is I have changed and made brand new! I am a new Christ Jesus!
 May God's peace and His mercy be with all who live and abide by these Promises! For those who do so... are the true believers in Christ!

 Honestly, don't bother me anymore with this "gibberish" on following the Mosaic Law, circumcision, and all the outdated stuff.
 Nor will I spend anymore time vindicating who I am in Christ Jesus or my authority as a true apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ.
 If you still doubt me, come by and look at the scars and brands my own body carries that testifies of Christ and my allegiance to Him!
 Now, may His grace and favor and His blessing be given all of you and embedded deep within your spirits!  Amen.

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