Friday, January 27, 2012

A Day of Reckoning...Gleanings from Isaiah 2:10-22

It is never a good idea to put all your confidence in only yourself. It may motivate you and help you to "climb a little higher" in life..but the cost can be high as well.
 Put your trust in Him, and let Him exalt you in due is so much more meaningful and the only love Him with all your heart!   Gleanings from Isaiah 2:10-22...

 " If you were one of those who had joined in the chorus, "We are free! We are free! Free from following the Ways of the Lord!" and so on and so on...only to find out later that "tune" didn't work out so is what I would do.
 I would go hide under the first rock I could find...and if you find one someone there already hiding, go find another!  Why you ask?
 For the Glory of the all His splendor and great about to arrive!

 The ones who chose to live in their own arrogance, full of their own self-pride, are about to see and feel the results of that type of thinking.
 For the day is coming when the Lord shall be exalted...Our Great King...and He alone!
Remember this: the Lord of Heaven's Army...always has His Day of Reckoning!

 When he comes on that day, the proud and the conceited will be brought low. Even the earth will bow low before Him! The tall trees of Lebanon and the mighty oaks of Bashan will tremble before Him!
 All the great mountains...the Alps...the Andes...the Rockies...and Mount Everest herself will be no match for our Great King of all the earth and the heavens!
 The makings of mere man...great buildings and tall stone statues and monuments...even the greatest of fortified walls of the most powerful cities...will be but a feather to the King of the Ages!
 The great ships of the vast seas: the wartime vessels and the luxury liners...nothing more than play toys in a bubble the Eyes of the Lord!

 Make no mistake of this: self-pride will be brought down, and the arrogant...humiliated. Imagine, they actually thought they could stand up to our great King!
 All those hand-made "sticks and stones" that were called "gods"...the idols that were held in such high regard...will simply vanish! Gone!...and gone forever!
 When the Great Day arrives, and the earth begins to shake...all the enemies of our God will be looking for a a hide from the Majestic One!

 For the Day of Judgment will surely arrive, and the idols of "sticks and stones", adorned with a your silver and your gold...will only be left for the rats to feast on, abandoned by the ones who made them with their own hands.
 And you will see those running for safety...crawling into caverns and hiding between the jagged rocks. Why? For the Glory of the Lord has come! His Majestic Presence is about to be made all!

 Don't continue putting your trust in man...he is weak at his best, he is frail when he is in his prime, and he always dies. All men must why would you put all your trust in a mere man...on matters of Eternal Life?"

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