Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Party like a Rock Star..or how about a Corinthian" I Corinthians 2: 6-10

Las Vegas is not the first city to offer a "place to have a good time...and let dreams come true", or to put it another way.... "Let's party like a Rock Star"....

 The city of Corinth was an important place during the time Saint Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthians. Corinth is a narrow section of land, referred to as "Isthmus" in southern Greece. In Paul's day, it is believed that perhaps as many as 400,000 people lived in this area. Today, over 70,000 reside in Corinth.
 During the writings of Paul Corinth was actually in a region known as Achaia, and Corinth was the capital city.

 What made Corinth so enticing during Paul's lifetime was that fact Corinth had 2 harbors, the western harbor was on the side of the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern harbor on the side of the Aegean Sea. This was of great importance because ships carrying cargos of goods could avoid about 200 extra miles on the seas...by docking in Corinth and transferring its goods from one harbor to the other. It also was helpful in avoiding the dangers of the high seas...by eliminating 200 miles of a voyage.
 Today there is a canal that connects the 2 harbors, enabling cargo ships to pass through from one harbor to the other. In Paul's day, smaller vessels (even boats), would transfer goods from ships in one harbor to ships in the other harbor. Corinth became a great city to the export and import of goods and services to the known world.

 Corinth was a city of diverse people. As one historian writes, "it was the home of many dislocated individuals". Romans lived there because of the city being a part of the Roman Empire, Jewish people lived there for occupational purposes, cultures from the East inhabited Corinth, as did the many Greeks of the region. Because of Corinth's ability to be a major trade centre, many slaves were also brought to Corinth to help in doing much labor needed in both the export and import of the region. 

 Also, the great "Temple of Aphrodite" was located in Corinth. Aphrodite was the Greek female goddess of love, and part of the worship of this goddess...was having sexual relations with the Temple's prostitutes, much like the city of Ephesus and the Roman "Temple of Diana". As a result, there were thousands of prostitutes living in Corinth. One popular phrase that was spoken in the days of Paul was: " I want to live like a Corinthian", which meant a person wanted to party, get drunk, and go to the Temple and worship...with one of her prostitutes.

 The whole concept isn't too much different than what many do today...when planning their week-ends...is it? There might not be a "Temple of Aphrodite" today...but isn't the word "score"...mean the same thing as "worship" like at the temple in Corinth?...Just sayin'.

 Saint Paul had been living in Corinth for about 18 months, and had found this city to be a great place to present the Gospel. Earlier, Paul had been in the city of Athens, but the Gospel had not been received well there, so now he had moved on to Corinth. 
 In Corinth, the people were much more open to hearing of Jesus. In fact, a man named Crispus, who was the leader of the local Jewish synagogue, had received Christ Jesus as his Savior...after hearing the words of Saint Paul.
 Paul stayed with Aquila and Priscilla, a popular couple in the writings of the Sacred Scripture. On reason Paul stayed with them was because they had a common trade...they were tent makers. Priscilla, the wife of Aquila, was thought to be a teacher of the Scriptures. In fact, some biblical historians think Priscilla had great influence on Paul when he wrote the Letter to the Hebrews....some going as far  to say she might have been at least in part...an anonymous author. The "cool thing" about "Aquila and Priscilla" in reference to the Scriptures...you never read of one...without the other. 

 Here in the second chapter of 1st Corinthians, Paul explains how the Gospel is received...by faith...into our hearts. Trying to accept Christ mentally or in a rational matter....doesn't seem to work........

                                      A Gleaning from 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

"  Being among those who have that hunger...have that drive...have that tenacity, to become more like Him and develop themselves in a lifestyle that honors the Lord, we too hunger to  share the depths of knowing Him and grow as one in the unity of our faith.
 Yet, it must be understood the words we speak is not a popular one, nor is it some "fad" that is popular at the moment and out of date a year from now.
 God's Wisdom we speak of...is a wisdom that had been hidden from human understanding, even the greatest minds of our day unable to decipher what God had planned. If they had, they wouldn't have joined the "ranks and files" and crucified the Lord of Glory!
 In fact, it is quite the opposite. Isaiah wrote: " No mere man has ever seen or dared imagine the wonderful plan God has arranged for those who have an affectionate reverence that drives us to obey Him, being grateful for all He has done for us, as well as receive the benefits for embracing...Him!
 God, in His marvelous mercy, has sent to us the Holy Spirit...to unveil and reveal to us...the very message of Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit even now is on a "search mission", looking with utmost diligence...into our very hearts...exploring every area of our hearts...examining our motives...bringing with Him...the very depths of God's love...for us!"

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