Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lent...Why? part 3

There are a couple of more things Saint Paul wrote of in comparing our Christian lives to that  of training for a the Olympics.
 Paul realizes he is far from perfect, yet reminds us a runner in the Olympics to focus on what lies ahead, and forget the results of the past. Becoming a Christian does not mean you have reached your final destination, rather, it is the beginning of a new and incredible journey in knowing Him and allowing Him to transform every part of you...both inside and out. This is the Lent Challenge.

 When you live in a state of continually regretting what happened in the past, it only serves to slow one down in their "race of life". Warren Wiersbe, the pastor from Chicago who wrote a variety of books on our Christian faith, once wrote: " Do not say: "Why were the former days (the Good Ole Days) better than the present. You do not move ahead by constantly looking in the rear view mirror. The past serves a s a rudder to guide you, not an drag you. We must learn from our past...but not live in the past."

 "Running the Race" demands all of our attention, the world and all its enticements encourage us to move away from God...don't trust Him...He simply is not there when you need Him. Yet, this is not true. Our job is to stay focused on the things He as asked us to do...and He is always there when we call upon Him.

 The Past...can be a joyful occasion, for the past can serve to remind us of the foundational principles we have applied to our everyday lives. Yet, there is much about the past we need to let go, trust Him, and forget them. We see the past often littered with mistakes, sins we pursued, and pains and tragedies resulting from poor decisions. Now, through the Grace of our Lord Jesus...our focus is...on what lies ahead!

                                      Gleaning from Philippians 3 :13-14

 " I am certainly not saying I have it altogether, nor am I claiming to "have arrived". Yet, here is the focus of all my energies now, at this point of my Christian walk in life.
 I do not look back on my past, for I have sought God's forgiveness and through Christ He has accepted me into His very Kingdom. Now, I forget what happened in the past and push forward to what lies ahead. I press on to the Prize...the goal of being called to be with Him...into His very Presence!  This race I am presently in is secure and worth all my training...because of what Christ has done for me...and for anyone who believes in Him!" 

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