Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lent...Why? part 4 (conclusion)

In 2nd Timothy, Paul again uses the "runner training for the Olympics" analogy in describing how we are to serve Him and spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ....

 In chapter 4, Saint Paul is nearing the end of his life. He had recently travelled to Macedonia (near Greece in S.E. Europe), and some historians think Paul may have ventured into Spain during this time period.
 Now, Paul had been put in prison once again in Rome. It was most likely somewhere between 62-64 A.D., and this is where Saint Paul is eventually killed by the Roman Emperor Nero.
 Here in this second letter to Timothy, Paul expresses to Timothy his desire to see him one more time.  Roman prisons were often wet and cold, and Paul requests of Timothy to bring the warm coat with him that Paul had left in Troas. He also asks Timothy to bring along Paul's books and papers that had been left behind by Paul.

 Saint Paul writes this second letter to Timothy in a much more personal manner than many of his other letters. Here Paul encourages Timothy to continue to be strong in his faith with the Lord Jesus, and not to be embarrassed or ashamed of what Christians sometimes go Paul being sentenced to a Roman prison. In fact, Paul goes on to write it should not be an embarrassment to suffer for the Lord Jesus...rather we as Christians must always be ready and prepared for it. 

 In chapter 4, beginning in verse 6....Paul is very much aware...he is about to die.

 Paul writes of how he has poured out his entire life in service to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and can no more. Paul recognizes he will not be free again, and will remain in the Roman prison until the time of his "departure". The Greek word used in "departure" denotes a successful journey, and Paul seems to look at Death as an a new and better life.
 Paul then in verse 7 explains to Timothy how this present life is a struggle, and the root cause being we as Christians have embraced the Lord Jesus Christ into our very hearts.
 It is here Paul once again uses the analogy of an athlete in training for competition in a race, and encourages Timothy to "run the race" in this life like a trained athlete in an athletic event, having trained for this "race" for many months and even order to run the distance.
 As for Paul himself, he senses his race is complete, and is now fast approaching the "finish line". Paul writes to Timothy in this matter: " I have completed the race, and now await the Crown, provided by Jesus Christ...the Righteous!

                                           A Gleaning from II Timothy 4: 6-9(a)

 "Timothy, the time has come for you to take over. As for me, it has come time for die. My life has been poured to all as a type of "Drink offering", and now I pour this out at the altar...of our Lord Jesus.
 This "race" that I have been so eagerly engaged in, is the only race worth running! For myself, I have run this race well, fought the good...the worthy...and the honorable fight, and now I have finished the race...keeping my faith in Him...firmly in tact!
 All that remains now is what I will receive in running this race...that being the "Victor's Crown"! Now I am about to hear God our Father shout!...and applause!...for all the work...He has done...through this earthen vessel. As for you Timothy, you too will hear the same from God our can depend on it! well as any who participate in this all honor...all Him! 
 Timothy, I only ask that you might make every effort to come to soon as you can!"

 Lent is a embrace Paul's all believers!

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