Thursday, February 6, 2014

Annie Cole...Lent is Calling...and the world watches"...chapter 11

Charity began to share with me...well to be real about it...things I never have thought least not like that....

"Annie, becoming a has so many meanings to so many people. And when you start discussing human suffering...God appears to be more of a myth than He does being a reality. 
 The thing I have concluded...I am not going to try and defend Him...I am sure God is fine and doesn't need my assistance in proving who He is. This thought wave of mine...carries into suffering as well.
 Suffering carries with it... a message that at times is a complete mystery. The truth is: bad things happen to people and we as Christians...don't have an answer for it.
 No one in their right mind wants to suffer...or want to see others suffer...and yet we hear about...everyday right?
People have tried to figure out why God allows suffering in its many happen to forever...since the beginning of time...right?...and some have turned away from God or joined the ranks of many who claim He just doesn't exist.

 What I do know...I couldn't face my day if I didn't think He isn't there. And, I couldn't face my day if I didn't think He cared...about me. It doesn't give me a "free pass" that I won't face problems or possibly face tragedy...heartbreaks...or some type of suffering...I know that. I just know in my own heart...God wants good to happen to me...and to anyone who gives Him a chance to be in their life.
 No one has to tell me my own family loves me...I know they do...yet, my Mom battles crohn's disease...everyday. I don't want her to have crohn's...but she does. My Mom wants me to marry Derik and we live happily ever after... meaning no problems, nice home, healthy children, plenty of money, etc. I want that too...yet...I also know we will have face things...and force ourselves to  find ways to get through it. It's just life.

There are 2 things I keep my focus on in regards to life: I spend time exploring about God's character and finding out who He says He is...that's why I read the Bible. The other thing...I do pray...and practice doing so, because just like my friends and people I you Annie...I want to be with Him. I admit, it's a little weird because I can't see or touch God my friends, and it takes time to learn His way of communicating with's working.

 I don't think God killed your Dad Annie. What I know about Him...He just doesn't do that. The only thing I can suggest...give Him a chance. You have a Bible for a reason...try exploring it...don't just put it away the second it makes no sense or gets boring, He is pretty cool to get to know...and it gets better everyday."

 Then, after listening to Charity, I asked her: "How do you even start? What am I suppose to do?"
 Charity looked at me, thought for a minute and said: "I would ask Him..."God...did You kill my Dad?"

I though to myself....what if He answers me?.....

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