Friday, February 21, 2014

"My Personal Take...on Lent"

In preparation of Lent 2014, the "Challenge of Lent" is becoming more of a serious issue with me... that being to consider my lifestyle in a way Saint Paul has written in his various letters....train like an athlete preparing for Olympic competition..........

 I think the Season of Lent has changed over the years since it's conception. The original thought was a 40 day preparation that would conclude with a water baptism at Easter, signifying a life that is publically noted to have been given over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
 Today, although I am sure in some denominations this may still be going on, yet for the many who have already given their lives to Christ Jesus through baptism, what are we to do observance of Lent?

 First, I think it is important to recognize why we are here...on earth. Is our top priority in life ... to help others?...give to others through numerous charities and fundraisers?...honor God through our church involvement? Although all these things have merit, and are actually commanded for us to do in the Sacred Scriptures, yet our top priority in life whatever we do in our daily thoughts and lifestyles...we are to do so that all the honor...all the given to Him.
 There are numerous and varied Scriptures that point us in this direction...and I would just note a few:
 1. Psalm 34:3 " O magnify the Lord...with me!, and let us exalt His Name...together!" (Amplified version).
 The word "magnified" is from the Hebrew word "baruch", almost having a "boasting" meaning to this word. Here in this Psalms it signifies we are to let others know how great this God of ours really make God even bigger! The truth is, we cannot make God bigger, yet what we can do is bring this great God of ours...closer for others to see His Goodness in our lives. The thing that really strikes me about this verse is the emphasis given...we are to do this thing together. So, how do we do this? One way is the recognition we are sinners saved by His Grace, and we can give all the glory in our lives through obeying what He has commanded us to do in the Sacred Scriptures, for it is when we walk in obedience to Him...we magnify Him... we glorify Him...and we assist others in coming to...Him!

2. Habakkuk 2:14 "The time will come when all the earth is filled, just as the waters cover the sea, with an awareness of the glory of the Lord." ( the Living Translation).
 Here the Old Testament prophet Habakkuk is amazed how the Babylonian Empire gets away with worshipping false gods, cruelty to others, and their selfishness to take from others and yet are never satisfied in having enough. Yet, in all this God assures Habakkuk the godless lives of the Babylonians will meet their end, and they too will come to the conclusion...all glory and all honor belongs the Lord. We, as Christians today must continue to exercise our faith and give all the honor and glory to our God through our own lifestyles...regardless of what may appear before our very eyes.

3. Saint Luke 2: 13-14   " Suddenly, there appeared before the shepherds, along with the first angel, an entire company of angels, armed warriors of our great God, and the shepherds could hear them praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and He brings with Him both men and women who have found favor in Him!" ( various translations).
 Again, what is the first announcement given at the time of Christ's birth as described here in Saint Luke? The first announcement is..."Glory to God...". That is the top priority in all matters concerning life...we are to give glory to God...above all else. We do with with our voices, our thoughts, our daily routines, everything we do...we are to give glory to the Lord. This, in my opinion is the true message...the real challenge of Lent. 

 One of my personal favorite things to do each morning, soon after I awake, is to allow the words of "The Doxology" to enter my thoughts and come from my lips. It seems to have a power for me that helps in starting my day right. I would challenge you as Lent approaches, to begin the day with the words written by Thomas Ken in 1674. It is based on the hymn "Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun".
 The word "doxology" itself is defined as an expression of praise to God, derived from Greek origin, "doxa" (glory, splendor, grandeur) and "logos" ( spoken word).
 I personally think it is a great way to start the Lent Season!

                                               The Doxology

 " Praise God from whom all Blessings flow,
    Praise Him all creatures here below,
    Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts,
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen"

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