Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Christianity...'How did this thing all start anyway?" part 1

One of my problems is getting a grasp on this whole Christian thing. I really don't have a good grasp on the background and the situations that were involved as to why Jesus came...when He did......

 One thing I have discovered is some of the phrases they used to speak of Jesus weren't always an "original thought or concept." Take the phrase: "Son of God". This phrase was already on certain coins that were used during the days of the Roman Empire. Octavius, better known as Augustus Caesar, had put his image on certain coins with the inscription: "A Son of God" because of his lineage to Julius Caesar, Augustus (meaning to worship) thought this had made him a Deity.
 "King of kings" was another term that was in use when Jesus was given this title. The Persian Empire, when they were in their prime, after conquering other nations, would allow the conquered nations to continue in their current lifestyle including having their own king... as long as they adhered to the laws of Persia and paid taxes to the Persian King...thus the "King of kings".

And miracles?

 Well, Elisha in the Old Testament had a few...

1. One day some Israelites were burying one of their own when some Moabite raiders came toward them. So, they took this dead guy and threw him in a happened to be Elisha's tomb...and when this dead man touched the bones of the prophet Elisha...the guy came to life. 
II Kings 13:20-22

2. Elisha prayed an entire army would be struck blind...and they were. II Kings 6: 15-24

3. Elisha fed over 100 men... with 20 loaves of bread...and there was food leftover. II Kings 4: 42-44.

4. The prophet Elisha brought a boy back to life. II Kings 4: 30-36.

All religions seem to have saints including Buddhists, Muslims, and Hindus, and they all write of miracles and many carry the relics of their precious saints, much like Rome with the relics of catholic saints.

 So the question is...What makes Jesus so different? What is it that makes Him the true Son of God and the Only Savior of mankind? And, what was it that caused so many to give up even their lives in service to Him?

 One thing of notable difference...Jesus preached on matters concerning the thoughts of our hearts. He does not try to "control" us by rules and regulations, He doesn't preach a standard of morality that is necessary for us to do in simply to avoid punishment, and He gives us hope of a Kingdom that is based on our hearts...we are not to follow Him as mercenaries. he didn't even leave us a written manual written by Him personally giving His instruction on what we are to do (Yes, I realize the New Testament are instructions...yet these were written through men...His followers).

 Getting back to Augustus Caesar for a moment, who lived shortly before and into the early years Christ came to us through the Virgin Mary and Joseph. Augustus had become extremely popular throughout the Roman Empire in his later years in life (historians claim he lived to be 76 years old), mainly due to the "Pax Romana", a 40 year time of peace throughout the Roman Empire. Augustus was written of in the Sacred Scriptures in Luke 2:1-7. He was the one who caused Joseph and Mary to return home to Joseph's hometown of Nazareth to be registered in a census.
 Augustus, whose real name was Octavius Caesar, had given himself a new title, and from here I would like to see how Jesus and "Augustus" were similar...yet so different.

1. Octavius Caesar did indeed give himself the title of "Augustus", because of his uncle Julius Caesar. Jesus also had a famous lineage going back to King David and the father of the Jewish nation, Abraham.
2. Augustus gave himself this title at a later time of his life. Jesus declared His Divinity as early as age 12, when He spoke to His parents and said: "I must be in My Father's house." Luke 2:49
3. Augustus was popular with the masses, yet he feared his rivals. Jesus was also popular with the masses, yet did not fear any who might turn against Him.
4. Augustus...eliminated enemies. Jesus declared: "Love your enemies".
5. Augustus was famous for the "Pax Romana", keeping peace in the Roman Empire...for over 40 years. Jesus spoke of "Peace", yet the "Peace" He spoke of was between God and the rebelliousness of man.
6 Augustus feared betrayal of those around him and created the "Praetorian Guard", consisting of 5000 men. Jesus surrounded Himself with...12 men, of which one of the 12 would betray Him. 
7. Augustus sustained the "Pax Romana" through the strength of the military Roman legions. Jesus offers Peace to His dying on a Roman cross, and to put their Him.
8.Augustus had 28 Roman legions at his beckoned command, Jesus could call down 12 legions of angels ( in the Old Testament, one angel cut down 185000 Assyrians), but did not. His purpose for us was not by strength in numbers, rather by the surrender of our hearts.
9. Augustus controlled over 5 million Roman citizens, Jesus never sought to control us, rather, through His death and resurrection, we would give our hearts and lives voluntarily, and find our freedom in having full joy in this life...through knowing Him. His numbers...are still growing today...
10. Augustus and the Roman Empire came to an end in 476 A.D. Jesus and His Kingdom...has no end and continues to grow today.
11. Augustus remains in the grave, Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father....the grave was unable to contain Him.

 This is a simple comparison of the Roman Jesus. There are many others I could look at...the great Pharoahs of Egypt, the Persian and Greek Empires, and the great Empires of the East. Yet, none of these empires are here today...for the corruption and the best of them.
 As for Jesus, He is not only Alive...His church is as big as ever.

Still...what is so different about Jesus?.....

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