Thursday, February 27, 2014

Christianity..."How did this thing all start anyway?" part 2 the only founder of ancient religions...who is Alive.....

 One unique characteristic of Christ Jesus is His claim to: "He died for you." Buddha, Dragon, Mohammad brought examples on how to live our lives, and passed this information on to their followers, yet the responsibility was for each follower to live up to the standard that their founders had set. Yet, none of the founders of various religions could make right their followers relationship to was the responsibility of the follower to turn from evil and to be good.

 Jesus said there is no amount of righteousness His followers could do to set their lives right with the Heavenly Father, it could only come about...through Him.  Mankind's sin was simply too great, and it can only be made right through the death and resurrection of...Christ Jesus.

 The transformation of the followers of Jesus...required His blood be spilled upon a cross, to face Death and break free from it's hold, and through His work we as His followers can come into the Presence...of God Himself.
 It's hard to understand the depth of this and almost has a "magical" allure...but in reality, this work at the far from a fairy tale.

 In Saint Paul's letter to the Romans, Paul gives a brief description to what exactly has happened and the benefits Christ Jesus has made for us.
                                                      A Gleaning from Romans 3:21-24

 " For now we find God treating us much better than we ever deserve, and this has been made possible because in our very lifetimes something entirely new has happened! God has provided a new and different way to Heaven..a road that leads to His very Presence. This way is not based on "being good being good little boys and girls when in school", because it is obvious to us all no matter how hard we try, we fail at times and fail to meet the requirements. As a result, we disrespect the One we are trying to adhere to.
 Even the Old Testament prophets and writers...who actually wrote the Laws for us to follow....knew of something better that was to come!
 And here it is: We are now declared righteous and accepted by God...when we establish a personal trust and confidence in the Messiah...that being our Lord Jesus...who has no favorites!
 Reality is this: we have all sinned...and continue to do so. We have fallen short of God's ideals, and there is no amount of our own merits that can correct that.
 Yet, out of Heaven comes a new sound: "We are declared...Not Guilty! Our sin has been erased!" How can that of happened? Who could make this possible? The answer is the Lord Jesus. It has been His desire from the very beginning for each one of us to be a part of His Kingdom, and He fulfilled His desire....through the work He accomplished at the Cross, and now joyfully leads us...into the very Presence...of His Father!"

 Saint Paul, a champion of following "The Law", a great student of "The Commandments"...was thrown off a horse and brought to the ground...awoke with the starling reality how cruel a man he the eyes of God...entirely missing the true meaning of the "The Law and the message of the Prophets." 
 If Paul, who thought he was doing the Will of God prior to the Damascus you really think we know the way to the Father...without Him? After all, how much good is required of us to get God's approval? If Paul thought he was doing God a favor by destroying believers who had put their faith in Christ Jesus...what "favors" are we doing that rationalizes God will accept us? 
 Even when we see great and unselfish acts of those around the point of giving their lives up for our safety and is truly an appreciative time and an observance of others that should never be forgotten...yet even that is not the core of our belief...for God is after something much deeper...He wants our hearts, His desire to embrace us, and now...this has come to fruition through the Lord Jesus Christ."

Now...why was the Blood of Christ Jesus required? What is this deal about Blood...anyway?

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