Friday, January 10, 2014

Practice...Exercise...and then More Practice...Yuk!

With the New Year well under way, many are starting their new quests....diets, exercise, goin' to the gym, yoga, better daily choices...and numerous other ways to improve our overall health....

 The word practice is defined as: "the actual application and repeated exercise of an idea, belief, activity, or opposed to theories...that one may acquire and maintain a certain proficiency."
 The word exercise is defined as: " an activity requiring physical effort that is carried out to sustain or improve a certain health and/or fitness."

 Well..."Let's do it!"...."Where do I start?"

 The Sacred Scriptures have something to say about our lives in regards to making us all a little healthier. In First Peter there are some instructions on the type of daily thoughts and lifestyles we are to pursue. 
 One interesting thought about this passage of Scripture, when a man was getting ready to exercise in the days of getting ready to run...he would have to take the bottom hem of his garment and stick it up under his he could get his legs free and be able to have proper strides when he ran. 
 I guess this is a good time of "roll up our sleeves"...and get to work.

                                              A Gleaning from 1 Peter 1: 13-16

 "So it is of importance to have our minds in a clear state of mind, and to "roll up our sleeves", get our minds in gear, and make these things possible through exercising self-control and being attentive to morals within our own personal lifestyles...and to choose ones that are pleasing to Him.
 We need to brace ourselves and be ready ( in shape) to receive the Blessed Hope we have committed ourselves to...that being the Lord Jesus Himself, in both His Salvation offered to us and the soon return of His Coming...for us!

 These thoughts and ideas take practice...and exercise, to be implemented into our daily lives, and as they develop in us we are now able to receive His Grace to be obedient sons and daughters in a child-like way...and be attentive to His very Call on our lives. 
 This includes the power to withstand the old desires of our hearts, slipping back and falling into the "old grooves of evil", satisfying our own desires, being ignorant of His Ways, and only interested in "what's in it for us"...or in other words...just doing whatever we felt like doing.
 Now, because of this new calling, His call to us that has found it's home in our very hearts, we are looked upon through His Gracious a Holy people. This comes as a result of practice and exercise that shapes our very lives...into a God-shaped life, being full of energy and...blazing with His Holiness! And, His blaze penetrates and changes every part of our daily living...both in conduct as well as in our thoughts.

 The Sacred Scriptures are avidly clear on this: "You must be holy...because I am holy."

 The Scripture Peter refers to is found in Leviticus 11:44-45. It seems throughout the Old Testament the very freedom or liberations for the nation of Israel  was dependent on their personal commitments to changing their lifestyles and becoming a "holy people" to God's way of life...or in other words...becoming more like God.

                                        A Gleaning from Leviticus 11:44-45

 " It is I who am the Lord your God...and because I Am...the Lord your must give yourselves in a way where you Me! And may I be clear on this: 'You must be Holy...because I Am Holy!"
 Don't get all ritualistic on Me...and end up defiling yourselves. Do not go around and start eating animals that scurry about close to the know the ones who multiply quickly and in great numbers.
 I AM the One who brought you out of Egypt...that I might be your very God...which requires you to practice and to exercise the life I lead..."You must be Holy...for I AM Holy!"  

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