Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Annie Cole: Lent is Calling...and the world watches" Chapter 1

                                                 Chapter One

" Now, I admit, growing up on a farm has certain advantages. I will forever remember how the sun rises over Mr. Johnson's meadow, and how it comes right into my window...I really need to take a photo of this and put in on my Facebook wall...it is really pretty.
 And I will always cherish the times I helped Mom hang clothes out on the line...feeling the breeze as it dried our clothes...the smell of the winds of spring, summer, and early fall...wish they had a perfume like that! 
 Of course, playing games in Dad's field of corn...right before they tassle...really fun...and scary too! Shawn and Derik used to love to scare all of us girls when we were in "hiding". Yea...no doubt we had a little "Field of Dreams" goin' on.

 Now, my Mom...really cool! She was not your typical "farm-looking" lady. I don't mean to belittle those who are farmers wives....I just notice many of them have that...kind of "Grandma look"...like way before they need to look that part. I'm just sayin'.
 Not my Mom! She was what my Dad always referred to as a "free spirit"....and she made sure she looked good for my Dad...like everyday! Mom and Dad really had something goin' on. They seemed to be so happy with one another.
 Here is a funny one...an example of how they got along. First, Dad always wore...I mean always wore Carhartt. That's it...God made Carhartt...period!  It didn't matter: shirts, jackets, gloves...it better have a Carhartt label...or they are goin' back to the store.
 Well, one summer night Dad had been working late...a tractor had given him problems, so Dad, Shawn, and Derik had been working on it. Finally, they came in, Mom fed them supper and they went straight to bed...because they had to get back out in the fields early the next morning. Ok...so we all went to bed...right? Well,  around midnight I happen to be thirsty...I hadn't gone to sleep yet, and wandered into the kitchen...to get some bottled water. As I got to the kitchen, I could hear Mom still doing some laundry in what we called the "utility room". It was a rather big room and had a nice size table in the middle so we could throw our clothes on them to fold when they came out of the dryer... worked really well.
 Anyway, as I got the bottled water (ever so quietly..didn't want Mom to hear me out there),  I heard something. Mom had some soft music goin' on...the kind of music her and Dad liked...I think it was a Carole King...or someone like that.  And, I could smell something...it was a Yankee candle...with a real nice spring type scent. Yankee candles in our home was kind of like Dad on Carhartt...if you haven't got a Yankee candle...you really don't have candles.
 So, curiosity was getting the best of me, and I so carefully peeked around the corner...and OMG! There was Mom....wearing one of Dad's shirts...which hung to almost her knees,,,but she had kind of "done it up", unbutton fairly low, tied in the front, and I also could smell the fragrance of her favorite perfume. She had Dad's shirt on...and the only other thing she was wearing was a pair of socks...Dad's big Carhartt socks! I almost lost it...thank God I did not burst out laughing...and no sooner was this going on... I could hear my Dad gettin' up. Man...I ran..I mean I ran back to my bedroom as fast as I could without making any noise...and covered my head with a pillow and laughed...and laughed...and laughed!
 Then the thought occurred to me: "Is this the way God really wanted love to work? I mean, just a couple of days ago Mrs. Davis (neighbor down he road) had just filed for divorce...her husband Mr. Davis...who always gave us candy...had left because he had an affair going on with another lady...on the other side of town. "

 Oh, getting back to the "Grandma look"...Mrs. Davis kind of was like that...Mom said she was in her early 40's..I thought she was a lot older. That being said...it certainly does not gives Mr. Davis any right to leave his wife...I mean...come on...that is so wrong! Mr. Davis was in good shape for a man his age...and Mrs. Davis was...well she was definitely a little plump...like over 300 lbs....and I am 5'5"...and I know Mrs. Davis is shorter than me.
 Doesn't the Bible say..we are always to look at the heart of a person?...and not how we look?                           
Hmmm...all I knew that night...how much I loved my own Mom and Dad. They seemed to give each other their best...heart, soul, and body...I think that is in the Bible too,... Oh yea... I heard it the other day: "You are suppose to love the Lord that way...with all your heart...all your soul...and all your strength"...that's what it was...strength. I guess God doesn't care about the body part...yet...I wonder if that might have helped poor Mrs. Davis...she sure does make great apple pies!"

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