Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Annie Cole...Lent is Calling...and the world watches" Chapter 7

It has now been a couple of weeks since my Dad passed away, and how my world changed....

 Charity has become quite an "oak" in my life recently. My Dad always referred to people who seem to come into your life and give added strength when you need it the most...he called them "oaks".
  The cool thing about Charity is she never questioned or "preached" at me, even though I knew in my heart she didn't think or conclude on things that happened in life...the way I had. She simply accepted me and loved me the way friends are suppose to...or at least that is my opinion...and as you probably have noticed by now...I have a lot of them.

 Charity had come with Derik to our home that day, mainly because Shawn and him had to figure out exactly how the farm was going to be run this year without Dad around. That is just too weird to even say, let alone think about. 
 Anyway, Charity came up to me and asked what I was doing and if I was in the mood to kind of hang out together. If not, she was going back home and do a little wash.
 I was really glad Charity had come with Derik and although a part of me wanted to retreat and just be left alone, I had come to really enjoy Charity's friendship...and to be honest, I think I wanted that...more than being alone. 
 So I looked at Charity and said: "I would like that....just hangin' out together." Charity smiled and said: "Hey, I don't know if you are hungry...I am, and am really thinkin' about chili at "The Cafe", a local restaurant/pub place whose chili is locally "famous." I said sure, and off we went. Charity mentioned to Derik she would be back whenever...and both Derik and Shawn asked we bring some chili home with us...and we left.

  As were eating our fill of chili at The Cafe, we seemed to keep our conversation in a rather light-hearted matter. We joked about some of the people we knew, about what was going on at our work places, and some of the latest hair styles etc. She did ask me if I was doing ok throughout this whole thing...the loss of my Dad, and I told her I was ok...and that a few songs by "Pink"...helped a little to keep me goin'. She smiled and said; "So what you're sayin' is "Nobody Knows" what you are feeling, or "So What"....maybe you got plans to be a "Rock Star"?
 I was rather shocked! Charity listens to "Pink"? I thought she was religious...and listened only  to church music and stuff? So, being my normal self, I said to Charity: "I thought you were religious...what are you doin' listening to music like that?"
 Charity laughed and said: "You know, if I had my way...I would take the word "religious" out of the English language...people always put that label on you when they find out you are a Christian... kinda sucks. I then replied: "Sorry Char...didn't mean...", and Charity spoke up and said,; "No Annie...I didn't mean it toward you's just kind of a pet peeve of're cool with it." I looked at Charity...and she just smiled. She just then got a text from Derik....reminding her how hungry he had become. She text back to him she would bring it in a little while..."patience is a virtue". Derik text back it wasn't patience he was workin' on was hunger. lol.

 As we kind of finished our meal, I told Charity that I really don't understand about the Christian thing and being religious...don't they go together?
 Charity then explained a little on why she felt that way... how people often judge you when mention about giving your heart to it means you can only act a certain way and always have to be  "heavenly minded" the point a person really becomes no "earthly good".
And then she added..."and people are always criticizing the guy (Jesus) when things happen in life they don't like or really hurts."
 I looked at Charity and said: "Like me?"...She said: "Kinda I guess, but I think He really likes you...after all, it's not like you are the first person to ever blame Him for bad things that happen in life. Besides, He has a way of helping you...sort all that stuff out. At least that's what I've noticed since I met Him."  

 Charity...she is somethin' else. I love the way she just "shoots from the hip"...tells it the way she sees it. The weird thing...she was talking about He was right there eating chili with us??! 
     So, we finished our meal, got up and were making our way to the door when I said: "OMG...the chili...for Derik and Shawn!" Charity looked at me and smiled: "She lifted up a bag with chili in it...and said "Got it covered Annie!"

 I guess I hadn't noticed... this "Jesus talk" had gotten to me...more than I thought.....

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