Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Annie Cole...Lent is Calling...and the world watches"...Chapter 8 of a kind.....

 I have been fortunate to have a Mom I can honestly relate to...tell her things I wouldn't tell anyone else, and not have that fear of being judged. It helps a lot to have a person like that in your life...and I am grateful for it.

 My Mom has always had that "swagger" about her. She always taught us to look good out in public, even when your life is a wreck, keep it inside the family. Don't let others know when you are up your hurts...with only someone you can absolutely trust...period!

 I remember when I was 15, Mom had taken me with her to a neighbor's home to can vegetables for the winter. It's kind of a farm's what farmers wives do. There were probably 7 or 8 ladies there to share produce and can their favorite fruits and vegetables.
 I remember this "canning event" well. One of the farm lady's husband had came and dropped off a load of green beans to be canned. When he brought the green beans in the home, he really gave my Mom the "stare", you know...kind of doin' the "undress with his eyes look." Mom had spoke about guys that do that, and how we as girls were to simply avoid the whole situation by ignoring it... and walk away! And, it must have been a little noticeable, because this guy's wife grabbed him by the arm and they spoke privately... bet that was a "juicy conversation".

 Honestly, Mom did look good that day. It wasn't that Mom wore anything provocative, because that's not her. She just makes jeans, shirts, and make-up..."work for her" as she would often point out to us. Above all, what really stands out about my her confidence. She taught us since we were very young to always hold our head high, smile often, and look directly into the eyes of people. She always taught us to be expressive in our discussions...just don't let your decisions or your views on life be based on your emotions.
 Anyway, I always considered this good advice. Mom is "cool" about stuff like that.

 And the farm lady that had the husband checkin' out my Mom...was really nice. She is a faithful church goer, often mentioning Bible verses or a Christian perspective on life, and just what I would call a "pleasant person".
 Actually, her husband came to church with her, and did the "First Readings" during service when his turn came. I am not sayin' this guy was a bad guy...yet there was something not right there...his eyes looking at my Mom...gave him away.

 It made me wonder...and yes...starting with myself..."How much do we have hidden...inside us. What's really going on in our thoughts...and in our hearts?"
It seems we put on so many "fronts" in life. One day we have "the churchy look", then the other 6 days we have a different look.
 Charity said one time the reason she reads the Bible was because it helps her to "keep it real", the Scriptures are a big help in knowing about our motives and having the courage to "man-up" when you notice something that needs attention. Hmmm?

 All I know is this guy that was looking at my Mom...just a little "possible borderline perv." Seems to be a lot of that stuff going around...these days...even among those who respect and follow Him...His church. I wonder if the Bible talks about being fake? I then wonder if I come across as being fake...and not meaning to be disrespectful...I wonder if this whole God and church fake?

 I know 2 people who are not is my Mom, and the other...Charity. Mom because life didn't scare her, and Charity, because she is happy to give God a chance to care for her.

When we had finished canning that day, Mom took me took the Ice Cream Shoppe, she appreciated the way I got 'in there" and helped wherever I could. I ordered a double dip "moose-tracks" ice cream cone, Mom ordered a single dip Rocky a cup....I remember this too, because Mom made the comment while we were eating our ice cream how nice my hair looked...after working all day. She invited me to go to the spa with her we would look good...for our "next adventure". Some might take it my Mom is vain...I don't. I just think she loved herself and loved Dad so much...and without both...she just wouldn't be the Mom I have come to grow and love."

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