Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jesus...Is He different now...then He was back then?...

I rededicated my life to Christ Jesus...back in October of 2007, and I gotta tell ya, it's been an interesting "ride" thus far....

 There is such a vastness of various teachings and things said...within the Christian church. In some ways, it can "blow your mind"...especially when leaders and teachers of the Christian faith say one thing and do another, or when one will point a finger at another. 
 I know this has been going on since the beginning of the Christian church itself, and I am grateful we have the Holy Spirit to help sort this "stuff" all out. For myself, I have learned over the short time I have come to know Him, keep my heart soft to His "heartbeat and rhythm", and make obedience to Him an ever increasing desire.

 I know I need to give some time each day to listen to what He is saying, I need to lift up people within my arena of life to Him, and to take the time and express a grateful heart to Him for all He has done.
 I just happen to look up some of the major leaders within our faith and think..."Wow, I know we are all part of a great body of Christ, it's just overwhelming at times to hear and read all the different "theologies" within our own faith".
 I mean..there is Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, James Dobson, Charles Stanley, TD Jakes, John Piper, Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, John Hagee, Tim Keller...and all the "prosperity ministers"...and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
 One common denominator that I seem to notice, well actually there are two. The first, it seems to be a battle of selfishness vs. selflessness. The other thing I notice is the "control freak mentality". Once a ministry becomes successful, there seems to a fear of not letting a ministry get "outside the family"...whether the siblings as an example are really qualified or almost "mafia ministry". As the Godfather once said...."Don't let anyone outside the family ever know what you are thinking...again!"

 So, here is an observation. This observation is not one I particularly agree or adhere to....yet is is an observation. It's not meant to be right or wrong,  nor is it meant to condemn or uplift. It's just an observation.  What the observation is intended to do is to decifer..."Is this true in my own heart?"

        The title of this observation is: "If Jesus Were Alive Today"

 If Jesus were alive today...among us: Wouldn't we honestly and hopefully want to find Him ...a nice, middle class guy... like we find here in America. Wouldn't Jesus today be an individual that understands and supports us in whatever choices we make...whether it be the need for more things, a successful career, cool hobbies or exotic interests...and above all the modern Jesus would never require us to rethink our steps or give up anything we have attained.
 A Jesus in our midst today would understand what is defined in some circles as a "nominal devotion". Jesus is happy just to see our attempts to...get to church. He would be totally satisfied with all of our activities going on...tryin to help others, help animals, or taking a stand on political or moral issues.
 This modern Jesus would understand our prayer life and Scripture reading can not always be done on a weekly basis...let alone daily! That is why affirmations are so popular today...or our favorite Bible verse of the day. That's the beauty of things like "The Lord's Prayer" covers a lot of ground...and you are both praying and quoting Scripture at the same time! a 2 for 1!
 And every once in a while, we can do the Apostle's let's people know where we stand! Yet, the most valuable thing about these "weapons" like "The Lord's Prayer" or "The Apostles Creed" doesn't take up much of our time!
 If Jesus were among us today...wouldn't He whisper to us..."I love you...just the way you are!...with no strings attached!" Jesus would not be pressuring us on how we conduct ourselves with others on a daily basis, nor would He barge in and interrupt our life's work, and He would not challenge any of our goals we have set....after all, isn't He the guy who is suppose to be inspiring us...anyway?
 I think if Jesus were among us today...He would stress the importance of having balance in our lives...maintaining a good confidence about ourselves and developing a high self-esteem. Above all, He would want us to avoid getting in harm's way.  In other words, He would want us to be sensitive to others...and never offend anyone! Jesus accepted us...just the way we are...shouldn't we accept others in the same manner...and not condemn anything others value as true and precious? Who are we to judge?...right?
 If Jesus were among us today, I don't see Him objecting to any of our modern day comforts, understanding our need to "express and even vent ourselves" through giving ourselves entirely to football or playing video games "until we drop". He realizes we are human...we have routines, addictions, and we get "set in our ways". What He does want and hope for us is that our own true and real personalities surface and we are all "happy"!
 When Jesus was here in the Biblical times, He said some pretty harsh and confusing things at the time....yet it was a much different culture than we have today. ""Taking up your cross"...the cross during that time...was an instrument of death! "Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood"...those were terms He was trying to get across to a culture that wanted nothing of Him. And the thing He said about "You can't be My disciple...unless you obey My Words"...those were drastic words..for a drastic culture. We love Jesus now...we would never sentence Him to a horrific death like the One He suffered at Golgotha.
 Jesus is a lot nicer today...He doesn't speak to us like that today...He has kinda updated His resume. We don't use terms like "pluck out your eye", serving God and mammon (what's a mammon right?), or when He said "I came NOT to bring Peace...but a sword...". Isn't Jesus referred to as "The Prince of Peace?"
 He had to speak that way back in that time in history...that is what was needed. And those verses in Revelation about being "lukewarm"...we are past that now...everyone is safe...and free! I am happy Jesus is not like that today...after all, how does He expect us to change...if He doesn't change? We are suppose to be like Him...right?
 Finally, the message Jesus would bring us today if He were here with us....would not demand a confrontation or even diminish the thought of "The American Dream"...right?"

"Are you serious? You think Jesus would be different today than He was in the first century?"

                 A Gleaning from Hebrews 13: 1-9

 " It is best to stay on good terms with one another as fellow believers, and make it a priority to have His love for us and love for one another to be the dominating factor in our friendships.
 And don't get all caught up in your own personal lifestyles that you ignore the needs of others, or refuse to extend hospitality. Always be ready to offer a meal or provide a bed to those who are in need of your help. Work to be cordial and share the comforts of your own home and possessions...and do it with a gracious attitude and be generous when doing so. You may be entertaining an angel...and not even be aware of it!
 Look at prisoners or those who have had run-ins with the you were right there with them. As for victims of abuse, or those who have been obviously mistreated...look at these as if it has happened to you.
 Have respect for marriage vows, and keep sexual intimacy where it belongs...within the confines of your own bedroom. As for those who aren't married...remember God draws a firm line...against casual or illicit sex.
 Do not allow your personal character and integrity to be sacrificed for the hunger of the love of money. This includes greed, lust, wanting what your neighbor has, or a crazed obsession for more possessions.
 If we practice and exercise these type of habits in our daily lives, then we can find confidence in these words: "God has never failed me, nor will He ever fail me. He will never leave me or abandon me...for His support for always present. And fear?...fear will have no place to take root in my heart. And with this attitude reigning in my heart....What can man really do to me?" 
 Remember your leaders who teach you the word of God after this matter. Take a good look at their lives, and see for yourselves the reflection of Jesus Christ the Righteous in all they do and say.
 Make certain of this...Jesus is not the kind of God that changes...ever! He is the same yesterday...He is the same today...and you can rest assured He will remain the same forever. Jesus has been, Jesus is, and Jesus will be...totally Himself...period! Jesus doesn't change...we are the ones who need to change.
 It's the only "good ground" we have to stand on in this life...the very Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just because people put a name of some new product...even if they say it has Jesus name on it...doesn't guarantee  the product is going to do anything for you.
 There is only one way to get God's guarantee...and that is taking the time to yield and know...God's only Son...the Lord Jesus Himself!"


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