Tuesday, January 28, 2014

James 4: 1-10 part 2

Continuing on in the letter from James, he now turns his attention on identifying problems among early Christians...that are still prevalent (if not even more) today. One thing of contrast I have noted: when James wrote this to the Jewish Christians who had left their homeland to find their freedom in following Him, the believers of that day faced persecution for giving their lives to the One who died for them. Today, many of us who read this passage of Sacred Scripture,  sometimes fail to realize the depth of meaning when it comes to "lives being at stake". For many of us, we live in a culture that offers more luxuries than one could ever imagine. As a result, phrases like "selfish desires or sensual cravings" seem almost foreign in its use. After all, being "blessed" today has such a variety of meanings to our modern day Christian culture . Prosperity including  nice homes, easy access to groceries, cars, clothing, nice schools, paved roads...the list could go on and on,  has become a seemingly vital part of Christian community.   ( It must be noted there are those of our faith who suffer horrible persecutions today) Yet, for many of us, like we who have the fortune of living in the 'states, are prone to get upset if we are out of Mayo, late for an appointment, or the pants we want to wear one day have not been washed.

 The thing that is most captivating to me in James letter, is his unique ability to get to the root of the problem the early Christians were facing that day....and the sheer fact it is perhaps an even more problem today, that being...setting aside time to open our hearts to the Father and allowing the Holy Spirit to filter out and change our "cold and stony hearts". 

 When left to ourselves...we are simply a selfish and narcissistic people...the human race has always been like that....in the days when James wrote this letter...and perhaps even more so today........

                                 A Gleaning from James 4: 4-10

 "Listen, when you choose to quarrel, diss, hurt, judge, and fight with one another, putting yourselves  more important than anything else...or anyone around you, completely ignoring the pains of life others are facing, you are... at this point no different then a husband cheating on his wife, or a wife being unfaithful to her husband.
 Acting in this matter, being so involved with your own personal and illicit love affairs (in love with yourself to the point your only thought on life is: "What's in it for me"), you don't even see how you have broken your "wedding vows", your commitment to allowing Him to have control of your life, or understanding the meaning of loving others...and more importantly...loving Him!
And what is even more noticeable, you continue to flirt with every new enticement the world flaunts in front of you...to the point I am not sure whose "team" you are on...playing for the Enemy...or being a friend of God.

 Do you think the proverb written long ago is just a fable or some type of conjured up mystic thought?..."God really cares about what we do, yearning over us and yearning for the Holy Spirit to find His home in our hearts...remembering God Himself is filled with a fierce, an intense, and a jealous love for us?" (adapted from Proverbs 3:34)
 Don't you see that when you make a stand, choosing not to follow our sensual, selfish, and evil desires...and start making choices to refuse... and say to yourself: "No...I am not doing this!", have you really forgotten of His love for us or how He will be faithful in our decision to refuse, and pour His Grace into our very lives?

 Let me make this clear: God sets Himself against those who "think they are all that", so filled with self-pride over their personal accomplishments, not giving a thought who might be hurt or what others might be facing...only in the game of life for one reason...and one reason only, that being: "God...take care...of ME!"
 You must learn to resist these type of desires...refuse this way of life!

 God is looking for something else out of you...a better way...a way that begins with this thought: "I am nothing...without the help of God." When you think along these lines, God "picks up" on this humility coming from your heart...and He loves this kind of stuff. He will send you more of His Grace, pour out His Kindness toward you, and grant You His Favor...that is comparable to nothing you have ever experienced! And the cool thing about this attitude on life....His Grace, His Kindness, and His Favor...is continual...it never stops or runs out!

 So I encourage you with this charge: Let God work His way into your life, be humble and submissive as you allow Him to guide you and allow His commands to be established in your very hearts.

 When you resist the Evil One, that being the devil, choosing instead to put your trust in the God who truly loves you, the Evil One will flee from you...flee from his influence on a situation you are facing, flee from putting worry, anxiety, and undo stress in your heart, and flee from putting the thought God will not be there for you...for you see the devil now sees in you...the very One you put all your hope and trust in...Jesus, the True and Only Son of this Living God.
 Then, as you take the time to draw near to Him, opening your heart, discussing those matters of the heart, and receiving His counsel...you will discover He is now...drawing near to you.
 It is far better to surrender yourselves to this fact: we are sinners by our very carnal nature, and subject to wanting to dabble in this world known as sin. By taking the time to allow the Holy Spirit to purify those most inner parts of the heart, cleaning out all of our divided interests and our adulterous nature when left to ourselves, we are then able to give our attention to the needs of those around us, and not be so concerned about ourselves.

 As we yield our hearts and lives in this matter, beginning to see His influence upon our very real and daily lives, recognizing the Evil One's power does not have the final say in our decisions...we then see the freedom that is given to us through the work of our Lord, Jesus the Christ.
 It is this realization that allows a true sorrow and a grieving... to manifest in our lives...for we now are able to see those unique and various ways God has come...to set us free!
 There is no better time than now...to humble ourselves before the great Presence of the God who truly loves us, and if you choose this way of life...He will lift you up...out of any situation you may be facing...and He will do it with honor....we giving honor to Him...and He bestowing honor upon us."

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