Monday, January 13, 2014

He is...our "Strong Champion"

In Jewish history, there is a legend. The legend goes...when the Temple in Jerusalem was being built in the days of King Solomon, it was said one of the major stones to be used in the construction of the Temple had been cut wrong...both in shape and in size. It was a stone that was to be used to tie two walls together.
 Yet, later this mishapped and missized stone had been found, for many thought it had been simply...thrown away.
 And, where was this stone found? This stone that had been rejected...had actually become the very chief cornerstone...the very stone used to brace and support...the very Temple itself.....
                                       or so the legend goes.....

 In Psalm 118:5-7, the writer opens up with these words "Remember me". It is actually not a singular noun but is rather "The cry of many". The writer of this text explains how they were in a situation where it was small...and there was no way out. Yet, the "many" cried out to the Lord: "I want to be free!...Make us free O Lord!"

 The Hebrew language doesn't really write in a past, present, and future tense like most languages do. The implication in this passage of Scripture is this: Whatever is written here...has always been true, remains true, and will be true...until the very end of time itself.
 One other note: the words "the Lord destroys" in verse 7, is not in the Hebrew text. It might be better translated: "With the Lord's help...I will not fear...any mere people."

                                        A Gleaning from Psalm 118:5-7

 "When I was really hurting, when I felt I was pushed hard "against the wall", and when Distress had it's very grip on my throat...I cried Him! I lifted up my Him!...and, He remembered me!
 He answered me in a way He only can!....He completely set me free...and...and...and...brought me into a spacious place! Distress and Worry...were given no choice...but to leave!
 When I came to realize the Lord is really with me, that He is for me...not against me!...Fear could no longer find any room in my heart! As far as man... there is nothing any man can do to me that would cause me to relinquish my Him! I even went to think this far: "Who in their right mind would even want to "lay a hand" on me?
 So I make this proclamation from the depths of my own heart: "The Lord is with us...and He is a Strong Champion...and our Helper! Our eyes shall see triumph...over any situation or anyone who chooses to "raise their hand"...against us!

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