Friday, January 24, 2014

"Annie Cole...Lent is Calling...and the world watches" Chapter 6

The day my Dad died was a real heart-wrenching shocker to us all.....

 My Mom is really a wonderful person...and a great Mom. She is elegant, yet down to earth, and really taught us to treat others with the utmost respect. She often emphasized to stay within the social circles we are most comfortable...and do your best to present yourself to "the world" in a positive matter.  Kind of like the quote from the movie The Godfather:..."Don't let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking...again." In other words, Mom taught us to "always look good...and keep everything else...within the family!"

 Because it was the winter season, Dad was able to get some much needed rest. He could often be found during this time of year at his desk making plans for the upcoming year and doing research on the internet on how to improve his crop yield and stuff like that.
 My Dad was a very responsible type guy, fringing on the border of wanting to control us at times, yet Mom was that "free spirit" as Dad would say and provided that balance in their relationship and how we were raised.
 Dad always let Mom decide on the clothes for all of us...never liked to interfere with things like that...well, except for Shawn and Derik...who were introduced to the Carhartt brand at very early
 The only thing my Dad would insist on was...we wore good shoes. Actually, there were two things he emphasized: 1) always have good shoes on your feet because your feet is what supports your legs and your back, and 2) take care of your teeth...because teeth can effect your entire body's health. It seemed kind of weird how Dad was "so big" on this, yet, now that I look back, it kind of makes sense.
 This brings me to another question about religion: God says He is our Father...yet my own earthly father and God being my Father....totally two different things. My own father really loved and cared for us...God the's like..."Every time you mess are going to pay." I knew my own father...would not hurt us...yet, God the Father...well let's say I have reservations. So, my question is: "Why is God the Father like that? is how it happened.

 Mom and Derik and Shawn were just finishing breakfast. Dad and Mom had ate breakfast earlier and Dad was now at his desk. Derik says he remember this so well because Shawn had just stolen one of his pieces of toast...AFTER...he had spread the butter and jelly on it.
 Suddenly, there was a big thud...that came from where Dad was at. They both got up from the table, along with Mom, and went to Dad's desk area. There he was, lieing on the floor, near his chair. Dad had a nice leather office chair and was sitting when he collapsed, fell off his chair, and fell to the floor. He had stroked out, and passed...probably before he even fell to the floor.

  Mom...after realizing what had happened...practically fainted into Dad's big overstuffed one and a half chair...and just stared out into the room. She then suddenly got up and sat on the floor next to my Dad...putting his head into her lap, and held him tightly. Shawn had already dialed 911...but Mom knew.....
 As I listened to Derik relate this story, it just seemed to confirm my thoughts about God.... how on any given day, He can turn on you...and the crazy don't even know why?
 And God wants us to call Him..."Father"? yea...right!

 It was learned that Mom had gone into shock and denial. Who wouldn't? It was going to take some time for Mom to heal. I remember at the funeral...Father Gordon had come up to my Mom and said: "Give yourself time, God can heal the even deepest of wounds. The Scriptures write: All things work together for the good...".
 I really do have a love and respect for Father Gordon...but this one almost made me want to puke. Christianity is the dumbest thing I have ever been a part of: God kills my Dad...then wants to heal my Mom? 

 I felt someone touch my was Charity... 

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