Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Annie Cole...Lent is Calling...and the world watches" chapter 4

It was a beautiful funeral...for my father. Many came from our small farm town, along with a number of people from out of town. My Dad had the reputation of being a fair and honest man, and now it was quite apparent as people spoke so many kind words of my father.
 Mom was dressed elegantly, as was her style. Although she was draped in black, her coat of Dad's jackets...with the word Carhartt on the upper left hand side. When I hugged Mom....I smelled my Dad...through the jacket she was wearing. You would think we would both break down and cry...but it didn't happened that way. Mom and I both felt a comfort and security in the jacket she was "Girls, it's going to be alright." In fact, it became a sort of strength for get through the day. I will cherish what Mom forever!

 One of Dad's brothers, Uncle Ed, had passed away a few years before. Yet, today at the funeral, a few of Uncle Ed's wife's family had come. Uncle Ed's wife had also passed away...and what a story that is. Her name was "Hortensia", she was of Hispanic descent, and some of her family that were here for the funeral... were so gentle and kind.

 I need to fill you in on Uncle Ed and Hortensia. 
  Uncle Ed had not chosen the farm life when he was young. He joined the railroad at an early age and worked for the railroad his whole life...until he retired. Uncle Ed had a rather wild lifestyle when he was young and was married at least 3 times...or maybe it was 4, I can't really remember. 
 Yet, when he met Hortensia, he seemed to find his peace in a long lasting relationship, and they were happily married for...almost 30 years. We never really called Hortensia..."Aunt Hortensia", simply because it took us a long time just to get the word "Hortensia" out of our mouths. lol
 Uncle Ed, because of his ongoing travels with the railroad, met Hortensia in south Texas. She was from Mexico, and was one of the sweetest ladies I had ever met.
 And could she cook! Her authentic Mexican food was the best know who...had ever created! The thing was...she had this uncanny ability to always have warm tortillas and salsa on the kitchen table...whenever my brothers and sisters and I came to visit. It did not matter what time of day, unexpected visits, or waking up in the early morning hours...there was always...and I mean always...warm tortillas and salsa...with butter too...on her kitchen table. Derik brought that up recently...we never could figure out how she did it.

 Anyway, one time myself and my sister Lindsey...she is a story herself, had come to stay overnight at Uncle Ed and Hortensia's home. We loved going there...and would do or say anything to visit them...even if it meant we had to conjure up some lie to go there. Mom called them "white lies", and so when we went to church, if I had made up some story about Uncle Ed and Hortensia needing me to come over to their house, I thought God (can't seem to leave His Name out of my conversation)... understood my real I felt 3 "Our Fathers" would cover for any "damage" I may have done. If I  thought I needed little more...adding a "Hail Mary" would certainly take care of know..."the end justifies the means" kind of thing. is what happened one late summer evening....

 It was around 11 pm or so, and Uncle Ed's hunting dog, "Babe", was going nuts over something...barking and barking with all his heart. We all rushed downstairs to see what it was....and there was Uncle Ed putting his hunting gear on and pulling his boots up. Uncle Ed loved to hunt, like my Dad, and Uncle Ed was thinking Babe got scent of a raccoon...and was 'off and runnin". Hortensia, who spoke English very well, carried a strong accent...warned Uncle Ed to be careful...going out at his age... at this time of night. She would often throw in a few Spanish words, which Uncle Ed understood...and I distinctly remember her using the word "loco" their conversation. 
 So, Uncle Ed was out the door, Babe was let out of his pen...and off they went! There was a creek not far from their home, and to actually cross this creek, you had to go down one steep side, and then up the other...and this is where Uncle Ed and Babe were headed.
 You could hear Babe barking the entire way as they got near the creek...and then we heard the shrilling words of Uncle Ed: "No Babe....Noooooo!"
 There was a momentary silence.

 Hortensia had been sitting on the steps of the back porch....put her hands to her face...looking at us...and I think I saw a tear or two come from her eyes. All of a they come...both Uncle Ed and Babe! Babe was running and came to us first, while Uncle Ed was a little further behind...using some words that would most definitely send him...straight to confession. As Babe approached, the reality of the whole situation began to sink in. Hortensia had already grabbed a broom and was yelling frantically in her native tongue at Babe, and then told Ed..."Don't you dare come a step closer!" Why? Because both Uncle Ed and Babe...had just gotten a full dose of spray...from a local skunk!
 Meanwhile, Lindsey and I had started to run as Babe approached, we both knew we could not make it to the back door... I happened to be near a big oak tree and climbed up it as fast as I could.  Linds...she wasn't so lucky. I still can hear Linds screaming: "Babe...get off of me...get off of me". Babe was so happy to see Fortunately, Hortensia arrived with her broom and was able to direct Babe back into his pen.

 Hortensia continued to yell at Uncle Ed: "Alto Ed...Alto!" (meaning stop...stop!). 

 And there we all were: Hortensia with the broom, Uncle Ed standing afar off, Lindsey already undressing in the yard, and Babe, wagging his tail standing in his happy we were out there with him at this time of night.
 And again, there was a momentary silence.....

 I don't remember who really started laughing first...honestly...I think it was Lindsey. At any rate, the laughter spread like "wildfire". Hortensia had to cling to her broom to remain standing, I almost fell out of the tree laughing so hard, and Uncle Ed, sitting out in the yard, starting to remove his jacket...just smiling and shakin' his head.

 Yea, that was an evening to remember...I think even God might have laughed on that one...but you never know about Him...He might turn on you any least that is what I have experienced....."

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