Friday, January 31, 2014

Saint Paul writes of 4 qualities...that helps us in life...Ephesians 4:2

Paul writes this letter to the believers in Ephesus from Rome...where Paul is in prison...

 Historians conclude this letter was written sometime between 85 to 90 A.D. In chapter 4 in the letter to the Ephesians, Paul addresses their daily behavior...not just when they are at "church", but when they are living their everyday lives...being out in the world.

 Verse 2 brings out 4 different qualities listed by Paul: 

1. Be Humble    Paul brings across the point that all people are of equal importance to God. No one is more important...than anyone else, inside and outside the church. Being in a humble way of thought allows us to understand others better, make less judgments on one another, and see things in life from various views...that might in return..benefit us.
 To the Greek mind during Paul's life, this was quite a challenge. Greeks did not consider being humble as a "good thing", instead, it was frowned upon as a weakness. Greeks often took great pride in being taught under certain teachers such as Aristotle and Plato, but without the luxury of being schooled by great teachers such as these, or in higher social circles that developed the minds of leaders, a person of a more humble background wasn't regarded or given much status. 
You hear expressions like: "What does this person know?...they barely have a high school education.", or "What would this person know about this? Have they got any experience on what they are talking about?"...even today.
 The Jewish culture had a different concept, mainly due to the Sacred Writings of the Scriptures. Being humble is emphasized throughout its writings with the promise God exalts those who gives honor to others...their abilities, their talents, and their potential in life...for these are all gifts from God. 
 The other thought about being humble: it is not wrong to be confident in one's thoughts and abilities in life, or the desire to express these gifts that come from God...yet,  it is important to note God desires us to spend less time...thinking of only...ourselves.

2. Be Gentle   Paul writes being gentle is about living our lives with self control. It is compared to a horse, which is a powerful creature in and of itself, yet when trained and under bridle, produces results that would not be seen if left to go its own way. Being gentle is allowing others to experience life...and helping them receive the "training" you have, and using gentleness toward others brings results...that may be even more profound...then your own. As the saying goes: "A true leader produces...better than himself."

3. Patience   Patience is not defined as just giving up when things go against you in life. Patience is more like helping others even when their decisions have hurt them, or more importantly, we are not to return the same misconduct...they may have given us. Patience has the ability to look through what a person may do as wrong, and offer them a way that enables them to succeed.

4. Tolerant   This quality requires practice, and usually a lot of it. Being able to love someone in spite of the differences you may have, or simply trying to understand why a person may have reacted in a certain matter...this takes unselfish practice. Perhaps it is the toughest quality of all 4 here mentioned, because it requires us to receive God's love and understanding in our own lives...and then deposit what He freely bestows upon others. 

                                                A Gleaning from Ephesians 4:2

 " You must learn to live your lives in a way that is genuine, a life that brings out the "real you". Yet, in doing so you must seek and begin to see how the Lord sees each of us, and how we are to treat and encourage others in their pursuit to having success in life, having an attitude that models after Him, and gives all the glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
 Mold your new found life in Him by having a humble mindset about you, recognizing that each one of us have been given certain talents and gifts from God...regardless of our backgrounds, our former lifestyles, our educational accomplishments, or our social status.
 Develop in your lives a gentleness as well, a gentleness that is fueled by unselfishness, just as the Lord is gentle...with each one of us.
 Patience must also work its way into our everyday lives, pouring out ourselves into the lives of those around us and doing real acts of compassion as we work together for a common goal. Having wrong motives, making ill thought decisions, or perhaps hurting one another in our words or deeds...happens to all of us. Yet, through patience and learning the right way...His Way... on how we are to accept and treat one another, enables this powerful virtue to  bring Godly results into all of our lives.
 Finally, be tolerant of one another, just as God has been and continues to be so tolerant with us. As we forgive one another and make allowances for those we find fault with, an unusual event takes place in our very lives. God's love for us...which includes being tolerant when we "miss the mark", pours His love into our very lives and hearts, and it is at this stage we allow this love He has given us into our own flow and offer the same love and others.
 There is a saying that goes: " Be alert to the differences between us, yet with the intent of mending the fences, tearing down fences no longer needed, or putting up gates that can be opened...all this work between my neighbor and me, that we might live as friends." 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Groundhog Day"...a mixture of mating, traditions, and even religion...part 2

Ok, the American version of Groundhog Day goes like this:

 There was this newspaper editor named Clymer Freas, and he belonged to a group of groundhog hunters called the "Punxstawney Groundhog Club" in Punxstawney Pennsylvania.
There were a number of German immigrants who had found their new home in the state of Pennsylvania, and although the Groundhog Day had started in German fact hedgehogs were used in Germany ( a type of badger),  groundhogs were so numerous in the local Pennsylvania region, the decision was made to use "mormota monax" (scientific name) to celebrate this event. Groundhogs are actually a member of the squirrel family, usually growing to about 12 to 15 pounds in weight with a life expectancy of 6 to 8 years. Groundhogs...or woodchucks as they are commonly called, eat fruits and vegetables, whistle when they are frightened or when looking for a mate, and are able to climb trees and swim.
 Of course, the big question?...
 "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? "
 The answer?...
 "A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood."

Actually, Cornell University did a study on this furry critter and concluded a groundhog is capable of chewing approximately 700 pounds of wood in their lifetime. And, as rightly stated in the answer to the question above, the groundhog is inept to move timber like his cousin...the "chucking wood" is not a groundhog attribute.

 In 1887, the first official "Groundhog Day" was proclaimed in  Punxstawney, Pennsylvania. A local groundhog...who was named "Phil"...became the "official groundhog that had the distinction of being the only groundhog able to predict how much longer a winter was to last."
 Now, if the truth be told, "Phil" could care less how much longer winter is to last. Male groundhogs emerge from their burrows in February for this reason: they are in search for a mate. As far as "clouds or sunshine", it makes no difference to Phil or his male buddies...they are looking for...female groundhogs!
 Yet yearly, since 1887, at around 7:25 am, Phil is brought out of his burrow on a place called Gobbler's project the duration of the current winter. In fact, "The Pennsylvania Groundhog Club" has turned this into an annual 3 day celebration with various entertainment and activities. There are numerous groundhogs that have held the office as "Phil", and you might wonder about their track record since this illustrious event first began. 

 Currently, "Phil the official groundhog for winter prediction" is running a cool 39% accuracy. "Phil" has seen his shadow 100 times (meaning 6 more weeks of winter), 17 times he has not seen his shadow (meaning an early spring), and 9 times they failed to record "Phil's" predictions. 
 As far as "Phil" finding a mate...I guess they did not keep a tally on that.

 Other communities have started a similar tradition including Alabama, New York, Georgia, and even on up to Canada. Yet, "Phil" is a national favorite, although I honestly think "Phil" could care less...his interests lie is the nature of males...or so they say.

  A couple of other notes: "Woodchuck" is a word derived from the Native American languages, possibly Algoquian or Narragansett, from the word "Wojak".
 Punxsutawney is also of Native American origin meaning: " the town of sand flies".

 So..."Happy Groundhog Day"...just remember..."Phil" has something else on his mind...and it's not the weather! 

"Groundhog Day"....a mixture of mating, traditions, and even religion....part 1

On February 2nd, we will celebrate a day commonly known as "Groundhog Day".  With all our weather technology available today, the "luster" of this day has perhaps lost some of its appeal, yet, like so many other of our holiday traditions, its origin goes many centuries back.....

The winter season during the Dark Age and into the late Middle ages were often defined as a time of survival, a dark time where Evil seem to haunt the earth with the shortened days and long nights. This was particularly true in the northern European continent as well as the general western northern hemisphere.
 Like many of our holiday origins, the basis of these celebrations were of agricultural motives, the hope of good crops yield for the new year, and plenty of food to endure the harsh winter months.
 The cold and blustery winters kept people within the confines of their homes, and with darkness being so prevalent, fear often captivated the hearts and minds of various cultures.
 Even into the latter part of the 1800's this "winter fear" was prominent in stories like "Jack the Ripper" or the novels of Edgar Allen Poe such as "The Raven".

 Actually it was this survival of the winter that wrecked havoc among the various northern cultures. As Christianity spread across the continents, many ancient pagan beliefs that were celebrated to encourage others to keep their hopes on Spring and the arrival of "new life", were turned into a more Christian Christmas and even Halloween.
  People simply did not survive the cold winters, historians claiming the average of life being approximately 35 years in both the Dark and Middle age period. Many deaths were children, usually before the age of 5, due to various diseases that were present during the time.
 Death did not come simply because a person could not cope with the dreaded temperatures and heavy snow, death was often a result of economic conditions and malnutrition.
 The peasant population lived during the winter months on bread as a main staple, and even the grain used for making bread was not of a high quality. Fruits and vegetables were often exhausted before the winter concluded, and as a result malnutrition often affected the many...especially those who were poor, and their immunities against diseases were drastically reduced. As a result, sicknesses became the winters tarried on.

So...what does this have to do with Groundhog Day?

On February 2nd, there is a Christian celebration known as "Candlemas Day". It's origins date back to the late 5th century A.D. It was a day when the clergy (priests) would bless candles and many would form a long procession with lit candles...taking them to their homes and putting these lit candles in their windows. The purpose was two-fold: 1) to ward off the Evil that prevailed during the dark and gloomy season known as "Winter", and 2) to bring hope and the arrival of Spring...a time of new birth, and a time of warmth!
 The Roman Catholic church referenced Saint Luke 2:22-40 as the reason for this event. It was a tribute to the Light of God's Christ Jesus. In the Scriptures it is written of the time Simeon the priest and Anna the prophetess beheld the infant Jesus at the Temple...."A Light for the Gentiles...".
 From this mid-winter celebration, came ways to predict the coming of Spring, and end the perils of winter.
 Different cultures has little sayings when the candles were blessed and lit on Candlemas Day:

Old English: " If Candlemas be fair and bright, Winter has another flight. If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, winter will not...return again."
Scottish: " If Candlemas Day is bright and clear, there will be two winters in the year."
Germany: "For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day, so far the snow will swirl until May. If the snow blows on Candlemas Day, the sun will shine..before May."
American: "If the sun shines on Groundhog Day, 1/2 the food...and 1/2 the hay." ( In other words, you would need twice the amount you had already survive the winter).

Ok...this is going to take a little more thought than I thought...I'm going to have a "part 2".

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

James 4: 1-10 part 2

Continuing on in the letter from James, he now turns his attention on identifying problems among early Christians...that are still prevalent (if not even more) today. One thing of contrast I have noted: when James wrote this to the Jewish Christians who had left their homeland to find their freedom in following Him, the believers of that day faced persecution for giving their lives to the One who died for them. Today, many of us who read this passage of Sacred Scripture,  sometimes fail to realize the depth of meaning when it comes to "lives being at stake". For many of us, we live in a culture that offers more luxuries than one could ever imagine. As a result, phrases like "selfish desires or sensual cravings" seem almost foreign in its use. After all, being "blessed" today has such a variety of meanings to our modern day Christian culture . Prosperity including  nice homes, easy access to groceries, cars, clothing, nice schools, paved roads...the list could go on and on,  has become a seemingly vital part of Christian community.   ( It must be noted there are those of our faith who suffer horrible persecutions today) Yet, for many of us, like we who have the fortune of living in the 'states, are prone to get upset if we are out of Mayo, late for an appointment, or the pants we want to wear one day have not been washed.

 The thing that is most captivating to me in James letter, is his unique ability to get to the root of the problem the early Christians were facing that day....and the sheer fact it is perhaps an even more problem today, that being...setting aside time to open our hearts to the Father and allowing the Holy Spirit to filter out and change our "cold and stony hearts". 

 When left to ourselves...we are simply a selfish and narcissistic people...the human race has always been like the days when James wrote this letter...and perhaps even more so today........

                                 A Gleaning from James 4: 4-10

 "Listen, when you choose to quarrel, diss, hurt, judge, and fight with one another, putting yourselves  more important than anything else...or anyone around you, completely ignoring the pains of life others are facing, you are... at this point no different then a husband cheating on his wife, or a wife being unfaithful to her husband.
 Acting in this matter, being so involved with your own personal and illicit love affairs (in love with yourself to the point your only thought on life is: "What's in it for me"), you don't even see how you have broken your "wedding vows", your commitment to allowing Him to have control of your life, or understanding the meaning of loving others...and more importantly...loving Him!
And what is even more noticeable, you continue to flirt with every new enticement the world flaunts in front of the point I am not sure whose "team" you are on...playing for the Enemy...or being a friend of God.

 Do you think the proverb written long ago is just a fable or some type of conjured up mystic thought?..."God really cares about what we do, yearning over us and yearning for the Holy Spirit to find His home in our hearts...remembering God Himself is filled with a fierce, an intense, and a jealous love for us?" (adapted from Proverbs 3:34)
 Don't you see that when you make a stand, choosing not to follow our sensual, selfish, and evil desires...and start making choices to refuse... and say to yourself: "No...I am not doing this!", have you really forgotten of His love for us or how He will be faithful in our decision to refuse, and pour His Grace into our very lives?

 Let me make this clear: God sets Himself against those who "think they are all that", so filled with self-pride over their personal accomplishments, not giving a thought who might be hurt or what others might be facing...only in the game of life for one reason...and one reason only, that being: "God...take care...of ME!"
 You must learn to resist these type of desires...refuse this way of life!

 God is looking for something else out of you...a better way...a way that begins with this thought: "I am nothing...without the help of God." When you think along these lines, God "picks up" on this humility coming from your heart...and He loves this kind of stuff. He will send you more of His Grace, pour out His Kindness toward you, and grant You His Favor...that is comparable to nothing you have ever experienced! And the cool thing about this attitude on life....His Grace, His Kindness, and His never stops or runs out!

 So I encourage you with this charge: Let God work His way into your life, be humble and submissive as you allow Him to guide you and allow His commands to be established in your very hearts.

 When you resist the Evil One, that being the devil, choosing instead to put your trust in the God who truly loves you, the Evil One will flee from you...flee from his influence on a situation you are facing, flee from putting worry, anxiety, and undo stress in your heart, and flee from putting the thought God will not be there for you...for you see the devil now sees in you...the very One you put all your hope and trust in...Jesus, the True and Only Son of this Living God.
 Then, as you take the time to draw near to Him, opening your heart, discussing those matters of the heart, and receiving His will discover He is now...drawing near to you.
 It is far better to surrender yourselves to this fact: we are sinners by our very carnal nature, and subject to wanting to dabble in this world known as sin. By taking the time to allow the Holy Spirit to purify those most inner parts of the heart, cleaning out all of our divided interests and our adulterous nature when left to ourselves, we are then able to give our attention to the needs of those around us, and not be so concerned about ourselves.

 As we yield our hearts and lives in this matter, beginning to see His influence upon our very real and daily lives, recognizing the Evil One's power does not have the final say in our decisions...we then see the freedom that is given to us through the work of our Lord, Jesus the Christ.
 It is this realization that allows a true sorrow and a grieving... to manifest in our lives...for we now are able to see those unique and various ways God has set us free!
 There is no better time than humble ourselves before the great Presence of the God who truly loves us, and if you choose this way of life...He will lift you up...out of any situation you may be facing...and He will do it with honor....we giving honor to Him...and He bestowing honor upon us."

Monday, January 27, 2014

Thoughts on James 4: 1-10 part one

In the time I have rededicated my own heart  to the Lord Jesus Christ, I have become more convinced there is one distinction within the realm of His church that makes this choice of lifestyle totally unique from other religions and beliefs, and this distinction in my eyes can be summed up in one word: "Unselfishness"......

 Unselfishness is defined as: "choosing to disregard your own personal advantages and focus for the welfare of another.  Unselfishness can involve a multitude of personal choices ranging from offering genuine concern for the rights and feelings of others, being considerate as to what another may be facing, willing to share from a generous heart, and instead of a natural behavior to have your primary concern on yourself and exclude the needs of others, you now have been given a kind of strength to give yourself entirely to the needs of others, and exclude yourself."

 We see these larger than life demonstrations in the world around us: soldiers giving their lives for the sake of our freedom, people giving their lives to help the hungry, others assisting children in dire needs, men and women dedicating their lives to medical breakthroughs, and still others given to the war against drug and sex trafficking.
 Yet here in James 4, the passage seems to apply itself to the motives of our own hearts, dealing with issues and how we handle ourselves with those we are with...on a daily basis. It seems to be one of those "get personal" thoughts: how we treat the members of our own family, our concern for our friends and neighbors, or our attitudes toward those we see in our workplaces....all these things having a common denominator; that being to examine our lifestyle choices...within our daily encounters... and of course, not excluding our local church and how we treat one another in those arenas... of our lives.
 James writes in this passage how the "desires of our heart" are often mistaken for the "desires for personal pleasure"...and when we don't get what we want...then we will fight to get it. We then move from giving God His rightful place in leading us to do the things that will benefit others and in turn benefit us, to taking on "The Masters of our Fate" attitude, and change the focus of ourselves.

                                               A Gleaning from James 4: 1-3

" Ask yourselves: What causes the strife and tensions among you? What is stirring these divisions, conflicts, and unwanted stress...that become so prevalent it leads to quarrels, fights, and to the point you no longer speak to one another? Some of you have even gotten to the point you wish that person you are in conflict with...would just die, and be done with it.  Even those outside the church have found some of these actions you do to one another as appalling and  disgusting.
 Doesn't all these things originate from...your own selfish desires? It comes from our old sensual desires whose entire focus in on...ourselves, and not for those around us. In other words, you simply want or desire things you don't have, and will do whatever it takes to get it, including the destruction of obtain it.
 You then devise schemes, birthed in jealousy and a "burning within" to take what another has, to the point where even death becomes an option( remembering that hatred and jealousy in the looked upon the same as murder in the eyes of the Lord). In fact, envy and anger growing within your heart will not be satisfied until you get a personal gratification. 

 And more often than not, you will not even consider to go to God the Father about matters like these...why?...because you know your motives are all wrong. You can't face the truth that your motives are based on your own selfish and sensual pleasures.
 You act like a child that has become so spoiled...only wanting what you matter what it may cost others."

         People hurt everywhere in this world today...even among those around us...and I have to ask myself...."Do I even care?" Yet...we do have a Hope! He said things like: "Follow Me" and "I am the Way". It does therefore become possible do this...with Him!...... 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Annie Cole...Lent is Calling...and the world watches"...Chapter 8 of a kind.....

 I have been fortunate to have a Mom I can honestly relate to...tell her things I wouldn't tell anyone else, and not have that fear of being judged. It helps a lot to have a person like that in your life...and I am grateful for it.

 My Mom has always had that "swagger" about her. She always taught us to look good out in public, even when your life is a wreck, keep it inside the family. Don't let others know when you are up your hurts...with only someone you can absolutely trust...period!

 I remember when I was 15, Mom had taken me with her to a neighbor's home to can vegetables for the winter. It's kind of a farm's what farmers wives do. There were probably 7 or 8 ladies there to share produce and can their favorite fruits and vegetables.
 I remember this "canning event" well. One of the farm lady's husband had came and dropped off a load of green beans to be canned. When he brought the green beans in the home, he really gave my Mom the "stare", you know...kind of doin' the "undress with his eyes look." Mom had spoke about guys that do that, and how we as girls were to simply avoid the whole situation by ignoring it... and walk away! And, it must have been a little noticeable, because this guy's wife grabbed him by the arm and they spoke privately... bet that was a "juicy conversation".

 Honestly, Mom did look good that day. It wasn't that Mom wore anything provocative, because that's not her. She just makes jeans, shirts, and make-up..."work for her" as she would often point out to us. Above all, what really stands out about my her confidence. She taught us since we were very young to always hold our head high, smile often, and look directly into the eyes of people. She always taught us to be expressive in our discussions...just don't let your decisions or your views on life be based on your emotions.
 Anyway, I always considered this good advice. Mom is "cool" about stuff like that.

 And the farm lady that had the husband checkin' out my Mom...was really nice. She is a faithful church goer, often mentioning Bible verses or a Christian perspective on life, and just what I would call a "pleasant person".
 Actually, her husband came to church with her, and did the "First Readings" during service when his turn came. I am not sayin' this guy was a bad guy...yet there was something not right there...his eyes looking at my Mom...gave him away.

 It made me wonder...and yes...starting with myself..."How much do we have hidden...inside us. What's really going on in our thoughts...and in our hearts?"
It seems we put on so many "fronts" in life. One day we have "the churchy look", then the other 6 days we have a different look.
 Charity said one time the reason she reads the Bible was because it helps her to "keep it real", the Scriptures are a big help in knowing about our motives and having the courage to "man-up" when you notice something that needs attention. Hmmm?

 All I know is this guy that was looking at my Mom...just a little "possible borderline perv." Seems to be a lot of that stuff going around...these days...even among those who respect and follow Him...His church. I wonder if the Bible talks about being fake? I then wonder if I come across as being fake...and not meaning to be disrespectful...I wonder if this whole God and church fake?

 I know 2 people who are not is my Mom, and the other...Charity. Mom because life didn't scare her, and Charity, because she is happy to give God a chance to care for her.

When we had finished canning that day, Mom took me took the Ice Cream Shoppe, she appreciated the way I got 'in there" and helped wherever I could. I ordered a double dip "moose-tracks" ice cream cone, Mom ordered a single dip Rocky a cup....I remember this too, because Mom made the comment while we were eating our ice cream how nice my hair looked...after working all day. She invited me to go to the spa with her we would look good...for our "next adventure". Some might take it my Mom is vain...I don't. I just think she loved herself and loved Dad so much...and without both...she just wouldn't be the Mom I have come to grow and love."

Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Annie Cole...Lent is Calling...and the world watches" Chapter 7

It has now been a couple of weeks since my Dad passed away, and how my world changed....

 Charity has become quite an "oak" in my life recently. My Dad always referred to people who seem to come into your life and give added strength when you need it the most...he called them "oaks".
  The cool thing about Charity is she never questioned or "preached" at me, even though I knew in my heart she didn't think or conclude on things that happened in life...the way I had. She simply accepted me and loved me the way friends are suppose to...or at least that is my opinion...and as you probably have noticed by now...I have a lot of them.

 Charity had come with Derik to our home that day, mainly because Shawn and him had to figure out exactly how the farm was going to be run this year without Dad around. That is just too weird to even say, let alone think about. 
 Anyway, Charity came up to me and asked what I was doing and if I was in the mood to kind of hang out together. If not, she was going back home and do a little wash.
 I was really glad Charity had come with Derik and although a part of me wanted to retreat and just be left alone, I had come to really enjoy Charity's friendship...and to be honest, I think I wanted that...more than being alone. 
 So I looked at Charity and said: "I would like that....just hangin' out together." Charity smiled and said: "Hey, I don't know if you are hungry...I am, and am really thinkin' about chili at "The Cafe", a local restaurant/pub place whose chili is locally "famous." I said sure, and off we went. Charity mentioned to Derik she would be back whenever...and both Derik and Shawn asked we bring some chili home with us...and we left.

  As were eating our fill of chili at The Cafe, we seemed to keep our conversation in a rather light-hearted matter. We joked about some of the people we knew, about what was going on at our work places, and some of the latest hair styles etc. She did ask me if I was doing ok throughout this whole thing...the loss of my Dad, and I told her I was ok...and that a few songs by "Pink"...helped a little to keep me goin'. She smiled and said; "So what you're sayin' is "Nobody Knows" what you are feeling, or "So What"....maybe you got plans to be a "Rock Star"?
 I was rather shocked! Charity listens to "Pink"? I thought she was religious...and listened only  to church music and stuff? So, being my normal self, I said to Charity: "I thought you were religious...what are you doin' listening to music like that?"
 Charity laughed and said: "You know, if I had my way...I would take the word "religious" out of the English language...people always put that label on you when they find out you are a Christian... kinda sucks. I then replied: "Sorry Char...didn't mean...", and Charity spoke up and said,; "No Annie...I didn't mean it toward you's just kind of a pet peeve of're cool with it." I looked at Charity...and she just smiled. She just then got a text from Derik....reminding her how hungry he had become. She text back to him she would bring it in a little while..."patience is a virtue". Derik text back it wasn't patience he was workin' on was hunger. lol.

 As we kind of finished our meal, I told Charity that I really don't understand about the Christian thing and being religious...don't they go together?
 Charity then explained a little on why she felt that way... how people often judge you when mention about giving your heart to it means you can only act a certain way and always have to be  "heavenly minded" the point a person really becomes no "earthly good".
And then she added..."and people are always criticizing the guy (Jesus) when things happen in life they don't like or really hurts."
 I looked at Charity and said: "Like me?"...She said: "Kinda I guess, but I think He really likes you...after all, it's not like you are the first person to ever blame Him for bad things that happen in life. Besides, He has a way of helping you...sort all that stuff out. At least that's what I've noticed since I met Him."  

 Charity...she is somethin' else. I love the way she just "shoots from the hip"...tells it the way she sees it. The weird thing...she was talking about He was right there eating chili with us??! 
     So, we finished our meal, got up and were making our way to the door when I said: "OMG...the chili...for Derik and Shawn!" Charity looked at me and smiled: "She lifted up a bag with chili in it...and said "Got it covered Annie!"

 I guess I hadn't noticed... this "Jesus talk" had gotten to me...more than I thought.....