Monday, July 29, 2013

"There Seems to be a those Doxologies!"

Doxology...translated from the Greek to mean: "A Glory Saying". And after participating in these hymns, I would have to heartily agree: "Why yes...yes these songs are  "Glory Sayings"!....

  A doxology is composed of a "short hymn of praise", directed to the Almighty, and is used in various Christian worship services, normally sung and heard more in the liturgical type of worship. These doxologies are often inserted into a service after the offering has been celebrated or after a 1st or 2nd reading of the Sacred Scriptures. The origin of this practice is taken from the Jewish type of worship that is used in the synagogue, and doxologies have been used quite consistently in an attempt to bring the worshipper into a recognition of gratefulness for the great things the Lord has done in our individual lives.

 The "Gloria Patri" is one of the many doxologies known as the "trinitarian doxologies", and has remained popular as an expression of worship.
 The original "Gloria Patri" dates back to within the services of " the Roman Catholic Church, and for many centuries were sung in Latin:  "Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritu Sancto, Sicut erat en principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen".
 Of course the English translation of this beautiful hymn is: "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end....Amen...Amen!"( There has been a few minor changes from the Latin version....but the effect of this powerful hymn is the same).

 My personal all-time favorite fact it is referred to as "THE Doxology", is not only a beautiful hymn from my point of view...but I have found this advantageous in my Christian faith...particularly when I awake in the mornings. When I begin to engage my day with this "short hymn of praise", it seems to have a power to help me arrange my priorities for the day, and strength to face the challenges this day might bring.

  Equally noted is the fact I have discovered the words given to this beautiful and grammatical collection of how we are to approach daily both powerful and yet simplistic in its instructions. We are to simply acknowledge the God we so fervently wish to serve by honoring Him with praise for  who He is and what He means to us individually. 
 The words are:
 "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow;
   Praise Him All Creatures Here Below;
   Praise Him above Ye Heavenly Host;
   Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen"

 A man by the name of Thomas Ken wrote these 1674. This doxology was actually written as the final verse of 2 separate hymns : "Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun", and "Glory to Thee, my God, this Night".
 The original intention of these "short hymns" was,  they were to be sung at morning and evening worship at Winchester College in England. Winchester College is an independent school for boys formatted in the British public school tradition. It is still in its original location from its beginnings in 1382 and has been around for well over 600 years.

 I cannot begin to express how appreciative I am of this particular doxology. It seems to have a "power" to transform my heart and thoughts when I awake in the morning...sometimes often "groggy" from the night's sleep, only to be "bombarded" with  thoughts or the challenges I may face on any particular day. Other times I awake to find myself "clueless" or even rather disheartened by personal agenda or the state of the world we live in. 
 Yet, as I awake and realize I have been given another day to serve Him... and "THE Doxology" begins to utter from my is is right then the transformation seems to make sense and give purpose to my own life.

 If you don't believe me.....try it! 

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