Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Are Not All Religions...Pretty Much All the Same?"

This question was brought to a Presbyterian Pastor, Dr. Tim Keller a while back...and his answer was pretty simple: "The Resurrection separates Christianity from most religions."
 He went on to explain the brunt of religions often provide you with a "prophet" or some sort of leading individual that proclaims: "This is the way to...God." Jesus has the distinction of saying: I am God and then God proved it by raising Him...from the dead....

 Can anyone really "prove" their religion of choice? Probably not...but there are some notable acts about being a Christian that can have convincing points that lead to this possible fact: "He is Alive!"....Perhaps He is who He really says He is.

 One thing for sure, Christ Jesus did not use a "militant mentality" to welcome Him as the Lord and King of the universe. Yes, after His time here on earth, numerous groups who have identified themselves as members of the Christian faith and have attempted to "force the Christian way"...or at least their views on what a Christian is...down the throats of many, resulting in horrific and terrible atrocities.
 Yet, Christ Himself never went that route or encouraged others to do so. Even the night before His crucifixion, Christ Jesus said the He had the power to call down angels at any given aid, support, and protect Him. Yet instead, He said this is not the way He wants to go...and although Peter carried a sword and sliced off a man's ear in an effort to protect Christ Jesus...Jesus healed the man whose ear had been cut off ( Luke 22:47-53), and said He must do it the way the Scriptures had ordained it to be. 
 It was right after Jesus had made these remarks..."all the disciples deserted Him, and by fleeing were able to escape."(Luke 22:56).
 Not exactly a way to start a "new religion" you think? There were no followers at that particular point and time in His Life...
 One more thing of note, on this evening when He was "betrayed"...Jesus responded to His arrest by saying: " Why do you come after Me like I am some dangerous revolutionary, when in fact I have sat with you day after day in the Temple...discussing the Scriptures?"
 Most religions do not reach out in the way Christ did...healing the sick, helping the poor, and assisting where He was welcome....other religions often give you  the choice of either accepting it...or be banished...sometimes resulting in death.
 Jesus approach to people...very unique and different. He did not want anyone hurt over His status... even as He made His way to the cross that evening... though no one was around to support Him. 
 I don't think you would read of Christ approach as a good method in a manual: "How to Start a New Religion".

 Here are a few other things to take note of in the "Rise of Christianity":

1. 500 people saw one time...after He had died on the Roman cross. In the New Testament, it is recorded in I Corinthians 15:3-9.  One thing of note regarding the ancient writings concerning Christ Jesus and His appearance to many: the documentations of these events are in much greater detail and quantity than other most historical data from that period...I think it has become one of those type of recorded events that no matter how much proof is attained...some will still view it as a hoax or some type of scheme to promote a certain religion. The question for me is: Why?...Why would you want to join a group that offers hardship and death in many cases?...and if the principles of Christ Jesus only brings us misery, and there be no eternal hope (people claiming He was a hoax...including  the afterlife)...who in their right mind would want to be a part of such a ludicrous idea? 
 Here in 1 Corinthians Paul seems to write in a way that he wants  the facts to be passed on with utmost accuracy: 

                                             A Gleaning from 1 Corinthians 15: 3-9

 " The first important thing I need to tell you is this: I am passing this Message to you...exactly the way it has been given to me... and with much emphasis that it be passed on accurately.
 What you need to know and to pass this Message on to others with the same degree of accuracy is this: Christ Jesus has died for our sins...just as the Sacred Scriptures had written. Furthermore, it has been verified that He was buried...and He was raised from the dead....and again, this is confirmed in the writings of the Sacred Scripture.
 In reference to Christ Jesus being actually others...that too has been found to be true. He was first seen by Peter (the one who had betrayed Him 3 times in the same evening by letting  others know who questioned his acquaintance with Him that he never knew this man who called Himself the Christ), then Christ Jesus was seen by "The Original" (the 12 disciples), all this after Christ had died and was buried in a tomb.
 It has also been reported that Christ Jesus was seen by a number of His followers and at one point 500 of His followers had gathered together...and they all saw Him! In fact, many among that group of 500 are still alive and can confirm His appearance, although some have passed on since that event took place.
 Then, He appeared to James...who had always been skeptical of Christ...including the questioning of Christ very sanity, and Christ further appeared to many who had devoted their lives in service to Him.
 I was actually one of the last to have seen Him...and may I add fittingly so, for I am quite undeserving to be given this luxury. My zealous exploits of the past has been well publicized in wanting to exterminate any part of this "Christ Jesus"...and all of His followers as well. I chose methods including force, cruelty, and violence to accomplish this task I was so dedicated to. it is quite humbling to be addressed as "His apostle"....." 

 Note: I think what stands out for me is "this new religion" the fact there were no rules or agenda that would "promote me up the ladder". The real question is not accepting this "new religion" and its requirements...rather it is having a friendship...with God's very own Son...."Do I know Him...or don't I?" Even His former enemies found Him to be...a true friend.

 Looks like I might need a "Part 2" on this one......

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