Thursday, July 11, 2013

Being a part of: "His Family"

There are a number of us who we feel we have been cheated in life...and this seems particularly true when it comes to relationships....and to narrow it down further... with our own earthly mothers or fathers......

 How many times have we read the "heart-broken" stories of relationships between sons or daughters with their fathers or mothers that have gone the wrong way....
 You hear words like abandonment, abuse, cruelty, neglect, not caring, or simply let go. The thing has gone on for generation after generation throughout history. The cost has maimed people (emotionally) for life and the hurt is sometimes a bitter pill that never seems to dissolve.
 Words like hope and dreams seem way off in the distance and having a personal fulfillment "inside of you",....well, it just ain't happenin'.

 Then we have other choices we make....blame the person who did this atrocity to us, fight back and never let anything like this ever happen again, or simply go through life secretly or openly carrying the pain.
 And of course... the "God thing" is brought to our attention..."Why would He do this?...or allow this?...Do young children really deserve that?"   Right?

 In Saint Matthew,  Jesus makes a series of interesting comments that has helped me to understand a little better as to why things the eternal question..."Why do bad things happen to good people?"....questions like that.

 I think for myself I don't quite grasp the impact of "The Fall", the sin of Adam and Eve, and how potent it's influence on mankind has been ever since. It opened the door for the "Works of Darkness" to enter mankind as a whole.
 This does not mean I simple shift the blame to evil and take no responsibility upon myself or the lives of others for our actions, yet I do see evil itself as a more cunning enemy, and its influence into our lives can sometimes lead to horrific and disastrous results. 
 It seems to me evil can gain footholds into our lives by embracing the thoughts of narcissism, indifference, or revenge...and from there take root and produce disastrous consequences.
 As for the innocent in life....still a little blurry to me. One thing I am sure of....I will not blame this God I have embraced...even when I don't quite understand why things happen.
 My daily relationship with seems there lies a key to understanding...

                                    A Gleaning from Saint Matthew 7:7-11

 "Don't make your relationship in knowing the Father as some kind of guessing game, trust Me, you are always free to be upfront and direct with Him. At times you will find yourself persistent on a particular thought or request...but the one who benefits from your you. Unless the Father gives you an alternate option or rebuttal as to why your request is being prolonged in having the answer you requested...persistency does have it rewards...and perhaps the Father would desire you think  through a little more what you have asked of Him, it could be He desires to provide you with more than you think concerning the matter. Your daily relationship with the Father isn't like playing a "cat and mouse" game: He hears, He listens, and He answers what you request and desire of Him. He is much more concerned about you...than you are of yourself.
 In your own family, the one God has been gracious to give to you, when your child ask you for bread...would you "make a joke" of it, and hand her/him a plate of sawdust...or a stone?
 Or, if your child would ask you for fish...because they were hungry...would you put a live snake on their plate as some sort of sick joke? That would be ludicrous, right?
 Reality is this: mankind throughout time has embraced "Evil" and allowed its strong influence to effect their lives and lifestyles, yet, within mankind is still a core of beliefs that knows what is right....and gives good gifts and answers the needs of their own children.
 Knowing this, you can be at peace knowing when you approach our Heavenly Father, He is more than willing to provide you with all you have need of...and more."

 My own life experiences and the various lifestyles I have chosen at times...point to the fact...when my daily communication with the Father is abandoned or seems I am always drawn back to Him with the same opening word in my prayer life: "Help!"

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