Saturday, July 27, 2013

Part 3..."Praying for Your Heart"

The conclusion of Joe Bloom's article "Praying for Your Heart". Bloom has suggest the "7 D's to pray for your are the final 2:

6. DISCIPLINE  We often identify the word "discipline" as a reactionary measure to an act that demands punishment. Yet discipline (noun) is simply defined as a "field of study". Included with the choice of this  field of study is the goal to mold and perfect a working knowledge on a particular subject or vocation, and to have an expertise on this given subject.
 The training one receives from pursuing a particular interest does involve correction when needed, a certain conduct in developing this field of study, and a seasoned experience having the attributes of being open minded, fair, and respectful when challenged.
 From a personal view, I think the value of a particular discipline includes the strength and timing to apply what has been know when to inject what you have learned into the life of exactly the right time.
 Inviting Christ Jesus into one's life and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach "the art of discipline" in developing a relationship with Him...brings the results I think Christ intends for each of us to have... to be unselfish in the giving of ourselves to others in both word and in our actions.
 To know Christ Jesus...requires one to have a steady discipline...of God's Word. 

 There are 3 passages of the Sacred Scripture that come to mind when I consider a DISCIPLINE, a field of know Him! The first being:

II Timothy 3:14-17   " As for you, continue to be faithful in this Discipline you have whole heartily embraced...when you first accepted Him as your King.
 You have been instructed and taught the Sacred Scriptures since the beginning of your friendship with Him, taking these very Scriptures into your heart and having results that have taught the basic necessity to all matters and walks of life: Salvation only comes from putting your trust in Christ Jesus.
 This "field of study" that you have chose and has been graciously taught to you through the Holy Spirit, has given you the secret to lean entirely on Him. Your real personality has been discovered through knowing Him, your trust in Him is more absolute, the confidence you have gained is through His power to save, His wisdom has given you direction in your daily life, and His goodness has blessed all that you do.
 The  fact you have learned through your journey in life...this Discipline of getting to know Him more...has brought a keen awareness that every Sacred the very breath of God Himself, and has been given to a gift...from this "God Who Breathes"...through Divine Inspiration...the precious Holy Spirit.
 These constant and valuable teachings of the Sacred Scripture...through the Holy Spirit...into our very the very illumination of God's Truth, exposing any rebellion or hidden areas of Darkness, correcting any offense we may have harbored against the "One who Truly Loves Us" , encouraging us through His divine direction to continue on in this Discipline of finding ways to be more obedient and His Lifestyle."

Romans 12:1-2  " So, here then is a good thing for you to do. Since God Himself, along with all His mercies in full view and available to anyone who simply calls upon Him, has already promised these things to anyone who turns to Him, we should now inquire and pursue the Discipline of giving our entire Him.
 Everything we do in our ordinary and daily lives...our time of sleep, partaking of  meals, when we are at work, and all other things pertaining to life...let us dedicate all we do to an offering... in response to our love for Him. When we embrace and incorporate this type of Discipline, it becomes quite obvious it is the most sensible way of expressing Him.
 What we need to remember in regards to the "Discipline of Serving Him", is not to allow ourselves to become so comfortable in both our surroundings and the culture we live in, that we entirely ignore or give little thought to His Way of Life and how the influence of Christ Jesus into our lives has so completely changed us.
 Instead, it is of vital importance to recognize He really does change us!...from the inside out! Our thoughts...our attitudes...every part of our very being has been completely made new when we cried out: "Lord Jesus...come into my heart." Now is the time for us to respond with the Discipline that would honor Him...through our daily lives.
 By so doing, we find ourselves much different from the culture we have been raised in, not being dragged down by envy, poor attitudes, and the general immaturity that are all around us. Through the "Discipline of Desiring Him", we now find what God really wants out of us, and discover what is good...what is pleasing...and what is our lives that have now been intertwined...with Him."

and this Sacred Scripture......

Philippians 2:5   " We must violently pursue the same attitude...the same Discipline...He gave to us...that being the total sacrifice of His love for each of us."

7. DILIGENCE  The last of the 7 "D's".  Diligence is described as " a steady and continuous application to a given situation...with a sense of urgency. My thought in reference to being a Christian and diligence is giving the Lord Jesus Christ..."Priority One" in our everyday lives.

Ephesians 5:11-16   " Why waste your time on useless things...useless works...useless talk...useless events...that are the result of useless agenda originating from the realms of Darkness.
 Instead, allow your life to be in such contrast...and provide an influence to not only expose the true intentions of these "Dark Moments", but bring a power that dismantles and convicts...causing the heart to cry out to Him.
 Don't waste your day "talkin' up" the Deeds of Darkness and  the "Practices done in Secret". Instead, make this time count..."Wake up from all the dullness of the Talk of Darkness, escape the very grips of Death, and go after The True Light...that being the Lord Jesus.
 Take a little time and think....think about the way you are living and the plans you have in the upcoming future. Put some common sense and a little intelligence into what you are about to do. Make the most of your time....Darkness seems to be lurking on every corner."

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