Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Can the Bible be Trusted?"....

I think this is a core question within the framework of our personal Christian beliefs. I look at it like this: When I receive a copy of Sports Illustrated, or am reading a novel that I enjoy, even the daily newspaper....I usually can't wait to read it....yet, if I receive a Bible....I have to"be in the mood" to want to read it, and if I have a choice of these different writings, I probably would not choose the Bible as the "Book of Choice". Why is that?......

  I find myself asking from time to time....Is the Bible for real?...and can I trust this Ancient be the primary influence in my life? And if I think about it further....if I can't trust this Book...then can I really put faith in the whole Christian concept?

 Many have chose.....not to.

 Mark Twain, the American author and humorist who wrote the great literary classics; "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" along with numerous other writings, also wrote this concerning the Bible: "The Bible has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and a wealth of obscenity; and upward of a thousand lies." 

 Thomas Paine, one of our Founding Fathers whose pamphlet entitled "Common Sense" written in 1776 was very convincing and instrumental in the cause for Independence, and Paine was a strong advocate for  a World Peace Organization and a federal security program that would assist the elderly, also wrote: " Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the bible is filled, it would seem more consistent that we call it the word of a demon...than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind...". 

 Elizabeth Cody Stanton, the great lady of the mid and late 1800's who gave much to the equality and the rights of women, wrote concerning the Bible: " The bible and the church have been great stumbling blocks in the ways of womens emancipation."

 The Bible...not very appealing to some...right?

 One thing I have come to notice in my life as a Christian as well as a strong advocate of the the Bible gets blamed for alot of things about life...when I have discovered it isn't the Bible that has negative influence in our lives, rather, it is people...and how they interpret what they read from the Bible.
 From a historical perspective, it is true there were some gruesome acts performed in ancient times, much of it due to the cultures of the day. Yet, history and writers of history from other sources throughout the ages have written of such atrocities of their day. The atrocities of "The Crusades" is an example for me of "Christian beliefs gone Bad", with these events happening long after the Bible had been written.
 The "Hitler Era" is now viewed as one of the most gruesome acts in all of history... based on the belief of "one superior race".
 Wars throughout history have been documented as to the horrible and cruel methods man has chosen to hurt another.
  Yes, there seems to be little doubt The Bible.... writes of accounts in history that are hard to comprehend in regards to the treatment of fellow man...and numerous authorities of history have confirmed them as being true. 

Is that what the Bible is really about? Is that why we are encouraged to read it?...for historical studies and to learn from them? Does the Bible have a central theme?

 Since the beginning of time, man has been on the same path in seeking truth and life, the difference being the variety of methods that have been chosen to seek the "Lost Utopia".
 Even in the account of the story of "The Flood" as recorded in the Scriptures, one can find over 200 renditions and ancient writings of a "Great Flood" from other cultures that are not of Jewish origin.
 And there are those who contend The Bible has a writing flair much like one would read in Greek mythology, while others compare the writings of The Bible as an elaborate collection...of fairy tales.

 Then there are those who contend the passing down of information and formatted into what we now call "The Bible", has been twisted and falsified to the point all accuracy of the Scriptures are in question.
 Historians of the ancient Scripture have now attained over 4000 original documents that date back to approximately 30 to 35 after Jesus death, burial, and Resurrection in reference to the writings of what we call The Bible today. And if the truth be known, the translations of the ancient biblical texts continue to be more accurate everyday.
 How does that compare to other ancient writings? Well, look at Plato...who has some really cool stuff to say about everyday life. Plato lived and wrote in the mid-400's B.C. Yet, none of his writings were not discovered until 900...A.D. On top of all that....there are a total of 8 documents that were discovered in that time frame.
 How about Aristotle? He lived in the 300's B.C....yet it wasn't until 1100 A.D. that his writings were discovered....a total of...5 original documents.
 So, do you think Plato and Aristotle wrote the "stuff" we read of

 Here is my conclusion on the matter.....translations and the passing down to future generations of the Sacred Scripture will always be in question...simply because God chose men to write it....not angels or any supernatural force....just a "bunch of guys." But, God did not leave it there....He sent His precious Holy Spirit to aid and direct the precious Word of God, allowing man to write these things within the framework of their personalities yet inspired through the power...of the Holy Spirit. 
 And here is the thing: I think because the Sacred Scriptures are divinely inspired...a person who spends time reading the Scriptures...must also have the divine inspiration to understand it's true meaning. It's kind of like reading a book written in code....the only way to understand it must open your Him. 
 That's what I think anyway......

Oh, I do think the central theme of The Bible love for us....maybe we will discuss that another day......

 Here are a couple of Gleanings that mean alot to me when I think about adherence to the Word of God:

                                                  Psalm 18:24

"God rewrote the texts of my life...declaring me innocent....when I opened the book of my own His Eyes."

                                                  Matthew 24:35

" The heavens, the skies, and the earth as well...will wear out and pass away,
            Yet, My Word will be here...forever!"

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