Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Emotional Pain...Is it for real?

I am in a mood to deal with a subject that I have always found to be gratifying...simply because I see the results of it daily....in my own family....with my friends...and in so many people I see in my everyday life. The effects of emotional pain...and how each one of us deal with it. Some choose to ignore it, others take their pain to heart and it seems to prolong the pain, some simply "give their issues in life to Jesus...and everything will be ok", while others...simply never recover from this type of pain.......

 As I begin the 6th decade of my young life, I have noticed something. As people get older, their bodies, faces, and general appearance seem to mirror the effects of the hardships in life a person has faced. Often times I see older people with sad, snarling, and very pessimistic looking faces. They walk as though life is just too heavy to carry. Their words "sting" as they have become quite defensive, pointing out the horrible outcomes when you want to take the chance and try something new, or simply have nothing good to say about life. A young grand child arriving to see them momentarily lightens their faces, yet for the most part...life is simply...bitter.

 What's up with that? Is this where all of this is goin'? Is life when it is all said and done...a "bitter pill" that leaves one with scars and pains?

  I read an article written by the BBC news in 2008 that announced "new brain scanning technologies are now revealing  the part of the brain that processes physical pain...also deals with emotional pain. Findings now indicate emotional pains can be just as injurious as any physical pain, and the effect of "emotional injuries" have much higher percentages in becoming chronic, lasting an entire lifetime, as compared to physical injuries."

 Physical pain warns us: 'Don't walk on that sprained ankle" for example, and yet emotional pain can warn us: "Don't ever try that again....people are out to hurt you!...Never, never again."
 The difference?

 Physical pain can act as an aid to bring about healing to a particular area to the body. Emotional pain often invites "company" you really don't need....like bitterness and anger that when added to one's life only hampers and interferes with the healing that is needed.

 So, where do I start? Emotional healing...I have no doubt...it is for real.

 In Saint Matthew, Jesus made a rather interesting statement...that might have a direct link to our emotional healing(s).....a Gleaning from Matthew 11: 28-30:

 "Are you wore out?...Tired of carrying a bunch of "stuff" you have picked up from everyday life?...the failures, the cruel words, rejection, the mental and verbal abuse, and the scars of physical abuse? Maybe religion has burnt you out?...trying to be someone you can not possibly be? Perhaps you are at a point in life where all you can surmise is: "Life sucks." 

 Well. I have an idea...."Come to Me"...just get away from it all...spend some time with Me...and let Me have all that. I will show you how to recover from all the aspects of everyday life...in fact, I can ease, relieve, and refresh your life, transforming it to "our" life...pouring into your heart the courage...the strength...and the joy...to live again.
 I just need your undivided time and I will take you on a real rest...and you can take this real rest with you...in the everyday life.

 First, you will need to get under My yoke...I will show you how I do it...just work with Me...watch and see how I do it. I will show you how to apply and enjoy the "Rhythms of Grace" for your everyday life...and you can trust Me...for I am gentle and will show you these things from a humble heart...not the condescending or critical stuff, and you will soon discover the meaning of entering My rest, for it is a True Rest...and you will want this...everyday!

 For you see the yoke I have, the one we will share together...it is a needful and wholesome thing. This yoke is useful...it's a good thing...it's not intended to be harsh or hard...or sharp or pressing against you. The yoke we share is comfortable, pleasant, and you will be grateful to have it. For it is in the yoke we share you will find the burdens of life light...and yet strong to confront any issues you might face in everyday life."

 So..we share a yoke with Him?

So much for the unicorn who we ride off to the rainbow sunset....right?

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