Thursday, July 18, 2013

Choosing a Path.....

In my understanding of ancient Jewish literature, Jewish writers had this modem of thought: Our thoughts our hearts. Yes, certainly our brain processes these thoughts...yet the starting point of all thoughts...come from the heart....

 In Proverbs 4, starting around verse 23, there is given ample warning about guarding our hearts and what possible outcomes can manifest from "the thoughts of the heart.
 Various translations and commentaries have viewed verse 23 in this matter:

 "Keep and guard your heart...the Springs of Life...come from here."
 " What you think...actually runs your life"
 " Guard your heart...more than any other treasure you have"
 " Be careful as to what you choose to think...your life is your thoughts."
 "The thoughts evolving from your heart...affects everything you do."

          A Gleaning from Proverbs 4:23-27

 " Above anything else, life as we know it begins here: "Guard your heart." This is the most important thing we must do in our lives because what we allow to enter our hearts and create in our own thoughts....determine the course of our very lives.
 If we choose for example to allow deceit, false and dishonest speech, corrupt speech, gossip, the infamous "white lies", careless speech which often leads to perverse speech, or we find ourselves "talking out of both sides of our mouths" the saying goes....if we invite these type of qualities as "governors" to our daily behavior, we are living dangerously...and the one who will get you. And besides, we could miss entirely the true plans God has already designed for us on any given day.

 Instead, our purpose in life...our daily expectations and encounters...need to be fixed on the Word of the One who came for us, looking and seeing for ourselves the plans He has made for us, and to allow His lifestyle to infiltrate the very thoughts that gain our own hearts as well as our minds.
 Before we begin our daily journey through life, it is important to evaluate the road we want to travel this day: what type of speech are we engaging in, the actions that compliment our choice of speech, and not allow ourselves to get all caught up in "sideshow distractions".

 Take some time and consider what you choose to be your "Standard for the Day"...and stick to the path you choose. Let your heart welcome a path that is stable, solid, straight, and safe for the activities you are about to partake in.
 Don't allow yourself to get sidetracked...some of the "sideshow agenda" may only serve to "be a trap" ...and get you off the path He has intended for you. 

 Above all, don't ever take the path whose road sign is marked: "Evil".

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