Monday, July 22, 2013

It has been made each one of us.....

 The Sacred Scriptures are clear as to how God has chosen to rescue us....

 God insists we do not give up in putting all our trust and Him.  It is of equal importance we find ways to live in agreement with one Christians, and not allow our divisions keep us from caring and having for another. Having differences of opinions between ourselves should not divide us in our love for Him.
 For this is where our unity lies....within the heartfelt acclamations that proclaim:

 "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again."

 "Dying You destroyed our death, Rising You restored our life, Lord Jesus, come in Glory."

 "When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim Your death Lord Jesus, until You come in glory."

 "Lord, by Your cross and resurrection, You have set us free. You are....the Savior of he world."

 The "Mysterium Fidei" ( mystery of faith), lies in the words of our Master Himself: "Do memory of Me."

                                                A Gleaning from Romans 15: 3-6

 " When Christ Jesus came for us, being born through a virgin named Mary in a town called Bethlehem...His thoughts were not on Himself...none whatsoever...His entire focus has always been... on us!
 And, that is exactly what He did...this is what actually happened. He came into this world and made no attempt to make this life easy for Himself, He never once avoided any of the troubles each of us face in everyday life. In fact, Christ Jesus doesn't walk away from trouble...He walks right into it...and brings us out with Him...walking right through the "heart" of the problems we face.
 Jesus Himself has an understanding about insults...insults one receives when choosing to respond to His call: "Follow Me." And, He accepts the challenge...on our behalf. He takes on the "troubles of the troubled".
 For let this be made clear: He became "one of us"...and leads us now through His word and deed...going all the way to the cross...thinking only...of us. Now, although the Ancient Scriptures were written so long ago, we can take our comfort in knowing that through Him...these Ancient writings have been passed on to us...for us...written for us that we might embrace them into our very!
 In fact, it is in these very Ancient writings that we find and establish our hope...the kind of hope that encourages us to go on...the kind of hope that empowers us with patience...and a cheerful heart...just like Him!...when He arrived and began His journey in the town of Bethlehem.

 Because of the work of God's very own and only dear Son, we are now able to receive the steady, warm, and continual personal counsel which the Sacred Scriptures had long intended to the same manner these very same Scriptures comforted He walked through the streets of Jerusalem.
 The Sacred Scriptures not only make available to us virtues such as patience and encouragement...these Words He spoke have the very power to characterize us...transform us... into our true selves...the very freedom to be who God had intended be.
 Because of all this, our lives can now sense a completeness, and we are now able to live with one peace....His peace.
 When we concentrate our efforts searching and examining these Sacred Scriptures, adhering to and demonstrating the Word  in our own lives today.... we then find ourselves in a collective mutual harmony...adoring Him. We are now able to become one voice, one ourselves to a chorus that allows others to hear of the unity through our stunning anthem...of the Triumph of our Lord Jesus!"

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