Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Don't Go Down Now...."

In one of the "Rocky" movies ,there was a scene where it appeared at one point during a match  "Rocky" was about to go down...and then you heard his manager yell : "Don't go down on me now Rocky...."

 Sometimes in my Christian life, especially when I witness or hear of others doing some really "stupid" stuff, I think..."Man, this is a joke. Christianity just doesn't make sense...why even do it?"

 Saint Paul encountered some of this when he was writing to the Galatians. The Galatians had been exposed to some false teachers...who made false statements about following Christ Jesus. 
 One big lie was the one about how we live here on earth in our earthly bodies...and have no control over how we act or think...we can't change until we die and get to heaven. 
 It was convenient to accept this false teaching...and "get it in your head", because it voided out the accountability factor. After all, why did God give us these type of desires in the first place...right?
 One big problem with this false teaching was it not only negated any responsibility we may have on how we treat others in daily also negates any faith we might Him.
 If we spend our time catering to our own selfish desires...why would we want to go somewhere else? heaven? "It's all good"...right now. By totally ignoring the needs of others or being indifferent to those around us....puts the "The Whole Cross" work into question...the first being "Why?...Why did He die on a cross for us? He didn't need to...we are never going to change...right?"
 Saint Paul then reminds the Galatians the "flip side of the equation",....God and the work of His Only Son....will be around...forever....we won't be. If we think Jesus didn't do enough to cause us to rethink how we are to act in life...maybe it's time to rethink that.....because turning your back and ignoring the need of others, or simply pleading "stupidity' when your life is finished... won't change can't continue in life over the long haul thinking : "I can't help it...that is the way God made me." I really don't want to hear God's reply to me if I used that lame excuse: "Really?...Are you serious?"

                  A Gleaning from Galatians 6:7-10

 "Don't talk yourself into believing this: " No matter what I will be ok." Just because God gives us the freedom to make our own choices...doesn't give us the right as Christians to totally ignore the needs and hurts in others...and simply do "our own thing". Certainly you have heard the ancient saying: " You reap what you sow."

 If our desires are exclusively driven to do what benefits only us...if being selfish is ok with might want to think that through again.
 If you happen to be on a date some night...and all your asking for is a "little sex"...nothing more...what is the problem?'s not like you are out to hurt someone right? After all, the experience will be helpful when you find your "true soul mate"...right?
 Have you thought of the self esteem issues that come up when people just "give it out?' What if someone has their emotional outlook on life get messed up...or maybe in a month or so they feel they just got used...and truthfully...isn't that what you really have done? Or, "turn the tables"...what if it turns out "you might not be all that"...and you are the one who gets messed up from it. Sex can cause your emotions toward be severely altered...and that was not your intentions in the first place...right? You were straight up...what is the problem?

 That is not what Christianity is really about...we are suppose to be sensitive to the needs of others, we are suppose to be looking at life in regards to others can I best help them...and in their journey through life following Him. Ignoring what is best for others...above our own selves....that is a Godly man.
 In fact, when we start ignoring the needs of others...aren't we really ignoring God? How far will that get you?....a one-nighter, perhaps a couple of months of "stringing someone along",...and here is the big question..."Do you really think God will be ultimately ignored?"

 Don't go that route...don't go down now....keep going the way you are going...honor God in all you do...and above all put the needs of other above yourself...even when it hurts.
 Keep practicing the faith, follow the "God-Lifestyle", and the "pay-off" will be well worth your effort. God doesn't ignore the good stuff we do too...and sent His Son to die for us...and made sure we can make it.
 Think about the next opportunity that comes along...and let it always be something that...honors Him! He'll be right there...with you...with "Armloads of Blessings"!


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