Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A man named "Luke".....

The Book of Acts...in the Sacred Scriptures...actually the proper name is: "The Acts of the Apostles", was written by a man who was of Greek origin. He is the only author of the entire New Testament who was not Jewish. He wrote this book it is determined about 30 years after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
 Colossians 4:11 mentions Luke to be a physician...now was he a general practitioner, a heart specialist, or pediatrician?...we don't really know. In fact, there really isn't anything mentioned as to Luke's professional career as a physician.

 What we do know about Luke is:
1. Most historians agree Luke is the author of this book we refer to as "The Book of Acts".
2. Luke was not one of "The Original"...the 12 disciples.
3. Luke is confirmed in the Scriptures to have worked and travelled with the Apostle Paul.

 What Luke is most noted for by historians, both biblical and secular...is his passion to write the Book of Acts...with accuracy. He attempted to give a careful analysis and accurate descriptions of what events occurred...after the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
 Luke's desire or so it seems was to pass on this information to us today...with this thought: "This is what really happened!"

 Luke wrote this particular book for at least 3 main reasons:
1. People in that day were already saying false things about those who made the decision to embrace the Christian faith. These false claims included Christians were really wanting  to disrupt the lifestyle and customs of the day and hopefully assist in the overthrow of the Roman Empire. Luke's rebuttal to these false claims were Christians were not like that at all...instead they were committed to helping others and support those who genuinely suffer in life.
2. Luke seemed particularly impressed with the miracles that were performed through the Apostles...and gave written details as to some of these events. Two examples are a) Peter's supernatural release from prison and b) the power of God working through the Apostles to cure people of various diseases.
3. Luke gave emphasis to how Christianity was being accepted. He wanted there to be a clear understanding that Christianity was not just another religion...rather, Christianity was the completion of Judaism....because the Messiah had truly come.

 Yet, the main reason Luke chose to write this Book of Acts is because with the spreading of the Good News of Christ Jesus, from Jerusalem all the way to Rome, Luke's most adamant desire was to record these events that took place...in the most accurate way. He also wanted to let all those who heard this Good News know...the Gospel of Jesus Christ was available for all...whether he/she be Jewish or Gentile.

 An interesting note concerning this book Luke wrote... it was actually a volume 2 of his recordings of the events that took place after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The reason for this is at the beginning of the Book of Acts he starts out: In my former book...".
 And here is a thought: some historians think that because of the rather abrupt ending to the Book of Acts, Luke might have been thinking about writing a volume 3 of the Book of Acts...or perhaps it is a "Lost Book".....
 So, if you happen to be cleaning your attic one day...and come across a book or two that either starts out with "In my other 2 books..." or "This is the first of the recorded events...", and you notice the author is a guy named Luke...hang on to them!...you might have something!

 I would like to focus on chapter one of the Book of Acts of the Apostles, starting in verse one and going through verse 11. Luke is writing to a man named Theophilus, and uses the phrase "most honorable". Normally in that time period this type of title is reserved for governors of the region...such as Governor Felix or Governor Festus as read in other passages of Scripture. I really don't know who Theophilus was...but obviously held some position of authority.

                                        A Gleaning from Acts 1: 1-11

 "In my former book, O most honorable Theophilus, I made a continuous report dealing with all things which Jesus began to do and teach, until the very day He was taken up into heaven. Yet, I would like to clarify that...before He said "Good-Bye" to His apostles, who He had chosen Himself through the power of the Holy Spirit...He indeed gave specific and clear instructions as to what they were to do at that specific time.
 You see, during the 40 days...following the Crucifixion, Jesus presented Himself to these very apostles....alive! Yes...He is very much alive!
 This became apparent because of a series of convincing demonstrations that were without question and inevitable proof...He really has...arose from the dead!
 In fact, Christ Jesus had "face to face" meetings with the apostles, speaking to them about things concerning the Kingdom of God. Please be aware all of these meetings took place...after the Crucifixion.
 At one of these meeting He was actually partaking of a meal...with them! Here He gave some pertinent instructions as to what the apostles were to do. He spoke to them and said: "Don't leave Jerusalem...not yet! Wait right here until you hear from My Father...for He has a gift for you...and you will certainly be in need of this gift...He is the Holy Spirit! I had mentioned Him to you before, and now the Father is about to give Him to You.
 You see, John baptized us with water...yet in a few days...you will be baptized with the "surprise of your life"...the Precious and Powerful...Holy Spirit!"

 Yet, the apostles were still not getting who Jesus was referring to...because while this meal was going on, the apostles could be heard repeating a question...and then asked Him: Lord...are You here to free Israel and restore our kingdom?"

 Jesus replied: "Look, the timing of events in life...that is strictly the Father's call. Don't get yourselves all wrapped up in things like that."
 Then Jesus continued in His former train of thought....
" In a short time, you will receive power...and you can trust Me...when this power comes upon you...you will find yourselves being witness of Me...not only here in Jerusalem....but in Judea...on into Samaria...and into the very remote parts...of the entire earth!"

Those were...the last words He spoke.....

 For right after He had finished speaking those very words, with all the apostles watching and Jesus in clear view...Jesus was taken up in a cloud...and this cloud carried Him...completely out of sight!
 As this event was happening, with the apostles all straining to see where Jesus was going,  suddenly 2 men dressed in white robes appeared before them.
 These 2 men then addressed the Apostles and said: " Men of Galilee, why strain your eyes to see where Jesus has gone? He has been taken to heaven...yet!...the day will come...He will be back! And, He will return in the very same manner you have just seen Him go!"

Monday, July 29, 2013

"There Seems to be a Power...in those Doxologies!"

Doxology...translated from the Greek to mean: "A Glory Saying". And after participating in these hymns, I would have to heartily agree: "Why yes...yes these songs are  "Glory Sayings"!....

  A doxology is composed of a "short hymn of praise", directed to the Almighty, and is used in various Christian worship services, normally sung and heard more in the liturgical type of worship. These doxologies are often inserted into a service after the offering has been celebrated or after a 1st or 2nd reading of the Sacred Scriptures. The origin of this practice is taken from the Jewish type of worship that is used in the synagogue, and doxologies have been used quite consistently in an attempt to bring the worshipper into a recognition of gratefulness for the great things the Lord has done in our individual lives.

 The "Gloria Patri" is one of the many doxologies known as the "trinitarian doxologies", and has remained popular as an expression of worship.
 The original "Gloria Patri" dates back to within the services of " the Roman Catholic Church, and for many centuries were sung in Latin:  "Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritu Sancto, Sicut erat en principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen".
 Of course the English translation of this beautiful hymn is: "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end....Amen...Amen!"( There has been a few minor changes from the Latin version....but the effect of this powerful hymn is the same).

 My personal all-time favorite doxology...in fact it is referred to as "THE Doxology", is not only a beautiful hymn from my point of view...but I have found this advantageous in my Christian faith...particularly when I awake in the mornings. When I begin to engage my day with this "short hymn of praise", it seems to have a power to help me arrange my priorities for the day, and strength to face the challenges this day might bring.

  Equally noted is the fact I have discovered the words given to this beautiful and grammatical collection of how we are to approach daily life...is both powerful and yet simplistic in its instructions. We are to simply acknowledge the God we so fervently wish to serve by honoring Him with praise for  who He is and what He means to us individually. 
 The words are:
 "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow;
   Praise Him All Creatures Here Below;
   Praise Him above Ye Heavenly Host;
   Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen"

 A man by the name of Thomas Ken wrote these words...in 1674. This doxology was actually written as the final verse of 2 separate hymns : "Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun", and "Glory to Thee, my God, this Night".
 The original intention of these "short hymns" was,  they were to be sung at morning and evening worship at Winchester College in England. Winchester College is an independent school for boys formatted in the British public school tradition. It is still in its original location from its beginnings in 1382 and has been around for well over 600 years.

 I cannot begin to express how appreciative I am of this particular doxology. It seems to have a "power" to transform my heart and thoughts when I awake in the morning...sometimes often "groggy" from the night's sleep, only to be "bombarded" with  thoughts or the challenges I may face on any particular day. Other times I awake to find myself "clueless" or even rather disheartened by personal agenda or the state of the world we live in. 
 Yet, as I awake and realize I have been given another day to serve Him... and "THE Doxology" begins to utter from my lips...it is there...it is right then the transformation begins....life seems to make sense and give purpose to my own life.

 If you don't believe me.....try it! 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Part 3..."Praying for Your Heart"

The conclusion of Joe Bloom's article "Praying for Your Heart". Bloom has suggest the "7 D's to pray for your heart...here are the final 2:

6. DISCIPLINE  We often identify the word "discipline" as a reactionary measure to an act that demands punishment. Yet discipline (noun) is simply defined as a "field of study". Included with the choice of this  field of study is the goal to mold and perfect a working knowledge on a particular subject or vocation, and to have an expertise on this given subject.
 The training one receives from pursuing a particular interest does involve correction when needed, a certain conduct in developing this field of study, and a seasoned experience having the attributes of being open minded, fair, and respectful when challenged.
 From a personal view, I think the value of a particular discipline includes the strength and timing to apply what has been learned...to know when to inject what you have learned into the life of another...at exactly the right time.
 Inviting Christ Jesus into one's life and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach "the art of discipline" in developing a relationship with Him...brings the results I think Christ intends for each of us to have... to be unselfish in the giving of ourselves to others in both word and in our actions.
 To know Christ Jesus...requires one to have a steady discipline...of God's Word. 

 There are 3 passages of the Sacred Scripture that come to mind when I consider a DISCIPLINE, a field of study...to know Him! The first being:

II Timothy 3:14-17   " As for you, continue to be faithful in this Discipline you have whole heartily embraced...when you first accepted Him as your King.
 You have been instructed and taught the Sacred Scriptures since the beginning of your friendship with Him, taking these very Scriptures into your heart and having results that have taught the basic necessity to all matters and walks of life: Salvation only comes from putting your trust in Christ Jesus.
 This "field of study" that you have chose and has been graciously taught to you through the Holy Spirit, has given you the secret to life...to lean entirely on Him. Your real personality has been discovered through knowing Him, your trust in Him is more absolute, the confidence you have gained is through His power to save, His wisdom has given you direction in your daily life, and His goodness has blessed all that you do.
 The  fact you have learned through your journey in life...this Discipline of getting to know Him more...has brought a keen awareness that every Sacred Scripture...is the very breath of God Himself, and has been given to us...as a gift...from this "God Who Breathes"...through Divine Inspiration...the precious Holy Spirit.
 These constant and valuable teachings of the Sacred Scripture...through the Holy Spirit...into our very hearts...is the very illumination of God's Truth, exposing any rebellion or hidden areas of Darkness, correcting any offense we may have harbored against the "One who Truly Loves Us" , encouraging us through His divine direction to continue on in this Discipline of finding ways to be more obedient and respectful...to His Lifestyle."

Romans 12:1-2  " So, here then is a good thing for you to do. Since God Himself, along with all His mercies in full view and available to anyone who simply calls upon Him, has already promised these things to anyone who turns to Him, we should now inquire and pursue the Discipline of giving our entire selves...to Him.
 Everything we do in our ordinary and daily lives...our time of sleep, partaking of  meals, when we are at work, and all other things pertaining to life...let us dedicate all we do to Him...as an offering... in response to our love for Him. When we embrace and incorporate this type of Discipline, it becomes quite obvious it is the most sensible way of expressing honor...to Him.
 What we need to remember in regards to the "Discipline of Serving Him", is not to allow ourselves to become so comfortable in both our surroundings and the culture we live in, that we entirely ignore or give little thought to His Way of Life and how the influence of Christ Jesus into our lives has so completely changed us.
 Instead, it is of vital importance to recognize He really does change us!...from the inside out! Our thoughts...our attitudes...every part of our very being has been completely made new when we cried out: "Lord Jesus...come into my heart." Now is the time for us to respond with the Discipline that would honor Him...through our daily lives.
 By so doing, we find ourselves much different from the culture we have been raised in, not being dragged down by envy, poor attitudes, and the general immaturity that are all around us. Through the "Discipline of Desiring Him", we now find what God really wants out of us, and discover what is good...what is pleasing...and what is perfect...in our lives that have now been intertwined...with Him."

and this Sacred Scripture......

Philippians 2:5   " We must violently pursue the same attitude...the same Discipline...He gave to us...that being the total sacrifice of His love for each of us."

7. DILIGENCE  The last of the 7 "D's".  Diligence is described as " a steady and continuous application to a given situation...with a sense of urgency. My thought in reference to being a Christian and diligence is giving the Lord Jesus Christ..."Priority One" in our everyday lives.

Ephesians 5:11-16   " Why waste your time on useless things...useless works...useless talk...useless events...that are the result of useless agenda originating from the realms of Darkness.
 Instead, allow your life to be in such contrast...and provide an influence to not only expose the true intentions of these "Dark Moments", but bring a power that dismantles and convicts...causing the heart to cry out to Him.
 Don't waste your day "talkin' up" the Deeds of Darkness and  the "Practices done in Secret". Instead, make this time count..."Wake up from all the dullness of the Talk of Darkness, escape the very grips of Death, and go after The True Light...that being the Lord Jesus.
 Take a little time and think....think about the way you are living and the plans you have in the upcoming future. Put some common sense and a little intelligence into what you are about to do. Make the most of your time....Darkness seems to be lurking on every corner."

Friday, July 26, 2013

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

When the phrase is heard "Defensive Spending Cuts", this mental picture erupts in our minds of our National Security being at risk....war ships sitting in harbors, the latest technological warfare put on hold, and our standing army being at all time record lows.
 Yet, as I believe in having an ample defensive budget....pruning some of the military budget is not a bad idea......such as Guantanamo Bay Cuba....or "Gitmo" as it is "lovingly called".

 Gitmo is the "poster child" for terrorists who target the U.S. and its own interests. The Department of Defense has stated: " The closing of Gitmo is a national security imperative."

 The rationale of fear to the closing of this establishment is that the 166 detainees of Gitmo would endanger public safety.
 During the Bush administration, Gitmo hit an all time high of 779 detainees. Over 500 of these detainees have been released to 52 different countries. To operate Gitmo, the cost is $ 246,187, 974 dollars annually, or a little under 1.6 million dollars per detainee....compared to $34000 dollars per detainee in federal prisons throughout the nation.
 Since 9/11, there have been 494 convictions in our federal courts on the mainland on the charges of terrorism....in 36 different states and the district of Columbia.
 Currently, there are approximately 355 terrorist suspects incarcerated in the U.S., none have escaped and there is no evidence of any targeted revenge attacks reported.

 Jon McCain, democrats, and numerous others have strongly encouraged the closing of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Colin Powell was quoted: " I would close Guantanamo Bay...not tomorrow...but this afternoon."

 Defensive Spending cuts isn't necessarily always a bad thing, and saving the taxpayers money can be a good thing...all things remaining equal.

 Close it...and let's put an end to this unnecessary military spending.  

Part 2...."Praying for your Heart"

As I continue to enjoy Joe Bloom's article on "Praying for Your Heart", I will continue on with the "7 D's to praying for your heart.....

4. DISCERNMENT Having your heart be able to "pick-up" on things, whether it be right or wrong, good or bad, or simply not sure what to do...is a valuable tool to have in our journey through life. This virtue also demands practice...practice...practice.
 The big thing about discernment I have noticed is when I exercise discernment, it not only assists me in decisions that are good...or evil...discernment can help to avoid possible dangers life might "throw at you". Bloom suggests Hebrews 5:14 as a Sacred Scripture to use in learning about discernment, and I would like add one too.

 Hebrews 5:14  "Solid  food...from the Sacred Scriptures are meals designated for full grown men and women, trained by their journey through life by putting these very Scriptures into daily practice. Their mental toughness has been forged in life through trusting the words of these  Scriptures, and seasoned through life by the continual practice of applying these Scriptures into their very lives. 
 This life-long skilled training is able to achieve the ability to rely and turn to the ready counsel these very Scriptures provide...daily...and equally provides a power to not only recognize the good from the evil, but also brings a knowing from our hearts that is there to assist us, giving us the ability  to distinguish what may be good for a certain situation we encounter in life...or what may be wrong and should be avoided."

 The Sacred Scripture I would like to add concerning DISCERNMENT is the fact "doing good" is what Jesus really does...not what others, the world, or Satan might suggest otherwise. Knowing that Jesus wants to do good in your life...is the "ultimate discernment."

Acts 10:37-38  " After John the Baptizer had preached the message of " A Total Lifestyle Change", He arrived....Jesus...from Nazareth, yet, He was not alone! The Holy Spirit accompanied Jesus and together...they were ready for action.
 This one they called Jesus went throughout the region, finding comfort in announcing "Hope to the poor" in the local synagogues, doing good to those in their mundane and routine daily lives, and His total focus being...to assist others in their need. 
 Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit spent time healing those who were oppressed...by evil...Satan and his cohorts. You see, many had been captured by the evil influences of Satan, and their lives had become nothing more than "a number", while others had just given up on the dream of having a full life.
 Yet, Jesus...with the strength of the Holy Spirit...changed all that! God the Father had spoken concerning this outreach, and said: "Make it so!"

5. DESPERATE  Staying desperate to have Christ Jesus in your life...is another discipline that takes daily practice. For myself, I think there are times where I choose to ignore the counsel of Christ....and just "do my own thing". I have noticed when I get into that frame of thought...it is there life begins to become a little more meaningless....the focus changes from others to "what about me", and others around me...become less important. 
 The English definition of DESPERATE has some unique descriptions of what this word means. One favorite I have read in describing this word is " the look of hunger". Another description is " having a great need or desire to change and needing help...engaged in a battle with...hopelessness".
 In Bloom's article on "Praying for your Heart", he uses Psalm 119:67 as a Scriptural reference in having your heart kept in a "desperate mode". I would like to expand it a little and suggest a Gleaning from Psalm 119: 65-72:

Psalm 119:65-72   "You have done many good things for me Lord, just as Your Sacred Word has said You would. You have been faithful and treated me with kindness. I can say from an honest heart that I do genuinely believe and trust in Your Mighty Commands, and openly accept "Your Agenda on Life". What I would ask now as I implement these very Commands into my heart...that You would bless me with good and proper judgment, careful and wise discernment, and Your true and unselfish knowledge in fulfilling Your Commands that have been given to me.
 Before I ever even heard about Your way of Life, the disciplines I so desperately needed, and the fact I needed Your very Commands to discover what Life really meant....I often found myself afflicted about things, wandering off into crevices and the dark corners of life...never finding or understanding what Life really was.
 Yet, You found me...for that is the kind of heart You really have....one that is full of unselfish kindness. You then devoted Your time to teaching me Your Mighty Commands, and showed me "the art of applying Your Commands"...in my daily life. 
 Arrogant and ruthless people, not interested in getting to know You, spend their time smearing lies and rumors about me...just because I want to "hang with You". Yet, that's ok...I am better off to adhere to Your Commands than to listen to all the "trash talk" they are saying.
 Besides, these people who make-up all these lies and devise all these false stories...about both You and me...it is quite obvious after hearing a word or two from them...how dull their hearts really are...and how stupid they have become. In fact, it really makes no sense as to the words they "proclaim", it's like someone giving you a bucket of lard....nothing but grease and fat...and pretty slimy to even hold in your hand.
 No, my thoughts are on listening to the " Dance of Your Proclamations", even when my life has it's share of troubles. All my troubles do...is drive me closer to You.
 One word from Your lips....is worth more than any amount of words money could buy!"

2 more of the "D's".....

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Praying for your heart...

There is a blog called "Desiring God", and recently an interesting article by Joe Bloom entitled: "7 Ways to Pray for Your Heart" was posted.....

 Actually, what attracted me to this particular article was the title, however, I had misread it (lol). I thought the title was: 7 Ways to Pray FROM Your Heart". When I read it correctly, it  changed my whole thought process about what I was about to read. I don't know if I have ever thought about "praying FOR my heart", yet I am glad Joe Bloom has
 Praying from my heart is something I try to keep in mind consistently....kind of like "keeping prayer real" and not getting into some repetitious mode like if I pray a certain prayer enough times or with some type of dramatic emotion... it will somehow bring a  magical cure. (Yes...there is value to being persistent,  and written prayers are helpful....I just check myself to make sure these thoughts and prayers are coming from within...like "what I am really thinking.")

 But, praying for my heart... the curiosity was too much...got to check this out...and I am glad I did.

 In this article, Bloom breaks it down to "7 D's to Praying FOR Your Heart". He mentions toward the end of the article that his "7 D's" are not conclusive, and encourages the reader to expand his/her thoughts on what he has initiated. 
 For myself, Bloom's thoughts and ideas on the subject are excellent, and challenges you as a reader to not only adhere to the "7 D's", but create and personalize what Bloom has shared, building to the foundation he has established.

 The "7 D's" to praying FOR your heart....

1. DELIGHT   Learning to find your daily delight in having Christ Jesus in your heart is a process...that takes practice. It is so easy in this modern day of technology to be distracted..from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep. Your timer on the TV wakes you up...maybe there is a discussion going on the station you are listening to, the kids are awake, the cell phone rings....you have 12 messages on e-mail....and your off!
 Taking a certain amount of time in your day...to pray for your heart...takes a little planning. You might even ask yourself..."Why pray for my heart...a little selfish isn't it?" No, it's just the opposite. When you have your heart in the right place...you have now put yourself in a position to really be effective in reaching out to others...whether it be as simple as a smile and "How ya doin'" to knowing how to react when a friend calls you and is really needing help.
 Finding a delight in just knowing Him...seems to initiate His Peace to have reign in your daily activities. In Bloom's article, he suggests 2 verses from the Sacred Scriptures.
 a) Psalm 37:4 "Take time to find your delight in knowing Him, discover the joy of being His friend. You can trust Him that He will give to you the secret petitions of your heart...and answer your heart's desires as well."
b) Matthew 6:21 " The choices you make to put into your "treasure chest" through life, is also the place where your heart will be."

2. DESIRES  Bloom explains this so eloquently and yet identifying a simple truth: "Align the desires of your heart...with His." This can only happen by making a daily habit allowing Him to make those adjustments in our hearts we may be in need of. The Scripture Bloom chose for the word DESIRES is from Saint Matthew,  referencing  the opening lines of the "Our Father" prayer:
  Matthew 6:9-10   " When you pray, let your prayers begin along these lines: " Our Father, who is in heaven, may we set Your Name above all others, helping us to give all the honor to You...and Your Great Name. Reveal to us who You really are...by allowing Your Kingdom to be established within us. Let Your Will be made manifest in our lives here on earth...just as it is in heaven...where You are...."

3. DEPENDENCE  This particular thought or virtue is not one I have found easily attainable in certain times of my life. It seems particularly hard to do when "things are going good", my confidence is running high, and I think take on life at the moment...and win. I certainly think there is value in having a "winning attitude"...yet I must remind myself to "stick to the basics"....taking time each day to find my true comfort...the source of my confidence...being dependent on Him. The passage of Scripture Bloom chose for DEPENDENCE is from the Gospel of Saint John: 
 John 15:5   " I am the vine, you are the branches. You have made the decision to be joined with Me...and to remain with Me. Together we will grow and your harvest will be plentiful...having abundant fruit for not only yourself but for others as well. Remember, if you choose to cut off yourself from Me...your harvest will be...nothing."

 4 more to go.........

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Confidence..."Don't let it escape you...when it is needed"

In the Old Testament, particularly in the Book of 2 Chronicles, there reads of a King of Judea named...Hezekiah.....

 Hezekiah is recorded as one of the good kings of Judah, and although he had his ups and downs in life, he did do some extraordinary things.
 He had witnessed some rough things going on in his region, including the destruction of many cities in the northern kingdom of Israel...by the hated Assyrians.
 As a result, even though Israel had split into two separate countries, there were certain times they still tried to watch out for "each other's back".

 The word "confidence"....is described as " a certainty or a knowing consciousness that one's abilities and powers can overtake any situation you might be facing."
 That's how Hezekiah perceived the God of Israel to be...the True God that could be trusted regardless of circumstances he might face. In fact, King Hezekiah is regarded in history as one of the best of the Old Testament kings that came from Judah.
 When Hezekiah became King of Judah, he restored the faith of the Jewish people, returning to the Law of Moses and abolishing idolatry that had risen up through the area.
 The meaning of the name Hezekiah itself is "to strengthen, to fortify, to hold on and seize, to gather one's strength, or to take courage"....and Hezekiah lived up to the very meaning of his name.
 Hezekiah's commitment to following and adhering to the true God of Israel had built confidence within himself to the point he would encourage and strengthen his people to do likewise.

 Like many of us today, we are not all in an environment facing a war in our neighborhoods when we step outside our homes....yet there are many of us that are facing personal and war-like battles...that simply seem too impossible to defeat or overcome.
 We need confidence...pure and simple. Perhaps, just as King Hezekiah encouraged his people centuries ago, we might take a moment and listen to the words he spoke...and find encouragement as well. 

 In chapter 32 of II Chronicles...the setting had been set. The Kings of Assyria had taken over control of both Israel and Judah. To keep things from getting "really ugly", both Israel and Judah had to pay taxes to Assyria to keep things in a "peaceful state".
 Sargon II, a king of Assyria had passed away in 705 B.C. King Hezekiah of Judah then decided..."we have more than paid enough taxes"...so he stopped paying any tax...to the Assyrians.
 4 years after the death of Sargon II of Assyria, Sennacherib, the son of Sargon II and the current King of Assyria, made " a visit" to the area...in 701 B.C. King Sennacherib and his Assyrian army were able to capture many of the strong cities in Judah...and now he turned his attention to...Jerusalem. Hezekiah initially agreed to pay Sennacherib 300 talents of silver and 30 talents of gold...to get King Sennacherib and his army to "back-off". But...King Sennacherib decided...that wasn't good enough. King Hezekiah of Judea, who was residing in Jerusalem then thought: "If you think you are going to take down Jerusalem....you won't have any water supply to this city to refresh and strengthen yourself and your army......"

                                                         A Gleaning from 2 Chronicles 32: 2-8

 " When King Hezekiah soon realized King Sennacherib of Assyria only intent was to attack and capture Jerusalem, he then consulted with the city officials and military advisers as to their next plan of action. It was here the decision was made to shut off the flow of running water that came into the city of Jerusalem.
 The people of Jerusalem supported the decision made saying: " Why should the Assyrians come and take Jerusalem only to have plenty of water supply to refresh and strengthen themselves?"
 Along with this, King Hezekiah gathered his courage from the Lord and repaired broken down sections of the city walls. They added towers on these newly fortified walls and built another wall alongside the walls that had been repaired.
 The people of Jerusalem reinforced the terrace areas in the City of David section of Jerusalem and made sure the landfill areas were also fortified. 
 Along with all this construction, King Hezekiah and his counsel had weapons and shields made...in abundance.

 Then, King Hezekiah appointed military leaders....captains of war...over the people of Jerusalem, and gathered them all together for a meeting at the public square in front of the main city gate. It is at this moment King Hezekiah shows "his true self" by the following encouraging words: " Listen, this is a time for us to be strong...and courageous! Don't let the invading armies of Assyria intimidate or discourage you, and don't let your fears get the best of you! Here is why: There is Another...who is greater than all of us....greater than all the plans we could ever make...and greater than any army that chooses to come against us...including this mighty Assyrian army! This Assyrian army is only...a vast amount of men...but keep in mind...they are merely men. We have the support of a much Greater One...the Lord God Himself!...and He has given His oath to help and protect us...He will be our True Leader and fight our battles for us! This Assyrian army can only depend...on their human power. We, on the other hand...have a much greater power....the One who Rises Above the Cliffs...and takes on our adversaries....for us!"
 As a result, the words of King Hezekiah were embraced by his people...into their very hearts...and their morale surged."


 So, what happened?

 King Sennacherib of Assyria heard about these "encouraging words" of King Hezekiah, and sent some of his own messengers to announce words he wanted the people of Jerusalem to hear...he even had them translated and spoken in the native tongue of the Jewish people...Hebrew...so there would be no misunderstanding as to what King Sennacherib of Assyria wanted to say. His messages included the following"
 " King Hezekiah was wrong for tearing down all your "neighborhood gods", now I am here to seek vengeance for his actions."
 " There has not been even one...god ...who could stand up against us...Do you really think your God...has a chance?"
 " Is this what you really want...to be destroyed and we can tell our children when they ask us...and what is that "notch in your belt " for?"

 After the onslaught of verbal threats and abuses spoken by King Sennacherub of Assyria had been sent...verse 20 is where it all happened. It reads that King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah, after listening to all these threats.....responded....but NOT to the messages they received from the king of Assyria...instead...they responded by praying and seeking for God's help. They ignored what they had heard...and perhaps what their eyes were telling them...and went to the Lord. This seems to be a key when "life is up against us".

 And then what happened?

 The Scriptures state the Lord God of Israel sent....one angel...one angel...and when King Sennacherib of Assyria looked out across his vast army....they were dead...all of them...every Assyrian soldier and their commanders. "Game Over"!

 Hardships are a part of life...yet it is not the hardships that determine who we are...it's who we put our confidence in when the hard times are here. Our confidence, our courage, and our trust...is to come from spending time with Him. Don't respond to the negative and evil thoughts and threats that often generate in our own minds...and don't let the worries of life...keep you from going to "The One who Rises Above the Cliffs".

 OH...and what happened to King Sennacherib, the King of Assyria? Well, he returned to his home...totally ashamed. He never did get the opportunity to tell his kids of his military accomplishments...for one day while the king was worshipping one of his "no-name' gods, this one was called Nishroch...two of his sons decided to kill their father. And that was the end of King Sennacherib.