Saturday, August 23, 2014

The most challenging and influential words I have ever read: "Follow Me!"

"Follow Me"...the very words of Jesus Himself...

 In the 4 Gospels, the words "Follow Me" are recorded...23 times. The "rule of thumb" I always use when in bible study is if the Bible says the same thing twice, God is wanting me to know it might be important and give value to my daily lifestyle...and to read it 23 times...this must be like.."the most important thing ever"...right?

 When I read or hear the phrase "Follow Me", there are a "ton" of ideas that seem to pop in my head, and quite frankly, these ideas of mine have negative connotations. I think of things like carrying a large cumbersome cross, being burdened down with heartaches...for myself as well as others, having strained relationships with friends and family because I mentioned Him in conversation, looking for happiness and joy in a thankless job, or rationalizing why I suffer, whether it be spiritual or physical, because I made this monumental "Follow Him".

And...not everyone does...some refuse...or say they have other things to do first before they can respond to His words "Follow Me"...which are all in present!
 Check this out!

                                               A Gleaning from Luke 9: 57-62

" While travelling and walking on the road, someone spoke up along the way ...directly to Jesus! : " Look! I will always follow You...and I will follow You no matter where you go, nor question why You are going, or when You go!" is Jesus's turn to join in the conversation: "Really? You are really wanting to follow Me? You do realize it is not all the nice stuff in Ramada Inns and high dollar hotels right? Let Me make this clear to you: foxes have dens to go to, birds have nests to rest in...yet the Son of Man...He doesn't have any place...even to lay His head and rest."
 Yet, another man spoke up...and Jesus said again: "Ok...Follow Me."

Yet, this guy responds: "Well, hold up for a minute Jesus...I may need a little time. You see, my father has not even passed away yet, and I have an inheritance at stake here. Yet, when my father passes...I am there for You!"
 Jesus then responds in a rather "cold" reaction: " I will tell you what...why don't you just let the dead bury their own dead. Your inheritance is worthless if everyone in your family...doesn't know Me. Your first and most pressing issue of business? tell the world...including your family...the Kingdom of God is at NOW!"

 And yet again, another guy speaks up and says: " Ok...I get it. But seriously, You can't even give me enough time to say good-bye to my family? Don't You think it is proper to get things straight...before I leave?"
Jesus responds: " Really? You and I both know if you go back will not come back. This is your time..."Seize the Day" my friend! Otherwise, what value is there in telling others the Kingdom of God is...right here...right now!"

 It seems so monumental to many of us how if we choose to "Follow Me"...comes at a wrong time in our lives...right? We always seem to have things..."left undone". Jesus says..."Drop it...get the Kingdom of God in your heart first...then deal with it." Isn't Jesus rather demanding?

 More to come on this.....

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